
chapter 1

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this", I say to my roommate Sylvie as we make the short drive across town to the end of year party," You could have at least held off on the glitter, I'm pretty sure I'll still be shimmering when I see you next semester."

Sylvie slowly looks me over from head to toe, "Violet you look perfect, this is our last night in the dorm together and our last party of freshman year. I wouldn't be doing my duty as a roommate and best friend if I let you walk into that party looking anything but hot. Not that you aren't always hot, but no one will be able to take their eyes off you in that dress"

As examine myself in the car mirror I can't help but feel like the opposite of perfect. Between the heavily done make up and the skin tight short black dress I look nothing like myself. If I chose my outfit I would have just wore my usual skinny jeans and a casual shirt but, after an entire year of Sylvie begging me to let her get me ready for a party I caved. Now I'm wondering what I was thinking.

"Sylvie isn't this dress a little short? If they can't take their eyes off me it'll probably be because they are wondering what will pop out first my boobs or my butt."

Sylvie begins laughing " We both know that most of the girls there tonight will be wearing much less than us."

I know she's right, but I will probably never feel fully comfortable with myself, with long straight brown hair and brown eyes I guess I've always just felt average.

I know we're getting close to our destination when I begin seeing the cars lining the street. Sylvie parks the car down the block, as we get out I hear the click of the locks before she hands me the keys. I slip them into my bag while we head down the sidewalk in the direction of the party. when we arrive and begin to climb the steps I grab Sylvie's hand to prevent us from being separated as we push our way through the crowd of people toward the back yard where the drinks are located.

I grab a bottle of water, as Sylvie heads over to the keg to fill up a red cup. I see her sipping her drink as she makes her way back over to me. I watch her scan the crowd searching for our friends Lola and Amy who had just texted that they had arrived. I begin looking too knowing once she finds them I'll be able to slip away and back home to pack. I may have agreed to come here but I never specified how long id stay.