

Zed arn wyfilia in his teenage loses his parents to the darkness of the world. Overcome with the desire for revenge he starts adventuring while hiding his true identity but the world is a dog eat dog world and with some shocking secrets to know. After exacting his revenge he finds himself empty inside. So, he starts doing only thing he can and becomes a mercenary who wipes out several bases of dark creatures and helps the light magi union in maintaining peace and order until one day he finds a black bead with white patterns on it, in a ruin exploration. But the fate was playing with him and when he pick up the bead. A world phenomenon is activated and both dark and light magi join to obtain the bead but alas, our protagonist turns tables on them but loses his life in the end and his right to travel the samsara river. But that is not the end for him as he transmigrates to the same world but different body, And starts anew to fulfill his dream of becoming the strongest mage.

Wanderer_noob · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Sigh, So I Transmigrated

The humming of black bead intensifies in the space channel and with each hum the beads seems to completely stops any movement.

*hum* *hum* *hum* *hum*

After an unknown amount of time the bead stops in the dark coldness of the chaotic space and its humming stops as well. Suddenly countless specs of light appears out of nowhere. It was like a galaxy of stars, the specs were stars with the black bead as their nucleus.

Suddenly from the countless specs one star brightens up more than others and continue to do so until it shines like a sun in darkness of the space while the other specs seem like fireflies in front of it. As the light from the spec reaches its extreme the black bead suddenly darts towards it and vanishes in it.

Meanwhile the time outside world had stopped moving. It was as if someone has pressed a pause button of the world.

In an unknown place two incorporeal figures were hovering in the air while watching trembling river with serious expression on their face. The river was yellow and flowing in mid air as if laws of physics did not exist but currently this mighty river was trembling as if it wanted to submit before something out of instinct but could not do so due to some restraint.


Outside a horse stable, on a mound of leftover grass and horse shit a boy is lying with his eyes closed shut with lines of dried tears on his cheek. Currently the boy had stopped breathing and there is no heartbeat to found. the boy has a trail of mucus from his nose and his mouth slightly open to take air through it.

His clothes are in tatters and you could see obvious signs of lashing through them. His pants are still damp from him peeing himself due to unbearable pain.

The boy is dead and and there are a lot of flies and other such creatures, who love to feed on animal wastes, are attached to his body especially his nose, eyes, mouth and over his pants due to wetness.

Suddenly the space around the boy trembles and breaks as a black bead with white patterns appears near the head of the boy. And a stream of white light shines from it upon him and the bead vanishes in thin air.

Suddenly the dead body of the boy trembles and with a groan mixed with coughing sound comes from his mouth.And the boys opens his eyes with great difficulty due to lack of energy and breathes in with great difficulty but due to flies surrounding his nose he sneezes which causes his body to hurt all over.

Gritting his teeth the boy endures the pain and slowly the confusion due to death subsides away.

'Where am I?'

'am I alive, I am sure I died during my final attack or is it because I used that bead that I can't enter the reincarnation cycle and ended up in hell' Zed thought while twitching his nose due to the foul smell of rooting wastes.

while thinking a possible explanation for his situation Zed has an urge to sleep and as he closed his eyes, he into deep fell sleep.

In his sleep Zed has a weird but extremely realistic dream. In his dream he is tied to a pole and being lash by a furious fat man.

"Son of a w****e, how dare you neglect your duty to the horse of make the young master Nile"

*Swish* *fwop* *aaaaah*

The Whip comes for the last time as darkness appears before Zed as the light comes ones more he finds himself in the same spot as previously but in a third person point of view. He suddenly sees a face of women appear in front of him with the thought of her being his mother and a strong emotion of missing her creeps over him and gradually it becomes so strong that he stars crying.

'Mother why did you leave me in this cruel world alone'

With this last thought Zed's view is covered in darkness again and feels his tiredness diminishing after about what appear to be five to six hours, Zed wakes up and finds a light headache, but feels good about weakened tiredness and pain that he manages to sit up.

Feeling the difference in his body, Zed touches his face with his hands and seeing his callus filled teenage hands, he sighs not so surprised anymore as if he had expected it. After taking few breath he murmurs softly with his sore throat--

"So I transmigrated."