"Why didn't you wait till the end of the service" "For what? Pastor Luke" she rolled her eyes. He grabbed her waist. "I was worried Marissa! And it's Luke" "I could not continue looking at you at that altar, I just want you to sleep with me c'mon!" She yelled. "Not this again" He withdrew his hands. "We have to be married.. an.." "I'm not ready!" "Till then" He walked away leaving her staring at him. Marissa had a phobia for marriage and ministers of God weren't her kind of people, but then Luke.
"Marissa!" She paused to see who the heck had yelled out her name.
It was Mr Steve Oteo, her dad. She rolled her eyes carelessly also wondering why she had not guessed that since he was the only one who calls her name in full.
"Man! You walk like a horse" he said panting.
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" She frowned.
He straighten up knowing fully well that she could walk away.
"Why do you keep stalking me? Do I need to call the police?" She pulled out her phone obviously just threatening him.
"No..No..um.. I'm sorry if it looks like I'm stalking you, but I just wanted to have a good time with my daughter, my child. Pls Marissa, don't make it difficult" He pleaded hovering his jacket.
"Oh, I'm making it difficult now" She smiled sarcastically. "If I remembered vividly, you were the one who left us for another and you have kids..so stay well and get a thicker jacket." She walked out on him.
Steve watched his daughter go, it's been over five years since he left Marissa's mother and has been trying to explain to her why things didn't work out for them anymore, but she was being stubborn just like him. She had his height, big blue eyes, black hair and that pointed nose. She was now a woman and he felt bad that things were still sore for them, getting himself back together, he walked on too.
The door started banging as Rose flipped the eggs.
"I'm coming!" she lowered the gas and ran to get the door.
Marissa stomped in. "Why did it take you so long, Mom?"
"Oh..Hello to you to you too dear" She gave a sarcastic smile as she shut the door.
She sighed. "I'm sorry but I'm just mad right now" She threw her bag over the couch.
"Did Steve get to talk to you when you got out of work?" She had a little expectant smile.
" You knew Mom?" She stared at her.
" He has always been doing this, so yeah" she smiled instead and went over to the counter to continue the food she was making.
She went towards the stairs. "I don't understand how you are so soft but he still left you.."She was angry at her mom as she walked up the stairs.
"We had no love for each other anymore" Rose whispered to herself and she was trying so hard to make her daughter understand that.
She later got down with her mom so they could eat dinner and she was so glad living with her mom since she was the only family who still loved her,well, according to her.
"How was work? She asked her as she got herself seated on the dining table.
"Nothing from the usuals and I think I need a leave or something.. I'm tired" She rubbed her head.
" It's what you signed up for, being a surgeon who specializes in the heart." He mom sounded excited, she was really proud of her daughter.
" It's called cardiologist, mom" she smiled back munching her food.
" This Asian omelette I made turned out really well"
" I'm not going to lie, that's true. You just look up something in the internet and just make it.." She answered back.
"Can you be home earlier tomorrow? Let's say before 5pm? " She wiped her lips.
" Tell that man not to stalk me and I am going to make it then" She replied with a little funny frown. " I really hope it's not that church thing again Mom, what do they even tell you there" She shook her head in disapproval.
" What do you mean what they tell us? It's God and christian daily living..If it's just once Rissa.." She pleaded.
" The funniest is that you believe in all those things, how do you even recognize God?" Rissa has always thought that all those things sounded like bluff to her.
"You know I feel like I can't convince you, all I need you to do is to show up at the church and just listen to the words of God. You should give him a chance and stop pushing him away, he will give you the peace you need Rissa." Rose got up with her plates.
"What if I go and I don't want to go anymore?"
" Then I promise, I would never disturb you about it anymore." She assured.
" Deal then" She smiled at her mom.
"You should know that I hate myself for agreeing to do this with you, I know I am going to hate it already." She said driving into the parking lot with other member's car. She stared at the cars and she was dazzled, mahn, they have got rich people in this church and very handsome men too, who knows, it's been a while she had a good sex.
They got out of her car as people trooped in. "Are you sure it's not Sunday?" She whispered to her mom who smiled. "How do you explain the crowd?"
"It's the assistant Pastor's birthday today and we are celebrating it, people came with a lot of eat and drink." She replied smiling.
"Does that explain the loads of snacks you came with?" She frowned at her mom, she had asked why she came with all of that, but she kept on saying she was going to find out.
"Yes darling, I am one of the respected member's in the church, it's only right" She said honestly. "After the little talk the Pastor would give then everyone would go get their items."
"That's my fucking money!" She almost screamed. People tilted their heads a bit because she said the forbidden word of course.
Rose only sneaked away to avoid further banter from her daughter. She had to go in and she got seated beside her, she started around the church and she had to confess, it was nicely looking with people dressed and patiently waiting for the Pastor or what.
"Hey" She felt a tap by her. This talk dark skinned and goodlooking man was standing. "Could you move a bit?"
He smiled.
She knew there were other seats, but he chose to sit by her which she found interesting. She adjusted on the pew so he could seat.
"Thank you" He kept the broad smile. "I see that you are new" He held his hand out to her.
She took it and stared at his eyes all lust..she smiled because was this not supposed to be a church.
Sex starved men looking for a woman to get in bed with and the church was the easiest place to find one and she was in for it.
"I'm Lawrence, nice to meet and I hope we could get to talk after the church service" He held the hand.
"I'm Marissa but people call me Rissa" She smiled back
Just then she felt a nudge on her laps, it was her mom and she slowly slipped her hand away turning away from the man she moved closer to her.
" Why did you do that?" She whispered into her ears.
" Why were you talking with Lawrence and giving him such smile? " She whispered back with a sound of disdain.
" Oh, you know him. Wait! Why do you sound disgusted about it?" She could not help but smile, did she not trust her church people anymore.
"Lawrence hovers around women like a plague with sweet words, I don't like him and everyone knows him" She whispered back.
She was glad her Mom knew that one. Then suddenly everyone was getting up and the hymns were rolling in, she stirred her gaze to the altar and an elderly looking man who seemed to be in his fifties, he wore a black shirt and a brown pants with the white collar neck walked on the altar with a smile and just immediately another man walked into the altar. He looked much younger but very good looking. He was not putting the same attire, he wore a grey shirt tucked into a black pants with a shoe. He looked a bit just older than she was.
"Are those the pastors?" She fixed her eyes on the man.
"Those are Preacher Harven and the assistant is Pastor Maddins" Her whispered in smiles as she sang the hymn along with them.
" Thank you, please, have your seats" The Preacher said into the microphone and they all sat. The other got seated at the front pew.
" The peace of the lord be with you!" He said with his hands wide stretch.
"And with you too" The all chorused.
" We know we have no special program on Thursday but because it was Pastor Maddins birthday today, we decided to celebrate with him.. Happy birthday" He looked at his direction and he gave a bow gently.
Rissa could not take her eyes off the Pastor for some reason, he was too hot to be doing this, if he was a doctor, it would be better because how can a man look this good and preach to people.
"Today we would take a quick look at depression" He looked up at his members. "Most of you would be thinking that I should not be talking about such a topic, at least on a happy day but my spirit has always wanted to talk about it and today is just right because I am also seeing new faces, I see some of us came with our families. " He kept a genuine smile.
" We should always try to check up on people, either family or friends or even our neighbors because you have no idea who you might be saving with that 'hi, are you doing okay?' the most depressed people are those who tend to smile a lot because they could easily cover it up and try to talk to everyone when they are in their own space, they cry and think of things they should not even think about" He flipped his bible.
" (Deuteronomy 31:8). Don't be dismayed because God is with you! Just as he swore to never desert the people of Israel, he will NEVER leave you or forsake you because you are in Christ. You are his child, and like a dad clearing a path through the woods for his small child, so God is going ahead of you, clearing the way."
"It could be caused by someone or not getting or achieving what we want or disappointment or things not working out for us or maybe the words of our mouth. We should mind the way we talk to people because our words could sting. Imagine calling a woman barren, don't ever say that. I don't even think that is a word to say to a human, simple...she has no kids yet but barren..never" He closed the bible.
" Father lord.." He began and bend their head into deep bows. " Your children has gathered in your presence,may they dwell in your teaches and grant them their heart desires.. in Jesus name!"
" Amen" Everyone answered and raised their head.
The preacher went to sit at his seat which was a bit away from the altar and the Pastor stepped up.
" I learnt a lot from that preaching and I hope you all did about this rampant depression going around" His voice was so audible into the mic.
After the one hour church service that looked like five hours to Rissa was finally over, it was time for the eating and drinking while the Pastors went into their office to get ready maybe. Everyone went towards their boot and got out one thing or the other.
Rissa's mom had packed a pack of soda, a lot of taco,sushi, cookies and a medium sized cake which she made herself.
The table was set outside and as each family gathered, everyone going round to check out what the other brought and tasting it.
"Miss Howly" A woman greeted Rose with a smile.
" Oh..Mrs Cowen, I didn't see you there" The hugged each other lightly.
" It's fine, you were busy setting up your table" She glanced over at her table and turned to Rissa.
"Is this Dr. Oteo?" She turned to her mom then to her and the other nodded.
" Oh my" She threw her arms over her. " He mom has told us a lot about you.." She was all smiles after letting her go buy still holding her arm.
*You can me Rissa , ma'am" She came you with a innocent smile.
" Okay then thats awesome, I heard you aren't born again yet?" She reduced her smile.
Rissa turned to her mom with a what the heck is this smile and she only smiled back. "It's my first time here"
" I believe that with time, you would convert. Come and meet my son, he converted last month" Just like that she got dragged away.
Risaa was talking to the woman son who could not stop talking about God this and that which was a turn off for her before Lawrence walked in.
"Excuse me Mr Cowen but I need to take her, its important" He winked at her.
"That's fine then" He smiled and Lawrence took her away.
They walked to his table where he only had some beer on.
"I saved you right?" He smiled hard.
"Gorgeous yes, thank you" She smiled back. "I guess you brought the beer"
"Someone had to and I was a great fit, don't worry it's not that strong. I'll open up one for you" He took a glass.
She was staring into the crowd and then she spotted the man of the moment who had women around him. Her mom said Lawrence was the women boy but it looked like the Pastor was, he had a glass of drink in his hand as he spoke with them and they laughed. His eyes were not filled with lust, it was just utter sisterly genuine kind of looks. She would puke if he looked at her that way.
She didn't take her eyes off him and just then his gaze caught hers, with that stern smile, he gave her that look and she felt she would almost puke.
"No man looks at me that way, disgusting!" She smiled in murmurs.
" You said something?" Lawrence handed her a bottle.a
" Oh-no" She smiled ridiculously. " This is good beer " She sipped continuously. " It has a strong taste and I love it" She glanced over to her previous view but he was no longer there, that was disappointing.
" I know right" He smiled. "Hello birthday boy" He added.
Pastor Maddins was there by Lawrence as he grabbed a bottle of beer too. If she had not been told that he was a Pastor by her Mom and she had actually seen him on that altar, she would not believe it. He looked too normal and casual.
"This is strong beer Lawrence" He gave him a knowing smile and then turned to her.
"Don't go telling the Preacher man" He nudged his shoulder with a smile and the later winked. "Meet Rissa Oteo here" He placed a hand on her shoulder like he had known her for ages.
He looked at her with warmth, it was different from the sisterly look and she liked that better. "I have stolen few glances of her, I thought she looked like someone I know" He said back at him.
"Mrs Howly's daughter" He said back. The little resemblance is there.
"It's Miss, Lawrence" He corrected. Turning to her now. "Hi. Miss Oteo, it's nice to have you here at our church" He stretched his hand over.
"It was like I was invisible for a while" She smiled a little as she took his hand, he seemed close with Lawrence like they were pals, he had a really firm grip and they were very warm. "Pls just call me Rissa" She added.
Her hand were really soft and he could not stop taking in that blue deceitful eyes. "Unless you promise to call me, Luke" He finally let go of hers.
Luke, an expected name for a Pastor but him.
"Deal then" She dropped her bottle and kept her arms folded. "I think I should go over to my mom's corner" She gave him a smile and walked off.
Luke stared off at the woman taking her physiques in which felt really unusual for him, not that he had never seen a woman like a woman but it was kind of unusual with Rissa, he had caught a glimpse of her on the altar and when he was with other brethren.
"No Pastor should be staring at a woman like that" Lawrence jerked him off with a large laugh.
He placed the bottle down. "Oh c'mon Lawrence, I wasn't looking at her anyway and what do you mean by no Pastor, I am a man too dude" He felt that though. Every one has this narrative that Pastors don't have the right to have a love life or even a sexual life which was difficult for him. They all want him to probably swing into marriage without even dating, the preacher had tutored him about all this and to always clear them.
Mothers brought their daughter to introduce to him and he got a lot of unexpected knocks, they all wanted to talk and probably settle down and it wasn't even their idea but their parents. He had thought no one did that anymore, well, maybe expect Pastors.
"Don't go close man, I have an eye for her." The other downed his beer.
"You have an eye for every woman man and Miss Howly won't appreciate that too, you gatta change man" He smiled at him.
"Yeah..no mother approves me.." He rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault I have a high sex drive" He said back.
"Self control is a discipline, dude. You also need love and a woman to treat you right." He patted his shoulder.
He jerked his hand off. "No woman out there wants that type of man, we all want sex. Pastor. Anyways, I'll see you later" He walked away.
The rest of the evening had gone smoothly, everyone had a lot to talk about and also meet, eat and drink. They all got the whole surrounding cleared up and heading back home.
" We should leave now Mom, I'm drained" She said looking fatigued.
"Of course, I thought I should say hi to the Preacher but he seems busy" She said heading back to the car.
"They're just human, gosh" She headed to the car too and got in by her mom and just when she was about to start the car, there was a little tap on the window. Rissa stared at the man with gorgeous black eye balls, who kept a little smile on his face.
"Roll it down!" Rose almost screamed in excitement.
Rissa rolled the windows down a bit. "Hey Luke" She flashed him a large smile.
"Don't call him that, it's Pastor Maddins " She corrected her daughter immediately.
Luke smiled. "It's fine Miss Howly, I kinda gave that permission and she obviously doesn't know when not to use it" He gave her a knowing smile.
"Oh, I see" She looked excited.
"Do we see you in our church again?" He sounded serious.
Rissa thought it through and she actually didn't have an answer for that which was shocking, she should say no but it was not working.
"Uhm.. I don't know" She said honestly.
"Please, do show up on Sunday"
"Er..er..I... gotta go to work and I'll be back during the day " She shrugged off carelessly.
Luke really wanted her to come to church because he had found out that she was an unbeliever which wasn't healthy.
"I could set up a one on one casual meeting with you " He added. "Promise it's not going to be boring " He also added with a brisk smile.
"Great" She could hear herself almost scream. "5pm tomorrow?" She rested her elbow by the window.
"That's fine Miss Oteo" He patted her arm which kind of caught her off guard before realising that he had called her formally. "I'll leave now, bye" He smiled away.
"Have you both known each other for like forever ?" Rose grabbed her arm. "The connection was oozing" She kept rubbing her cheek.
"Get off me, Mom" She got her off gently laughing. "He's a hot cake and I am taking him to bed, that's all. No hard strings" She assured her.
Rose frowned at her daughter, she was always against men and entanglement, it was just sex for her and nothing more.
"Don't do that to a Pastor and I think he is trying to make you draw a little bit closer to God, he obviously notices you are an unbeliever" She tighten her seatbelt.
"Yeah.. right. Believe whatever you want Mom " She started the car and took a final glance for Luke but he wasn't anywhere around, with that she rolled the car out and into the road.
Did you guys enjoy this chapter? I hope you did and you are progressing to the next. What do you think about Rissa Oteo? ›››