

◇A few hours later (laziness goes burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)◇

Sans's POV

The eraser guy took me to the police station and they arrested the Villains that attacked. He also checked my 'file' ,as they called it, but nothing showed up. The police were...shocked? scared? but Awzia told them something and they left me alone. Then we went to a night Cafe. I think I didn't show anything suspicious. So far so good.

"So. Where are you from? And tell me the truth. You don't seem to know your way around here, and you mentioned you don't have a house. Who are your parents? What's your full name?"


He sighed. "Look, if you don't wanna share it, then don't. But, the police WILL come here and ask you sooner or later. And if that happens, you will be getting into a lot of trouble. "

Silence again.

"...If you tell me the whole thing now, then I swear I won't ask anymore and the police won't come here, cause I saw your look when you gaze up the sky. AND the flashing light. So, if you tell me, I'll leave you alone, alright?"

I sighed. I thought how he'll react. How everyone will react. Oh well, there's no way outta this, huh?


.....here goes nothing.

◇also, he knows he went to another world cause he felt it.◇

"i'm from a different universe. or world, whatever it rolls. i have no idea how, or what happened, but i'm tellin the truth. all i know is i came here, somehow, and don't really wanna go back."

He looked back at me, but his eyes didn't held too much shock. Good, he's talking it well. Or I hope.


wow...he's chill. I almost didn't believe it.

"really? no jaw-dropping stuff?" I asked, uncertainty in my tone.

"No, not really. Your eye's gaze when you looked down your hands, your curiosity to every part of the society, and the way you looked at everything says it all. Well, almost. I suppose you're a skeleton before?"

WHAT? how did he know? wait...

"don't tell me..." My voice slowly trailed away.

"Yup. You gasped and blushed deep blue furiously at a Halloween decoration like it's naked...again, the way you looked at yourself at the alley is too hard to not notice. "



◇omg...why did I write this......whatever 乁( ˙ω˙ )厂◇

I took a deep breath and calmed down, while inside my own head I was screaming like no one screamed before.

"hmmm...I need to keep an eye on you anyway, so why don't you come to my house and live with me for a day? You can attend Yuei high tomorrow as I'm a teacher there and I'm quite close to the principle."

Wow. Talking about smoothing moving.

"um....ok? also, what's Yuei high?"

"Oh, right, I forgot. It's a hero school. In this world, as you already noticed, 80% people have what you call 'superpowers'. We, call them 'quirks' and heroes uses them to defeat villains and save people."

I nodded, catching up those important info. I don't wanna miss anything since who knows how long I'll be here.

"So, Yuei high is a top hero school to help and teach students to become heroes."

"couldn't the people save themselves? i mean, they're not trained but at least they can fight for self defense, right?"

"Good question. No. The law forbids it. If everyone just use their quirks without restrictions, the world will be chaos."

"i see..." The world may be very unstable if everyone fights so having laws can be normal.

"So. Let's go to my house. I finished my coffee anyway."

"alright alright i'm coming."

◇ After some walking ◇

I panted a little, not used to walking for sooooooo long. I swear I'll sleep on the floor for a day. Usually I just let paps carry me...so......


God. I miss him. His voice, his smile, everything.


I miss everyone.


still, I cannot go back there anymore. The reason I came is to avoid their last death words after all. They haunted me, and this is a place to escape them.

"Here it is, make yourself at home." Awazia announced.

In front of me is an apartment that's a bit messy, with documents and files stewn across the floor. The tv's booming loudly with some news on. The kitchen, which is surprisingly clean and spotless, made the house look like an oasis in a desert...well, a dirty desert I guess.

"Sorry about the mess, I wasn't expecting guests." He added, a little embarrassed.

"nah, thanks for treating me." I replied, used to living in messy places. (for example, his own room.)

"Not a fan of cleaning up, eh?"


"Well, you'll be living in another place tomorrow, so bear with it."

Without another word, he heads to his own room, crashed into his bed, and slept with his snores filling the entire house.

"........i guess i'll sleep on the couch."

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