
Under That Stupid Moonlight

Hiding in plain sight for years, the Misfits reveal themselves to the rest of the supernatural, causing chaos in the world lit by the moon. Naturally, as a bunch of over-hormonal and slightly mentally unstable teenagers with bullshit powers, canon was fucked, bent over, head down, ass up. (Cover art originally illustrated by Yoshinori Shizuma, I simply added the words. Please don't sue me!) 10K views on 4/1/2024 100 Collections on 4/2/2024

KingOfMisfits7 · Komik
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Anything you recognize isn't mine. I only own the OCs and some other things. Credits go to their original owners.

Volume 1: The Misfits of Kuoh Academy

Ever heard of the Supernatural? No, not the TV series, but something similar to that. Where Angels and Devils fight each other in a never ending conflict of good and evil. Where Demigods go on heroic adventures for glory and honor. Where Gods fight amongst themselves while trying to either stop or advance the Apocalypse. Humans thought they were just legends and myth, thought up hundreds of years ago as bedtime stories for children.

But even some legends have some truth in them.

What humans had long believed to be mere legends were actually true. They existed and they were very much real.

As hard as it is to believe, the Supernatural World existed, and it is all thanks to PLOT!

There are many factions and pantheons operating within the Supernatural World such as the Norse Gods, the Greek Gods, the Egyptian Gods, the Hindu Gods, who no one wants to mess with under any circumstances, and so many more.

But the main focus of the current arc isn't about this background characters, but rather the side characters known as the Three Factions, formerly known as the Abrahamic Pantheon.

The Three Factions was created by one man centuries ago. The God of the Bible, or Big G as everyone likes to call him nowadays, created the Angels to be his warriors and children and casted out those Angels who disobeyed his teachings, therefore creating the Fallen Angels.

When he banished his favorite son to the depths of the Underworld for starting a certain civil jihad in Heaven, he indirectly created the Devils, who would share the Underworld with the Fallen Angels.

But unlike other supernatural groups which were apparently more or less independent of each other, these three factions were all interconnected. Together they spawned the largest religion *cough* mental disease *cough* in the world, Christianity, and became recorded in the Bible, turning them into the Abrahamic Pantheon.

But with different ideals and ambitions, war was inevitable between these three and the pantheon would break apart.

Though the exact reason was lost over time, tensions rose between the factions to the point where conflict was unavoidable.

The war, that has come to be known as the Great War, lasted for hundreds of years with all three sides losing great numbers of warriors. But it was the Devils that suffered the most losses.

Eventually, a lot of other races were pulled into war because of the opportunities it presented for themselves and their factions. Soon enough, the entire world was filled with utter chaos.

But the war was finally put to an end by a treaty signed in Asgard after the deaths of the Biblical God and the Four Great Satans.

Unbelievable as it may seem, it is true. God had died in the war and we killed him.

Just kidding, it was actually the Devils who did the deed but you get what I mean.

The death of God, the only real deity within the Abrahamic Pantheon, caused said pantheon to collapse.

While the war had ended between them, animosity was still palpable between the factions. True a ceasefire was enacted, but the tension between them was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. So in case things go south, the factions were preparing and amassing their forces.

Now, centuries after Michael, the Right Hand of God and current King Regent of Heaven; Azazel, the Governor-General of the Fallen Angel Organization Grigori; and Zekram Bael, the Great King of Bael, had signed a non-aggression pact with one another, the world could now heal from its wounds.

Today, the peace was still fragile but at least the factions were coexisting again.

However, our story isn't about these factions or their little war.

It's about five retardedly powerful humans and their proclivity for destruction and debauchery.




In an undisclosed location, a group of twelve people were seated around a U-shaped table located in a dark room. The only object that the light touched was the table itself, allowing the twelve to effectively hide their bodies and faces.

"According to some of our recon teams, the Warmonger is currently busy with amassing a huge army." The man in the first seat said. Murmurs of discontent ran through the other eleven people seated. "Even if there are multiple places he could strike, we all know where he intends to resume the paused play."

The other eleven nodded in unison. The person in the second seat made their opinion known. "What if we were to ally with the Vatican? Most of our hypotheses conclude with the Church being attacked first before the Warmonger and his army moves to strike at the City of Devils." Two said, her feminine voice making it clear to all that she was a woman.

"Working with the Church is out of the question..." The frown in One's voice was heard by everyone. "...for now that is. They are not receptive of our methods, and considering that most of our agents were indoctrinated to not believe in any deity, teamwork between our agents and theirs would be non-existent."

"What if they were to get involved, Director?" The man in the fifth seat spoke up. "If word gets out, the Church will most surely send out their Exorcists to deal with the situation."

Seven snorted. "Sending a bunch of fanatical, wet-behind-the-ears exorcists to a city ruled by Devils? HA! That will certainly end well!" The man then topped it off with a fit of loud laughter.

"Despite his sarcasm, Seven is correct." The woman in the fourth seat agreed. "An alliance, even a temporary one, between the Church and the Underworld was and will never be considered by the higher ups in the Vatican. Exorcists and their fanatical devotion to God, and the Devils with their very existence, these two will never work in concert."

One nodded his head at the astute observation. "You are correct, Four. However, desperate times calls for desperate measures. If the situation calls for it, then the Church Hunters must ally with the Devils of Kuoh. As much I know that their devotion often blinds their judgement, there are those from the Church who are willing to work with Devils if it meant defeating a greater evil. Not that many though." He kept that last part to himself.

"I agree with the Director. However, this also brings up the question: Who will defend Kuoh?" Eleven said. "The heiresses of Kuoh commands two Peerages, one each, and other peerages are stationed in the city at the behest of their older siblings. However, I believe that they aren't enough to face the Cadre of the Stars and his army of rogues and criminals. Might I suggest we send a few of our Task Forces and maybe even Special Teams to the city in advance?" He suggested.

Two stroked her chin. "That sounds like a good idea. Which Task Forces do you have in mind?"

"Perhaps Task Force Botan or Special Team 1-Z will suffice? They are currently listed in the top ten forces of the Organization and are disciplined enough to work with both Devil and Exorcist."

"Hmm." Two pondered. "While I believe those two are good choices, the decision ultimately rests with the Director." Turning her head towards One, everyone followed suit. Seeing everyone's eyes on him, the Director made his decision known.

"As much as I value your opinions and observations, I had already made my decision beforehand." Looking directly at Eleven, he spoke, "While I see the merit in your idea, it is to my understanding that we are dealing with a Fallen Angel Cadre who had fought in the Great War. None of our Task Forces or Special Teams can handle him directly, so instead of sending any, we will only be sending a very special team." This answered confused his compatriots for a time before they finally realized what they meant.

"Ah. You're sending those idiots to deal with him?" Sixth asked, speaking for the first time since the conversation started.

"Yes. They are the only ones I know that have a clear chance of defeating the Warmonger and slaughtering his forces." One answered. "Any objections?"


"Then let's cast a vote, in favor of mobilizing the Misfits for suppressing the Warmonger?"

The vote was unanimous.

"Then it's settled. Meeting adjourned. Everyone can leave if you so desire."

One by one, the officials of the Organization left the room except for the pink-haired woman in the twelfth seat. One looked at his last compatriot and the oldest member of the council. Her eyes were hidden behind a red-gold blindfold, as always, but her ears were very much open to the past discussion.

"Twelve, is something the matter?" One asked quite worriedly.

For a minute, Twelve didn't answer. She stayed silent, and One became even more nervous. Then, she spoke. "My visions have been changing as of late, Director. I fear a greater power is at play here."

"Do you see another Great War on the horizon?" He asked again.

"We both know that no matter how much anyone tries, the Great War will resume once again. But not by Kokabiel's hand." She answered. One's eyes widened.

"Someone else will restart the war?" The answer, he noted, was more frightening than the question he asked.

"Yes, but my sight is clouded. I can not say for sure who does." The seer answered truthfully.

"Any noteworthy candidates?"

"Hmm. There are many, but the more notable ones are the Antichrist, the First and the Last, or an old enemy from another world." Twelve revealed.

One's grip on the armrests of his chair became tighter. If that were the case, then he had to prepare the possible contingencies. "I thank you for your guidance, Twelve. You may leave now."

The seer stood up, bowed her head, and walked out of the room. One breathed out a sigh. Too many unknown variables for him to formulate a solution. He'll worry about that later. For now, he had calls to make.


February 23, 2023

L.A., California

Located on top of a canyon was a private mansion that offered city-wide views from its perch. The well-built and gated home features fine custom finishes, double-height ceilings, expansive indoor and outdoor living spaces, and skyline views from every room. Inside the expensive property were two young men, drinking and conversing with each other.

The owner of the luxurious property they were currently in was seated cross-legged in the sofa located in the mansion's living room with a glass of red wine in his hand. He wore a white tuxedo with a slightly unbuttoned black longsleeve polo underneath. He also wore white trousers, black leather shoes, and a pair of black round sunglasses. His usual outfit while in the City of Angels.

Calling him a handsome young man would be an understatement. He was downright beautiful. He had black hair and black eyes with a tint of red in them underneath those sunglasses. Whenever he wasn't in L.A., his usual outfit would otherwise consist of a white and blue jacket with a black polo underneath, white trousers with a black belt, and, get this, two black fingerless gloves. It might be cringe to wear this type of gloves nowadays, but he had maximum level Cringe Immunity so he's good.

This dashing young rogue's name is Jolo Toussaint, and he's here to rock your worlds.

His conversational partner was properly sat opposite to him. Unlike his host, he had ashen white hair and light blue eyes. But like the man in front of him, he too was a gorgeous young man that has caught the eyes of many females in his lifetime. He was wearing a white frilled collared shirt while a black jacket was worn over his shoulders. Completing the look was his black pants worn with a black belt, and black leather shoes. Strapped to his side was a katana he dubbed Solitude.

This man was Adrian Toussaint, Jolo's fraternal twin brother and the one responsible in keeping him from destroying your worlds after just rocking them.

"So, I heard about what happened in the East African Federation." Adrian said as he sipped his cup of coffee.

In the background, a TV showed a crowd of people parading through the streets, cheering, singing, playing cultural instruments...and carrying someone's severed head on a pike down the street.

"Yeah, after running up and down Africa taking out KVA cells for a month, I finally found the bastard." Jolo responded with a grin of pure pride in his achievement.

"And his head being paraded like it's the Black Nazarene?" The white-haired twin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not the one responsible for that, per se. Though I did torture him a bit, it was his captives who ripped him limb from limb after I freed them. It was their right after all." The ravenette pointed out. Adrian nodded his head in agreement.

"I must say, I'm quite surprised the government hasn't issued a manhunt for me yet." Jolo thoughtfully added.

"Not surprised." Adrian shrugged. "No one really likes the KVA so what you did was partly justified. In their eyes, at least." The KVA was a terrorist group that ruled over the lawless lands of the EAF. They butchered civilians, killed men and children, raped countless women, and destroyed many villages because of something as sick as sadistic pleasure.

The head being paraded throughout the streets once belonged to a man named Orson Vogel. A German scientist who founded the KVA and decided to use the EAF as his personal playground, and their people as his playthings. It was easy to convince a bunch of convicts, criminals, and rapists to join his fledgling group when he promised them gold, glory, and women. He'd kidnap and capture some of the population to be used for his sick and twisted experiments. Most died afterwards but some miraculously survived the first batch, before dying in agony in the second. The ones that were freed on that fateful day were a new batch of people that were recently kidnapped and were deprived of food and water for days. A standard procedure for newly-acquired specimens to "soften them up" as the mad scientist once said.

"So how are things on your end?" Jolo asked, changing the topic as he idly played with his glass.

Adrian gave a heavy sigh before responding to the question. "It's been a hectic week, to say the least. I haven't slept in seven fuckin' days and I am currently on my 264th cup of coffee and counting."

"Sheesh. But to be fair, you did accept that old man's offer so it's more of your fault." Adrian directed his coffee-powered, stress-eyed glare at his brother.

"It. Is. Not. My. Fault." Each word was punctuated with a bang on the armrest. "If anything, it's that damn eldritch abomination's fault! She's the reason why there are so many anomalies wandering about and causing mayhem around the world!"

"And what are you gonna do about it? Fight her?" Jolo scoffed. "If I couldn't beat her father, then you stand no chance against her."

"You think I don't know that?" Adrian all but growled. He then sighed after calming himself down. "Sorry. Misdirected anger."

"It's alright." Jolo waved his apology off.

The two then continued talking with each other for a while before a knock on the door put their conversation to a pause. Jolo stood up from the couch and walked towards the door. Grabbing the doorknob, he turned it and opened the door. Once he saw who was on the other side, his face broke into a smile.

The person before him was a tall one, standing at 6'1". He had unnatural light pink hair, blood red eyes, and paler-than-pale skin. He wore red royal gown with a white dress shirt under it, grey pants, black boots, and a small golden crown on his head.

This royally-dressed man was Chris Toussaint, the third eldest son and the middle child of the Toussaint siblings.

"Bro, it's been so long!" Jolo exclaimed as he pulled his brother into a hug. Chris returned the hug with equal warmth. They then pulled apart after a few seconds, taking in each other's respective appearances.

"That it has." The pink-haired Toussaint agreed. "I see your need to rub in your wealth in everyone's faces hasn't lessened over the years."

Jolo shrugged. "What's the point of having so much money if you can't flex it? I mean look at Elon Musk. He fucks bitches in space. That has gotta be the richest flex of all time."

"Yeah, fuckin' billionaires."

"Hey, hey. I'm a billionaire too so watch it." He mocked warned his brother, before eventually smiling at him again. "But yeah, fuckin' billionaires. Oh, where are my manners? Step inside my humble abode."

"This place is anything but humble." Chris remarked as he stepped in the mansion. Spotting Adrian at the living room, he waved at his other brother. Adrian waved back before downing his cup of coffee in one go.

"Like I said. What's the point of having so much money if you can't flex it?" Jolo repeated. "Anyways, sit on the couch. We just need to wait for Chelsea then we're good."

"...Wait, what?" It took seconds for Adrian to comprehend the words that came out of Jolo's mouth before he could formulate a response. "What do you mean? Kate isn't even here yet."

"Not true. She came in the same time Chris did." Jolo simply replied.

"...Hold up, she did?" Now it was Chris' turn to be confused as hell.

"Yeah, look up." Jolo then pointed at the ceiling. Adrian and Chris directed their sights at the ceiling and, true to his words, their sister was there, standing on the ceiling in a way that had Isaac Newton rolling in his grave.

Like the males of her family, the first sister was a beautiful young woman with black hair and red eyes. She was wearing a black dress that showed off her shoulders and cleavage, as well as a golden headband with a rose and two spikes on each side.

Her name was Kate Toussaint, and she was as deadly as she was beautiful.

Kate soundlessly dropped to the ground with the elegance of a highly experienced ballroom dancer. Smirking at Adrian and Chris, Kate began speaking.

"You two need to refine your senses some more. What happens if someone hired an assassin as skilled as I to hunt both of you down?"

Chris scoffed. "There are no assassins like you. Only you."

Kate's smirked widened. "That is true." Turning to Adrian, she nodded her head at him. "So why has my beloved brother called for a meeting? Surely this isn't some social call. It's never a social call with you."

"I will tell all of you once Chelsea is here." His brother simply replied. The ravenette hummed in response.

"So, have you killed anyone recently?" Jolo asked as he walked back to the couch and sat down on his spot. He then grabbed the remote and started scrolling through the channels.

"Yeah, just killed someone on the way here actually. I didn't have to but I was bored so I decided to hijack another assassin's job just for the fun of it." Kate admitted with a shrug.

Stopping at one particular news channel, the TV reporter was busy doing her report as sirens blared in the background. According to her report, two bodies were found dead in New York City. One just outside the entrance of a hotel and another on top of a rooftop near the scene of the crime. The victim was a politician who was shot in the head while the supposed killer was found with his throat slit and the sniper rifle he "used" to kill the now-dead politician.

"Do you want me to do anything about this?" Jolo asked with phone in hand, ready to call someone at a moment's notice as the reporter finished it off by saying that the police will investigate this matter further.

"No need. I didn't leave a single trace of any evidence behind so I'm safe." Kate waved it off. "But thanks though. It's been a little bit harder to cover up my tracks since the Directorate...y'know." She trailed off. Her brothers nodded in understanding.

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared in the middle of the room, signifying the arrival of their final member. From the circle emerged a beautiful young woman.

She had long ashen white hair and light blue eyes, a voluptuous figure with large badonkers, slim waist, and round hips, and appears as if she was a goddess who descended from the high heavens to reward the mortals with a sight of her divine beauty. Her outfit consists of a light-brown ribbed sweater, a dark brown coat, and a black miniskirt with a pantyhose underneath.

This woman was Chelsea Toussaint, Kate's twin sister and the youngest of the five siblings.

"Sorry for being late, y'all. I was busy dealing with a few things." Chelsea apologized before sitting down on a spot next to Kate.

"Sure you weren't just busy creating another magic system?" Jolo bluntly asked.

Chelsea's eye twitched as she spoke. "For your information, I was busy with the project you gave me, you ungrateful asshole!"

"It's your fault for accepting it, though." Jolo tried to counter but Chelsea ignored him in favor of her twin.

"Anyways, how are you, sissy?" Chelsea asked Kate, wrapping her in a hug that the ravenette twin happily reciprocated.

"I've been fine, Chels. How about you? Any luck on creating a new dimension in the Dimensional Gap?" Kate asked back after they pulled apart.

"Not much. My private library has a few tomes dating back to the Great War, but none of them have anything on the process of dimension-making." Chelsea sighed in disappointment. "I think we have to raid a few of the ancient libraries we found in our past adventures."

"We finna steal shit? I'm in." Jolo said, raising his glass in agreement.

"Great! I'll set the date for some time next week since I still have a lot of other projects to do." Chelsea confirmed, before turning to Adrian. "So what's this about, Adrian? Why'd you have to call of us?" She asked the question that was on the three younger siblings' minds.

Adrian and Jolo shared a look before they looked back at the three. "Kokabiel is getting antsy. He's spread out his lieutenants to recruit Stray Exorcists, rogue Fallen, and all other kinds of scum into his army." Adrian informed them. "I think you know what this means."

"The Warmonger is preparing for war. How surprising." Kate replied sarcastically.

"So, it's time to reveal ourselves to the Moonlit World, huh?" Chelsea remarked with a bitter smile. She had grown accustomed to the anonymity she and her siblings enjoyed, relishing the freedom it afforded them. The thought of stepping out of the shadows and into the spotlight brought a mixture of excitement and trepidation. After all, with recognition came attention, and with attention often came danger.

"Indeed." Adrian nodded solemnly. "The higher-ups has made the decision to send our group to Kuoh to prevent a second Great War from happening, meaning we have to ally with the current overseers of the city if we want this whole thing to go smoothly." He continued without missing a beat.

"Last I heard, the current overseers are also the little sisters of the current Satans Lucifer and Leviathan, right?" Chelsea interjected.

"That's correct," Adrian confirmed. "Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri. They are also the heiresses of their respective noble house. We'll need to approach them cautiously and gain their trust if we're going to have any hope of forming an effective alliance."

Jolo let out a low whistle. "No pressure, then. Just gotta charm a couple of beautiful Devil heiresses. Piece of cake."

"Which is why we'll be enrolling in Kuoh Academy as students in the upcoming school year this April. So remember to keep a low profile, and perhaps, build friendships with the heiresses and their Peerage before we reveal ourselves." Adrian finished. "So does anyone have any questions they want to ask?" A raised hand from Chris answered that question. "Yes, Chris?"

"Since we have to defend Kuoh's entire population, I gotta ask if there's any exceptions to that."

"The perverts and anyone else I judge undeserving of their free trial of living." Jolo cut off whatever Adrian was gonna reply.


"What about our living arrangements?" Kate inquired, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Don't worry, I found suitable accommodations in Kuoh," Adrian said, pulling out his phone and showing them a picture of a modest apartment building. "It's not luxurious, but it's secure and enough for our mission."

Before Adrian could continue, Jolo interjected, his expression incredulous. "Are you serious? We're gonna be stuck in Japan for months, and you want us to hole up in some rundown apartment for broke people?!"

Without giving his brother a chance to counter, Jolo grabbed Adrian's phone and promptly hurled it through the nearest window, shattering the glass.

"What the shit, Jolo?!" Adrian exclaimed.

"Adrian, look at me," Jolo said, his tone firm. "I'm the captain now." He finished the meme with a Somalian accent before continuing with his normal American accent. "And as captain, I say we're not living like peasants in some rundown shack. We're gonna build ourselves a mansion fit for the kings and queens that we are!"

"But, why though?"

"Why? Because why not? Plus, we're millionaires so we'll have no problem with the funding." Jolo simply replied to Adrian's question. 

"That's not exactly a very convincing reason." Yet, Adrian stayed true to his title of "The Responsible One" (more like "The Teenage Boomer") and shot down the idea in exchange for his more practical (boring) one.

"It is to these three." Jolo countered, gesturing towards their siblings, with Chris saying "Hallo" in the background. "Besides, by the time we reveal ourselves to the Supernatural, we'll probably need a base of operations to not only house ourselves, but also our equipment, supplies, vehicles, and possible recruits."

"But, why did you have to throw my phone?"

"Cuz why not?"

Adrian simply sighed in response. "You know what? Fine. We're getting a mansion." A united shout of "Huzzah!" followed. "So you lot better start designing the damn thing right now while I handle the paperwork. Oh, and I call dibs on the second largest room!" With that said, he teleported out of the house to deal with his side of things, leaving his siblings behind to brainstorm on the mansion's exterior and interior design, as well as the addition of whatever amenities they want.

Jolo: "Since he was so kind to leave it to me, I call dibs on the largest room then!"

Chris: "Bloody hell, I was too late!"

Chelsea: "You snooze, you lose, I suppose. As for the facilities, how about a spa wing with massage rooms, saunas, and hydrotherapy pools?"

Jolo: "Okay, now we're getting somewhere!"

Chris: "What about a secret underground tunnel network connecting different parts of the mansion, complete with a slide for quick access?"

Kate: "Or a giant indoor aquarium, filled with exotic fish from all over the world with a glass tunnel running through it for the immersion?"

Chelsea: "Or a sky garden floating above the mansion with exotic plants from all around the Sanguine Sky and a retractable glass ceiling, so we can stargaze while lounging in hammocks!"

Chris: "Or a a virtual reality chamber where we can experience any historical event as if we're actually there!"

Kate: "Not just historical events, but also any events from fiction! Imagine battling dragons in Middle Earth or attending a grand ball in a Jane Austen novel!"

Hearing all the ideas his siblings were putting out, Jolo couldn't help but chuckle. 'I love it when a plan, or in this case a house, comes together.'

In less than two months, the five siblings known collectively as the Misfits were ready for their debut. So the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Dragons, Gods, and every other race that fuckin' exists on this planet better prepare themselves for blood, violence, and gore, very fucked up jokes aimed at a random demographic, plot that does not give a shit about anyone's preferences, and Infinity War level crossovers.





Published: March 30, 2024 (on Webnovel)

For all the new readers, this is simply a clarification. The Misfits are NOT reincarnators or otherworlders. They are native inhabitants of Draconic Deus (DxD), as in they were born and raised there. Also, yes, I know that canon starts in mid-2007 or something, but this isn't canon. It's an AU. So of course there's bound to be some major changes.

As for their power levels, all I can say is this: Keep on reading the story. I can assure you that they aren't Goku levels of OP.

Well, that's all for now, I guess. See you all next time.