
Chapter 1

Zariyah's Point of View

"Zari. Are you ready for today?" Leticia asked me.

I was busy preparing for the opening of my flower shop in our town. Flowers are my escaped, their scent, and even how they look makes me happy.

"I am born ready, Ticia." I gave her a reassuring smile.

We continued on fixing the standees and the flowers and put them in a particular place. When I've put the slime, I saw a man passing by our flower shop, looking at my way. I tilted my head a little so that I can see the figure of him. He has a pointed nose and black curly hair. I get down from the ladder and dust myself.

"Yes, sir?" I asked him as I opened the door. He turned his gaze on me and saw his hazel eyes.

"A flower shop?" I nodded.

"Do you want to look around? It's quite messy since we're going to open later this afternoon." I opened the door wide and he entered the shop.

He's looking at how Leticia is fixing the flowers. I saw Leticia glanced in our direction, pointing the man using her lips. I silently muttered that I don't know and shrugged.

"Seems like this shop will be a hit. Thanks for letting me in." He smiled at me.

"No worries. Thank you for the compliment too." I walked him towards the door and waved as soon as he is walking away.

"Who's that?" Leticia asked from my back.

"I don't know. He's eyeing our shop and I saw him while fixing the chimes." I looked at her.

"Eyeing the shop? or the owner of the shop?" Leticia teased me and wiggled her eyebrows while putting her hands on her side.

"Stop it, Ticia. I don't have time for that." I left her and continued to find some things to fix.

When it's already 4 pm in the afternoon, Leticia and I decided to fix ourselves. I wore a white sundress with the patterns of the sunflower. I tied my hair into a messy bun and wore a beige wedge.

"You look stunning, Zar, as always." Leticia complimented me as soon as she's done fixing herself, wearing a white summer dress.

"You look gorgeous too, Ticia." I walked towards where she was standing and pulled her off for a hug.

"I don't know what would I do without a best friend like you." I leaned my head on her shoulders and hug her tighter.

"You're totally a drama queen, Zar," Leticia said while pulling off from the hug and holding both of my shoulders.

"I am. Since high school, Ticia." I rolled my eyes and we both laugh.

We both walked down the entrance of my flower shop and saw a bunch of people waiting outside. As soon as we got out, I looked everywhere to find my family.

"My Zariyah." I turned my back when I heard my mom shout for my name.

"Mom. You came." I gave her the tightest hug.

"Why would we miss the time when our Zariyah already accomplished one of her goals?" I even hug tighter for what she'd said.

"You're such a baby, mom." I saw Moss, my brother, rolling his eyes when he heard our conversation.

"Whatever, Moss. By the way, where's dad?" I pulled off from the hug and asked.

"Here." I turned my back and saw dad, walking while waving a bouquet of roses.

"Is that from our field?" he nodded and gave it to me.

"You're right. Are they pretty?" mom asked.

"Yes, they really do look pretty mom. Thanks, dad." I pulled dad for a hug and kissed her cheek.

I pulled off from the hug when the mayor of our town came. He congratulated me and told me to start the program at the opening of the flower shop. I bid goodbye to my parents for a while and walk towards the front of the shop. The mayor starts his speech while holding the ribbon. I saw the man earlier who is eyeing for our shop. He slightly raised his hand and wave. I smiled at him.

"Petals and Leaves are now open." the mayor said and I cut the ribbon. They've begun clapping and cheering. I opened the door and the customers start to enter the shop.

"Congratulations on your opening." He smiled at me as he walked through the door.

"Thank you, Mr." I bowed down a little.

"Saffron." I nodded and smiled. I guided him inside the shop.

Hi! It's au again! Gonna update the Chapter 2 if there will be 200 reads! Love y'all.

nemesizstcreators' thoughts