
Ultimate Summoning System

A novel that revolves around being transported to another world with an operating system. The MC spends his day chasing skirts and doing missions to level up. A standard journey to the top with lots of girls from various anime and games with a touch of that game feel (hunting mobs, doing quests).

Lord_Blacke · Komik
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25 Chs

CHAPTER 18: Chaotic return to the horizon waltz!

Looking at the hall full of skeletons and gaseous snakes, Virgil was completely speechless.

It's really hard to imagine with so many level 10 yokai staying at Hakuo, how Hakuo's students will still be able to enjoy their comfortable school lives. Logically speaking, these cute little fugitives should have turned Hakuo into a chaotic mass graveyard.

Hakuo has many strong individuals, that's for sure. Just like Hinagiku lv18, her crazy sister is also lv15, those butlers with special abilities should at the very least also be lv10. Be that as it may, in Hakuo, the majority are made up of normal humans, they are all lv0.

Against a horde of level 10 youkai army, they won't even know what hit them...

In this kind of context, why did they stay here obediently without storming out and creating a big mess?

Did the yokai leader have other plans?

Or maybe… there is some kind of special circumstance that prevents them from leaving.


In the air, the general eating crow cawed menacingly and the hordes of skeletons and corpse spirits rushed at him. The scene felt like a cavalry charge, it made him break out in a cold sweat.

It's just a legion of level 10 yokai, but with such a number, he doesn't know if he will be lynched to death, but that element of shock and awe is definitely there.

Barely laughing, he tightened his grip.

In a split second, his position was completely surrounded by enemies. Decapitating 4 skeletons, he tried to retreat, but there is a wall behind him. Leaning against a wall, he can only move forward!

Grabbing a skeleton, he used it as a shield of flesh, or rather bones, to clear the way. Pushing his way through the crowds of skeletons, he stopped and threw the skeleton in his hands into a crowd of skeletons, again blowing up a bunch of skeletons.

Feeling a cold sensation behind him, he jumped, at the same time, some corpse spirits collided against his previous position creating a cloud of dust. Using them as a footrest, he took a step forward while swinging his sword, slashing at them before quickly escaping from there.

His previous position is once again attacked by corpse spirits. He twisted his body and jumped a few times before finding a foothold.

He turned and split the crowd once again. He is losing his breath a little, he has never encountered this kind of siege before. He had only challenged isolated demonic beasts to solo duels before cutting them into pieces, when had he had the chance to experience group fights?

Placed in a group battle, he quickly realized his weakness, he has no AOE (area of effect) skills!

Employing hit and run tactics, he really had no other alternatives.

At this rate, he will either be lynched to death or tire himself to death. This endless horde of mobs... when will he finish cutting his way through them?

He must buy an AOE skill!

Dodging the attacks, he opened the menu in search of a suitable power.

The general eating crow seemed to have lost its patience and screamed once more. The yokai army then increased their offensive intensity as if they had taken some adrenaline injections. Reflected in his rapidly narrowing pupil, the army completely attacked him...


In the gigantic underground hall, a large cloud of dust was raised, covering the entire hall. The entire place became silent.

"Chaotic return…"

A low voice came from the skeleton's heart and the pile of corpses. Along with the voice the army began to tremble, in the area closest to the center, the skeletons and the spirit were torn into pieces.

"to the horizon waltz!!!"

A gigantic shapeless round arch radiated from the center. Be it skeleton or corpse spirit, anything that touched the arch was cut into pieces, all of its companions died en masse, turning into scraps on the ground.

Until a quarter of the skeletons and spirits were exterminated, the round arch finally shrank, revealing its silhouette…

His appearance may look worn out, but he actually didn't suffer any damage, he managed to purchase the skill in time to save himself from a pinch!

[Chaotic Return to the Horizon Waltz(A/N: If so, send me a better-sounding name, please?): Sword strike skill, using a difficult-to-describe trajectory to move the sword, forming an arc slash circulate with the atmosphere around you. It can be used as both a short-range and long-range attack, expressed in the form of a qi slash]

[Costs: 5000 Ap]

He glared hatefully at the skeletons and corpse spirits in front of him. Even if for a moment, they managed to make him feel the presence of death, he had encountered it before when hunting demonic beasts, but close encounter and confrontation are two different things.

{Damn stupid skeletons and snakes, just because this young master isn't freaking out, you're going to treat me like I'm Doraemon?!}

Holding the sword with both hands, he raised the Kusanagi sword. Leaving a faint trail behind, the invisible atmosphere began to coat the sword, condensing into a circle of light around it. He aimed at the most hostile location and swung his sword!

"Chaotic return to the horizon waltz!!!"

The circle of light emitted a brilliant light and shot out from the sword in the shape of an arc. Anything it touched turned into dust mixed with the dust swirling in the air….

Once again exterminating a ton of skeletons and corpse spirits, he laughed and a circle of light spun around his sword once more before he was thrown!

After three chaotic returns to the horizon, he decimated the yokai army and left the giant hall empty once again.


Letting out a tired sigh, he mercilessly looked at the remaining enemy in front of him, the general eating crow that was still furiously flying over there!

Putting some strength into his leg, he jumped at high speed. At the sound of the wind rushing past him, he arrived in front of the crow and stabbed it in the chest, spilling its green blood!

"Thank you!!!"

Cawing pathetically, the crow fell to the ground after he pulled out his sword. Pushing twice, he stopped moving.

[Ding! Congratulations on leveling up!]

[Your current level is 29!]

With a feeling of lightness, his slightly tired body returned to its complete state. It's like he just took a bath in a recovery pool, it feels really good!

Although a bunch of speechless idiots came out and were turned into dust, along with the crow that cawed and was promptly wasted, they gave him a material amount of experience. Although they don't give much experience being level 10, they make up for it in numbers, even if there aren't a thousand of them, a conservative estimate would put them in units of hundreds.

Entering a giant ball of exp, the last bird was the last sliver of exp needed to push him up 1 level, he can consider this as a fruitful journey.

Stepping on the dead crow, he wiped his shoulders before giving him a discriminating look.

(It's very good at calling friends, but very weak on its own. Even those farting skeletons and snakes could attack, you can't even dodge, and you consider yourself a person... oh wait, no... yokai. )

Maybe it's because his behavior angered the supposedly dead crow, but the crow suddenly started twitching intensely, it looks like something is trying to crawl out of him.

Seeing that the situation had worsened, he quickly dodged to the side…

'pa', the crow exploded, spilling its blood all over the ground. With the explosion, dark air currents began to condense into a clump of blood.

With such a strange scene happening in front of him, he didn't know what to do.

{What the fuck is this thing? Was it because of this that the crow mook could command the horde of skeletons and crows?}

{What is certain is that this black cluster is not the crow, since he leveled up after killing him, if he had not defeated him the system would not give any experience even if he revived. Only after he loses battle ability does the system grant experience to him.}

In other words, if that black cluster is indeed the crow, then evidently it could still fight, which means it didn't lose, so it shouldn't have been granted any experience.

The black cluster slowly grew until every drop of green blood turned into dark air, stopped growing and began to condense.

Briefly, a gigantic skeleton covered in dark energy appeared in front of him. It looked like the skeleton from before, except it was twice as big as him. The skeleton let out a strange laugh and along with it dark energy echoed as if it were alive.

Yokai Leader: (lv30)

A light shone brightly in his eyes!

{Finished M2 completion requirement has appeared!}

{As expected, a classic game scenario, only after removing the fries will the boss appear, this is an ancient truth that will not change for ages….}

Laughing lightly, he could feel his blood starting to boil.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah…" Surrounded by dark qi, the larger sized yokai leader ridiculed him as if he was a clown about to jump off a bridge, he is letting his contempt known without holding back.

He replied in his heart, I'm not laughing at how ugly you look and you dare to laugh at me?

"Ah ah ah ah…"

Doing a few somersaults in the air, he continued laughing before suddenly running in front of him and swiping his gigantic bone claw at him.

Tensing up, he raised his sword and slashed at her…


A monstrous sound resounded from the collision between the Kusanagi sword and the bone claw. In a stalemate, a huge shockwave spread from the event center, kicking up a wave of dust. The area around him and the youkai leader began to crack radially showing the intense impact of this collision.

Keeping his sights fixed on the enemy, he put some strength into his hands and with a throw, deflected the bone claw before leaping away.

Putting distance between them, he flexed his arms to dispel the numb feeling.

{Should we say as expected of a lv30? Even with a defensive maneuver, my hand still went numb.}

{But this should be within expectations, level 30 is within the range of level 4. With a difference in level, he is at a disadvantage.}

Him being able to skip levels and fight higher level enemies before was largely due to the fact that the conflict took place at a lower level. Level 2 level 15 vs level 3 level 20 had a big skill gap but it was still alterable by some other conditions, at that time it was his sword and 'kendo master' that helped him overcome the crisis.

Lv25 Gil was carelessly not using dou qi and he had his hand cut off by him, causing the scales of victory to tip in his direction. If they had actually fought for real, as a level 18 he would have had to pay a price even if he won.

Along with increasing levels, in the later stage, skipping levels for the challenge might still be possible, but skipping levels would be impossible unless he obtained S-grade equipment.

These discussions are saved for a later time, now he knows that the enemy is 1 level higher than him and only one level above him. He can still win!

With 'kendo master', 'impeccable memory', 'chaotic return to the horizon waltz', kusanagi sword. All these factors are with him, with them he is confident that he can do it!

{How much experience will you bring me?}

Then he pondered while sneering….

(End of chapter)

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