
Under His Temptation

Ansel Balder has it all. Good looks, wealth, and position. People considered him a helpful and kind man, not knowing the scandals he kept from the world. Ansel Balder loves his own employee's wife. When Matthew Tjia offers Daphne Tjia, his daughter in exchange for paying off his debt, Ansel Balder agrees. Not to make her his wife, but to make Daphne Tjia as bait for fishing, Rachel Colleen the dark lover, to be jealous and willing to accept his proposal. Then, will Ansel Balder be caught in a trap he made himself?

ry_santi · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
131 Chs

Chapter 1


The white YACHT is visible from a distance. Splitting the Mediterranean sea to the Aegean, the ship slowly docked inland. Dozens of men in dapper suits with neatly combed hair glistening in the sunlight ran over. The person they had been waiting for had finally arrived. Ansel Balder sets foot on the wooden pier of his private island, an area of ​​paradise that seems to be created by God for the rich.

The business trip from Italy was carried out to open cooperation with fertilizer entrepreneurs. Grapes and olives which are prima donna need fertilizer. Shining Urea Corp provides it. Ansel Balder founded his business empire full of sweat and tears, sometimes involving blood. The sycophants around him have in common, fake smiles on the outside, but keeps a gun behind his back to kill him. How difficult it is to find loyal people. Ansel Balder doesn't need a benevolent coward. They will save themselves when danger comes.

Ansel Balder's brown eyes scanned the surroundings. Where is he? The woman he loved did not welcome him. No, Ansel Balder held back a complaint. Because his love relationship is part of a little secret that is kept tightly.

A man stepped forward from the line. His eyes, which were as blue as the Aegean Sea, were wary. "Mr. Balder," he said.

"Alec," replied Ansel Balder. Alec Briseis was only one of the few people he could trust. Ansel Balder knew the debt Alec's life owed him was too great to divulge a secret.

Without saying much, Alec stepped aside, allowing Ansel Balder to step into the black limousine. Rows of personal bodyguards docked to guard their masters. Ansel Balder's safety is a priority. Several years ago their employer was targeted by a sniper hired by a business rival. Thus, success is often accompanied by many enemies.

Gliding gracefully, the limousine took Ansel Balder and Alec to the school he had set up for abandoned children. Ansel Balder's childhood was bittersweet. Beaten by a heroin-addicted father, abandoned by an alcoholic mother. He was only able to receive an education in a slum school filled with naughty children. Detroit is not a good place to raise children.

Having hated God, Ansel Balder only admitted how much God loved him after taking the lives of his parents simultaneously. His father and mother had a big fight and then started shooting at each other. Ansel Balder could only crouch while covering his ears in the corner of the living room which was shattered by the broken glass. His father was shot by his mother in the forehead after the father had also shot his mother in the heart. They died on the same day.

Little Ansel Balder was taken by social services afterward. Moved orphanages several times until finally being cared for by the couple Donatello and Lilac Balder. Ansel Balder's real name, John Walters, was changed. Ansel Balder was given a new name, a new status, a comfortable home, and a high-class education. Donatello and Lilac died when Ansel Balder was 22 years old, inheriting a thriving company. You see, it turns out that many people who are nobody behave better than those who have blood ties.

From then on, Ansel Balder swore, that no child should suffer the same fate as him. So on this island, Ansel Balder founded schools and orphanages for children from all over the world. The Shining Education Center is home to five hundred underprivileged students. His education is guaranteed up to the high school level. Those who excel are given scholarships up to college and then employed in companies after graduation. That's why Ansel Balder is considered an angel.

"Do the teachers know I'm coming today?" Ansel Balder asked Alec.

"Mr and Mrs. Colleen know. Apart from them, the others don't."

"Mrs Colleen," Ansel Balder snorted softly. When will the woman's last name change to Mrs. Balder ? Women are creatures that are difficult to understand. This second seemed to love, the next second hate to death. The reasons they want to be coddled also vary. Some are forced, some are pure love, some are just to satisfy lust.

Thousands of call women were willing to satisfy Ansel Balder, but he only settled on one name worthy of his heart. Call it Ansel Balder has a strange allegiance. Almost fanatical. Ansel Balder doesn't like easy women. Just being offered a few dollars was easy to get into bed. He needs a loyal and loving woman. In his eyes, only Mrs. Colleen who meets the criteria above. If only Mr. Ethan Colleen, her husband does not have diabetes, Ansel Balder believes Mrs. Colleen would not accept his invitation to have an affair.

"Do you have paper?" asked Ansel Balder.

Alec fumbled for his coat. Yesterday's lunch bill hadn't been thrown away. "There's only this," he said.

"Perfect." Ansel Balder scribbled a few words and tucked the paper in his shirt pocket.

The tall iron gate opened. The limousine entered the wide courtyard. At study times like now, children are busy in class. The crowd will appear shortly at break time. The guards descended first to open the door for Ansel Balder. Alec accompanies Ansel Balder. He walked closest to entering the building. The two of them walked down a hallway lined with brightly colored linoleum. On either side there are colorful wooden shelves attached to the walls covered with wallpaper of children's favorite cartoon characters.

Their feet came to a light blue metal door with big letters APOLLO on it. Ethan Colleen opened the door. Ansel Balder caught the female figure.

Her curly hair was in a high ponytail. Showing off a smooth neck with a violin tattoo. The woman who always rushes into his dreams, dominates his long nights. Currently in front of him wearing a black tight shirt prints her athletic solid body. Blue jeans wrapped around her thighs and long legs, her black ankle boots added a sexy yet strong impression to Rachel Colleen.

The woman turned to the two men at the door. She is currently sitting on the chair of the Steinway grand piano. Behind her two boys with glasses sat holding violins. Meanwhile, one girl in a sleeveless dress and knee-length boots was ready to sing.

Rachel Colleen stroked the piano keys, playing the intro to a song. The two boys behind her started to touch their violin bows against the strings of their violins, producing melodic notes. The little girl in boots is singing. Her voice curves beautifully.Why do birds suddenly appear

Every time you are near?

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

Why do stars fall down from the sky

Every time you walk by?

Just like me, they long to be

Close to you

Captivating Ansel Balder who heard it. Ethan Colleen clutched the trunk in awe at the mini-concert before him, while Alec remained flat.

La, close to you

La, close to you

Amanda, the singing girl ended the song.

"Good Amanda." Ansel Balder claps encouragingly for a girl from Ethiopia. "Thanks, Lok and Rio." Ansel Balder looks at Lok, a 12-year-old boy from Thailand and Rio, an 11-year-old boy from England, the violinist. The three nodded with a smile.

"Ok kids, three of you can go to Math class." Rachel Colleen ordered the three of them. And they shook hands with Ansel Balder before exiting the door without complaining to head for a fun math class. No grumpy teachers with iron rulers or scary faces.

"Welcome, Mr. Balder," Rachel Colleen greeted. The woman's voice was full of longing.

"Mr. Balder, I'm taking the suitcase with toys and books to Miss Mathilda for sorting." Ethan Colleen pushed the suitcase out the door, leaving his wife alone with Ansel Balder.

"How are you, Mrs Colleen?" Ansel Balder shook Rachel Colleen's hand.

"Very good."

Rachel Colleen was surprised when Ansel Balder's hand didn't let go. The man's brown eyes stared at her intensely.

"Pleased to hear it." Rigid, official, and no-nonsense. That's how people perceive Ansel Balder's remarks. "I have to say hello to another teacher."

"Of course." Rachel Colleen breathed a sigh of relief when her hand was released. Something fell from Ansel Balder's hands. The man walked to the door and then out to another class. Rachel Colleen picked up the white sheet that had fallen earlier. Restaurant billing paper. There is an inscription,

I'll wait for you at the green house.

Your Ansel Balder .


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

ry_santicreators' thoughts