
Under Tale

<p>Introduction<br/><br/>This is a world where monsters and humans exist .There two different kinds of monsters there those with human emotions and behavior then there the mindless monsters whose main purpose is to kill and spread chaos. In this world every creature has stats these show their HP combat power and exp . There three classes of gods the heroic gods ,the monster gods and the normal gods.<br/><br/>In monster heaven a monster god of correction and order fighting four monster gods gets a hole in his stomach and steps back supporting himself with his sword shouts in rage "Aaaah how could you do this you know the aftermath will be too great you can't upset the balance."<br/><br/>Nightmare"The two of us know that but the way we are sealed away and all there isn't a possibility ." <br/><br/>~magical red chains latch onto him and his sword disappears and the effortlessly pull him to the ground as the monster god of destruction walks forward towards him and grabs his hair and lifts up his head to look at his face "Your eyes aren't even glowing guess most of your mana is up to think you were the most feared through all the nine realms the monster god of vengeance."<br/><br/>Nightmare in his usual broken muffled spine chilling voice"Now now now if it was fr him getting attached to those pets right they're called humans with such lavish souls ~licks his lips sexually~ now get what we need Rein ."<br/><br/>Rein "Right we don't want you going back ~reaches into the monster god of correction's eye socket and pulls out his star like eye ."<br/><br/>The monster god of correction lowers his head as e fights the arge to scream in pain and the magic chains let go of him and the monster god grabs him by his collar form behind and begins to drag him to the edge of heaven where there is a deep abyss he throws him to the edge where he stands his head falls down and then a human girl touches his chest<br/><br/>Monster god of correction "This touch ... it feels familiar."the girl "You shouldn't ... pick fights you can't win." she then shoves him sending him off the edge. <br/><br/>He looks at her as he's falling (No no no no ~he sees the white part of her eye pitch black~ I was weak ~Nightmare turns around and begins walking away and then feels a sharp spike of mana and turns around and sees Rein holding the eye looking at the abyss~no,they still shouldn't have involved them no ,her~ his hair changes from white to his former crimson red hair~AAAAH ~ his terrifying roar shakes the heavens ~ Nightmare ,Rein I'm going to kill you.~ all of them standing still in fear as a large amount of mana consumes the surroundings and disappears leaving them unharmed ~<br/><br/>But the star eye shrinks Nightmare "No he sealed his artifact it's one of the most powerful god artifacts and it has his essence since it is his eye."Rein "Why is it so important it's just small."<br/><br/>Nightmare "That eye makes him more than a destroyer it makes him a literal substitute for creation and he has locked us out we are stuck with a turn back clock we are on parental lock."<br/><br/>Monster god of correction"I am going to make you pay for this don't forget I'll always ruin your plan .No matter what you'll never win the war. -he summons his sword - I can't do it from here so let's see if you'll beat me when I'm am mortal .-he holds his sword over his chest and pushes it through he's eye glows bright white -Reanis Le gre hemre Astere Decamo.-chains burst out of his chest wrapping around his sword and body holding them in place-I'll be forgotten so my strength will strictly come from me tsk they are going to take me back to my starting point."<br/>The light fades out .<br/><br/><strong><em>Present day in the land of heros, Querida Clan</em></strong><br/><br/>A teenage girl running through the streets (Damn I'm going to be late if I don't take short cut the chief summoned and now I have to go to school on weekend -she takes a right turn into an ally -okay I should be able to make it time there I see the school now okay I'm going to make it.)<br/><br/>She slows down as she enters the school gate continuing to the main building .A teacher by the stairs sees her"Good morning Sia you seem to be running late."<br/><br/>Sia stops and in a hurry " morning teacher Azdeck sorry I'd like to chat a little more but I'm going to be late to meet the headmaster so we'll talk later okay bye ." -rushes up the stairs - <br/><br/>Azdeck"Maybe you shouldn't take detours so far away when you know the chief summoned you yesterday in advance."<br/><br/>Sia stops on hearing that "How'd you know..eh-looks at Azdeck's face showing he could see what she was doing -Never mind you are the greatest mage in the clan and if you know the chief knows too." She continues up to the third floor and goes down the hall to the headmaster's office door <br/><br/>Sia happy "Yep made it in time.-opens the door seeing a tall old man with a well kept white beard in a black suit with his hands behind his back with six rings on his fingers gazing out his window- hello you called for me headmaster Cyrus."<br/><br/>Cyrus "You're late- Sia shocked and looks at the time on his grandfather clock seeing she's 20 minutes late-Sit down Sia I have something to discuss with." <br/><br/>Sia walks towards his desk and pulls out a chair and seats down "What would you like to discuss." Cyrus turns around facing her "Your first mission has a hero." <br/><br/>Sia estatic jumps out of her seat"Really a mission wait you're not going to use me to buy groceries or pick up your youngest son from school ?"<br/><br/>Cyrus "Of course not my boy isn't at school since it's the weekend and I already did my grocery shopping yesterday so that's out."<br/>Sia (Wow so when he feels like doing it I don't need to -sacastically -go any missions)<br/><br/>Cyrus" You're going to leave the village immediately as part of the mission you'll head to the mixed species kingdom Seario."<br/><br/>Sia thinks (Oh yeah this is going to be a badass mission the kingdom has got tones of monsters ) Cyrus "You'll check on the seal of underworld."<br/><br/>Sia disappointed "You're just sending me to check on a dusty old seal."Cyrus seriously "No , I need you to...deliver this gift basket to to the Lord of land closest to the seal the third biggest mixed race city."<br/><br/>Sia "Woah now I'm delivery girl."Cyrus"This is a rather delicate matter Sia you're the only person I can ask to do this. Sia -looks her dead in her eyes -your time has come -as he's eyes emit his golden aura- will you rise to the challenge."<br/><br/>Sia gulps down some saliva" Yes sir I'll do it."<br/>Cyrus"Good now -he walks to his desk and puts his hand under his desk and pushes a button his book shelf rotates exposing several mythical weapons - pick a weapon to aid you on your journey."<br/><br/>Sia at aw on of the weapons" Any of these guys are mine to use -while gesturing at the weapons with her figure and Cyrus nods - sweet let's see."<br/><br/>She walks closer and looks at the weapons and hero crest starts glowing and a pair of daggers start glowing in response and she walks towards them and picks them up and chains bind her hands to the daggers and the disappear and her crest appears on the daggers and they dematerialize into her.<br/><br/>Cyrus "The binding is done now you need to set off for the kingdom.-Sia nods grabs the gift basket and exits the office as Azdeck stands by at the door and watches her exit<br/>the office and enters- She'll manage ."<br/><br/>Azdeck " You sent her to the seal why not some one strong like Mathias. You know he's less likely to disappear."<br/><br/> Cyrus" That's what you said about the last four . Besides she's strong just not how people are used to. She has the moonlit daggers." Azdeck" Your brother's weapons from that 700 year old war." Cyrus " Yes the one person who was able to create the seal."<br/><br/>Cyrus " The outcome this time will be different maybe we'll be able to know what happened to the others."<br/><br/><strong><em>10 minutes later</em></strong><br/><br/>Sia in her house with her traveling back pack " Don't worry guys I'll be back before you know it." Her little sister " If you're not back soon I'll beat the chief and takes his place." Sia pets her head "Sure you will."<br/><br/>Sia (Lightning attribute type magic flashing light) her body glows and she dashes out of the village "I should be there in two or three days at this speed ."<br/><br/><strong><em>Two days later</em></strong><br/><strong>Outside the walls of Seario in the clear meadow</strong><br/>Sia gazing at the walls from a hill."Woah so big . Well I made good time in two days that's the same time it takes the new train to reach here too. Well I better get started on the first job deliver the gift basket to the lord or something of this place...and hey I don't think anyone would mind a hero strolling around after her mission. Let's go." She dashes over to the gate and passes through security.<br/><br/>Ten minutes later <br/>Sia" Thank goodness I memorised that map tourists are easy prey in areas like this and why are the crooks stronger than me here level sixty , level eighty and I'm here at level twenty and I'm supposed to be a hero."<br/><br/>Sia sighs and walks to big mansion in the center of the city and approaches the guards(Right I need to make it obvious I'm a hero so activate hero's aura )"Hello,sir. I have a package from chief Cyrus Cal'noc ."<br/><br/>Guard takes the basket" I'll make sure Lord Onell Aven gets this." Sia "Thank you.-turns and leaves the guard and makes her way out of the city square and exits the city - Now it's time to go to the seal outside the city."<br/><br/><strong>Outside the city</strong><br/>Sia walking through the forest " Ok... should be around here.-she spots a mysterious cave engulfed in darkness in an open part of forest- Yep I think I found it, the whole dark final resting place look is makes it pretty obvious.-she takes a step towards the cave and passes through the an illusion barrier and finds herself stand upon an artificial cliff edge which appears to surround the entire land below- One of Cyrus' spells keeping a pretty big secret."<br/><br/>Sia stretches her legs and arms "Okay time to get down to business. Shoes' reinforcement now it's time to slide down this cliff.- she jumps down and the bottom curve of the cliff and slides down and walks to the cave on the other side -Well no monsters that was an easy job she enters the cave that slightly slants into the ground and levels on the inside - Well it was boring just pour the potion Cyrus gave me onto it right- she pours the potion onto the seal and it glows then settles- <br/><br/>Okay so time to... What that big walking over here -still facing the seal - it's outside the cave by fifty meters no pulse no breathing I wouldn't have known it was there if it wasn't moving it's big and something's coming of it nothing should have gotten past my detection skill what is it?"<br/><br/>The creature's heavy foot steps vanish and there's a huge gust of wind Sia frozen in place by an unknown prescene "Shit , please don't I beg for the love of... don't be - raises her head to the ceiling and see furious glowing purple eyes looking down at her and a huge mouth open revealing hundreds of razor sharp try her eyes glow red and she seems the creature's misshapen body hanging from the ceiling by it's claws Sia gulps down her saliva - nightmare class monster.<br/><br/>The monster launches at her and she barely dodges it and goes behind and blasts it light magic creating a hole and the hole automatically fills it's self up and monster hits her with it's spike covered tail lodging three spikes into her arm and send her flying into the end of the cave next to the seal<br/><br/>Sia bleeding severely " Shit I can't beat this thing I'm not some anime character who gets sent flying and says things are cooking. I'm not even strong enough to be a hero the weakest hero alive meets her end against a beast summons a dagger. -she looks the beast dead in the eyes- Bring it on fuzzy." <br/><br/>The monster let's out a deathening roar that sends shivers down her spine and it charges at her ,Sia (I don't want it to end like this but where ... where can I escape to.-an idea pops into head and she evades the monsters strike get shallow claw marks on her left side and falls to the side but gets up immediately"Now -she makes a mad dash for the seal but the monster inflicts deep wounds into her back reaching her back bone and passes through the seal- all that and I still have to die I really wish I had one more chance there's a bright flash of light as she struggles to keep her eyes open - I'm falling from really high up aren't I..."<br/><br/>Sia groans (Huh was it a dream.-she opens her eyes to see a single glowing ball of light surrounded by darkness- Not a dream.- she sits up subconsciously and she looks at arm having no injuries and looks at the rest of herself and sees no wounds or scars but her clothes clearly showing she was attacked- how'd I...?)<br/><br/>Sia looks around and finds herself amidst flowers that are surrounded by trees and picks one up and is about to smell when a voice emerges" I wouldn't smell those if I were you they're poisonous flowers."<br/><br/>Sia startled "Whose there .!?" The voice " Woah woah woah don't be scared I just harmless little flower I guide the lost to where there supposed to be I'm the flower monster Ivy" <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>