
Undying Breath in the Apocalypse

In a world suddenly flooded with a surplus of breathable air, a new era unfolds. Follow Alex, an unassuming civilian, as he discover newfound strengths amidst the chaos. Join his journey of adaptation, discovery, and determination in a world where the air is the source of life and death. Unearth secrets! Gain abilities! Restore humanity!

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21 Chs

Causing Trouble

Alex didn't gamble and decided to make sure he kills the target.

He swapped to the wooden bat and performed a quick lunge to crush its head to w pulp, causing an even bloodier mess on the floor.

"That's for trying to kill me."

He raised his weapon once again and brought the bat down.

"That's for killing and eating your dog."

Raise and bring it down again.

"And that's for not letting me f*cking sleep the whole dawn."

Alex stared awkwardly at the mess on the corridor.

The blood slowly trickled out of the head and filled the place with a strong stench of decay.

"I don't have to clean this, right? This guy should disappear too just like the other guy."

But just in case it doesn't happen, Alex pulled the dead man out of the apartment.

Immediately, he noticed how the guy isn't wearing any shoes and have long sharp nails on his feet.

That caused him to be curious, so he did a double take and investigated the zombie variation while he was here.

It had long legs and long arms that almost has the same size. Both nails on hands and feet were long and sharp just like the nails of a wild animal.

Its head is bald and covered in scratches. Its skin looks dried up and wrinkled.

Overall, it doesn't look like a human at all.

"Looks like the evolution for a dog. Is it because it ate a dog? Is it evolving backwards? What about the other variation before, why did it become a toxin spitter? It shouldn't be because he's a toxic person, right?"

Something normal finally happened next.

A series of clamoring and running echoed in the peaceful area.

Zombies finally became interested in the commotion hr created!

Alex immediately ducked and made his presence less noticeable.

More zombies finally wandered on the area looking for the one who made such loud noises.

Luckily, the zombies doesn't seem to know exactly on where to search and grasped on straws on where to head.

"They must have heard the gunfire and came running. Thankfully, I finished things quickly or I'll be in a deeper trouble."

He was about to turn around to go back to his place, but he was just in time to see the zombie dog's dustification.

Since he's already out and hidden, he decided to wait a few more seconds to wait for the zombie owner's dustification.

The dog didn't drop anything but the zombiefied owner dropped another crystal stone.

Now that he have two stones, he noticed a bit of similarities and differences.

The first one he got had some tinge of green on it, while the new stone is kind a bit of dark.

After picking the stone, Alex went back to his apartment and locked the door. He checked the perimeter on his laptop and once he made sure no zombies chased after him, he started wiping himself up with some towel.

"I think this place is getting more dangerous now. But I don't think there is a safer place for me than this building right now."

The building has been fully cleared and based on the zombies coming and going on the road, as long as he doesn't do anything stupid to attract attention, he could stay here all he want.

Unless more zombie variation appears and notices him.

"Variations should be rare, right? I can't be so unlucky to get hunted by more of them. Forget that. All I want right now is some sleep."

Alex closed his phone and laptop before charging them.

"Goodnight people who haven't died yet, and good morning as*holes who just won't stay dead."

Alex went to his bedroom and locked the door and the sliding window, making sure to close the curtain for more privacy.

"There's no way something could sneak up on me now, right? Also, I should stop raising flags everywhere."

He shook his head and laid down on his bed as he pulled the blanket over him.

Sleepiness slowly crept to him and the next moment, he was already snoring.

While Alex was sleeping, more and more zombies gathered in the area.

Due to him being the only one who caused great disturbance early in the morning, most of the wandering zombies gathered near his location.

Another thing about his location is its located almost at the furthest edge of the town.

He's actually much closer to the wild forest than the city center.

That's the reason why the rent is cheap and the landlord had to install attractive features like a security system, parking lots, and free WiFi to get people to rent.

It's almost an hour commute just to go to the city center if you don't own a car.

Unknowingly, Alex caused great chaos for a lot of hidden survivors in the vicinity.

He rattled the cage too early in the morning and not everyone was ready for an early surprise.

Some survivors got trapped, others woke up getting eaten as breakfasts, and others cursed their bad luck as they made their escapes while leaving their hard earned place last night.

When he woke up near the afternoon, the place was quiet once more and he didn't have a single clue about what happened in the morning.

"Another peaceful day."

Alex smiled with satisfaction and decided to make some quick lunch because he was starving.

"What should I cook now? Let's go with fishballs... I'm really craving for some fishballs right now. For the sauce, let's search for a simple recipe online."

Time passed and it's almost dinner again.

Alex hasn't received a call or a text from his parents, lowering his appetite to gorge on the last piece of frozen meat he just fried.

While Alex had the time to worry about others, a lot of survivors didn't have the same luxury to do so.

In the province of Rizal, a group of survivors were running for their lives. Their faces pale and eyes wide.

The man at the lead suddenly stopped and fell to the ground knee first.

He tried to stand immediately and ignore what happened but the pain prevented him from doing so.

People easily surpassed him as his speed slowed down to a limp and he could only sat up on the ground.

Realizing what's going to happen next, the man started to tear up.

"Noooo, please stop! Someone help me!"

None of his friends or people he chatted happily last night dared to stop and help him.

Everyone continued running.

Seeing people pass him left and right, fury rose inside him and suddenly grabbed someones ankle.

"Ack! What are you doing crazy bastard!? Let go of me!"

The man didn't care about the woman's screams and instead tried to use her as leverage to stand up.

Which obviously failed as he just fell on top of her.

"Help! Someone help us!"

The man shouted at the top of his lungs while grabbing the woman, making sure she couldn't break free.

Of course no one helped them and despite the woman's violent struggle, he didn't let her go.

She just stared blankly at the approaching sea of dead people behind them before both of them gets swallowed by the tide.

On a high rise building, a group of rich second generations formed circles with their group of friends.

A man in glasses who wore a coat and tie and looked like a professional businessman spoke to a cheery man at he center of the group.

"Mark, what do we tell Jun once he comes back?"

The man spoken to didn't appreciate getting interrupted when he was speaking with other people.

The man scowled and replied angrily. "About what?"

"About what happened to Jensen. He died after, you know, eating that stone we found from the zombie."

"Why are you even thinking about that? He's probably dead now with his idiot goons. We took most of the guns, so he can't reach the 7th floor that easily."

"Well, I mean, they're kind of friends based on how they've interacted with each other, so he might do something once he returns from his trip."

The man is staring daggers at this point.

"Don't worry then, I'll take care of the bastard son if he ever comes back."