
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · perkotaan
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41 Chs

She Said YES!

Vivian waited patiently for Ivan to come back while eating her Ice Cream.

Since Vivian had already finished one of the two ice creams, she started eating the second one. She thought that she'll just go order a new one for Ivan later.

Not long after Vivian started eating the second Ice Cream, Ivan came back dressed in a suit and with a bouquet in one hand and his other hand was in his pants pocket.

Walk straight to the beautiful woman sitting at the corner of the store while eating ice cream.

Noticing that Ivan was back, Vivian Wah raised her hand and waved at him to make sure that he saw where she was.

The moment Vivian notices that Ivan has changed his clothes and a big bouquet in his hand, Vivian froze and her hand slowly moved down.

He wore the suit that Vivian said he looked the most dashing of the rest of the clothes that he tried earlier.

All the people around them were whispering to each other and eyes full of envy.

Ivan stopped in front of Vivian "here! This is for you."

Vivian Wah took the big bouquet in Ivan's hand and smelled it lightly.

"Thank you. But why a big bouquet?"

Then she smiles loveliest and playfully says "others might think that you're here to propose to me. Don't do something like this again."

Vivian Wah is the type of person who doesn't enjoy surprises. Since this is Ivan's first time doing something like this, Vivian didn't take it to heart.

Just when Vivian Wah was done speaking, Ivan took out a small jewelry box in his pocket and got on one knee. He opens the small box "Vivian, will you marry me?"

Vivian's eyes got wide in surprise, her body frozen, and her mind went blank after hearing Ivan's words.

What did he just say? Is he being for real?

This is their first time going on a date and already proposing? Is Ivan in his right mind right now? Is he sick?

Their surroundings start standing and move closer to them to see what happens clearly when they see the man getting on one knee.

Just right after Ivan is done speaking, everyone starts clapping in excitement and shouts "say yes, say yes, say yes."

The shouting makes Vivian come back to her senses.

She bent over, grabbing his arm in one hand while holding the bouquet in the other hand and whispering in Ivan's ear "get up. What are you doing?"

Ignoring her words, Ivan turned to face the audience with an innocent sad face "she said since shouting and clapping is not loud, she's having second thoughts accepting me."

Is he being serious right now? Vivian was lost for words. If she knew something like this was going to happen, she wouldn't have paid for his clothes.

Vivian was sure that Ivan was not serious and doing this to get back at her for paying for his clothes earlier.

The shouting and clapping get triples louder.

"Say yes. You won't find someone who's more handsome than him and loves you more than this." Someone shouted.

Vivian's face blushes in embarrassment.

Everyone went into silence and waited anxiously for her answer.

Standing in front of the man kneeling in front of her, giving out her most dashing smiles. "Yes!"

She held up her hand and Ivan sliced the diamond ring on her finger.

Vivian Wah had no choice but to accept him since so many people were waiting for her answer. She doesn't want to embarrass him by turning him down.

She's the one to blame in this situation. She brought this upon herself. There's nothing she could do about it right now.

Everyone starts clapping once again in excitement.

Ivan stood up and yelled "SHE SAID YES!" and then turned around and gave her a big tight warm hug.

Ivan was feeling anxious a few seconds ago. Worrying that she might turn him down and never meet him again when he bought the bouquet and ring to propose to Vivian.

But his anxiety was getting less when everyone was shouting and clapping in excitement at Vivian to accept him.

He was sure that she's not that heartless to turn him down in front of so many people surrounding them.

When he heard her answer was yes, he's overjoyed with happiness.

"Ivan, you know we're pretending to be a couple right? I'll give you back the ring when we leave." Vivian Wah whispers when Ivan gives her a hug.

"Since you accept it, there's no reason to give it back."

"It's just a show. There's no need to make it real. My family is not here. There's no need to go this far as to propose."

"There's no going back after you accept my proposal. And who said it's not real. Everything happening right now is real."

Vivian was about to continue arguing, but swallowed her words after noticing that they're still in each other's arms.

She slightly pushed Ivan "let's get out of here and have a talk."

Since they were whispering to each other, others couldn't hear what they said.

"Aww~ look at them whispering sweet words to each other."

"How sweet."

"They're lovely."

"I wish I could meet someone like him too. Why are all the good guys hard to find?"

"Their kids sure are going to be as dashing as them."

"This is the first time that someone is proposing in the mall."

"I'm so jealous of her. Look at that big diamond ring. I'm sure it cost a lot of money."

"Rich and handsome. How lucky she is to be proposed to by him."

"Babe, look at them. Aren't they perfect for each other?" A teen said to her boyfriend.


"When are you going to propose to me then?"

"When I have a stable job."

"Doesn't matter if you had a stable job or not. As long as we're together, I'm happy."

The young man smiles and gives her a light kiss on her forehead while wrapping one his arm around his lover's shoulder without saying anything.

There's only one person in the audience that doesn't look that happy.

It was the young man who tried to get Vivian's number earlier.

After seeing everything, he understood the reason why he got rejected. That's because she got someone who's better than him who's by her side.

There's no reason for her to pay attention to a mere counter server like him when she already has a perfect man next to her.

Feeling a strong throb in his chest, he turned around and left. He doesn't want to stay there any longer.

"Everyone, please don't leak any pictures or videos that you guys took today. If you do, please make sure to blur out my fiancé's face. She's a shy person, if her photo leaks, she might leave me. I don't want to grow old alone. Please help me keep my fiancé's privacy safe. Thank you."

"Don't worry. We will make sure we blur your fiancé's face out."

"Plus, our parents are against our relationship. If what just happened get out, they will try to break us up again."

"After witnessing the happiness between you two, we won't have the heart to bring harm to you guys."

"No one will have the heart to harm a happy family."

"Thank you everyone for being our witness. We'll live a happy life. I'll make sure to treat her well for the rest of my life."

Taking Vivian's in his and interlocking their fingers "we will take our leave now. Thank you once again everyone."

"Sigh! They're so unlucky to not get their own parents' blessing even though they love each other very much."

"True. It seems like they're meant to be together. As you can see, the guy even proposed to the girl. If they don't really love each other so much, they won't secretly date."

"Yea… I hope they get their parents' blessing and have a happy ending."

"Same here."

After they left and out of the crowd's sights, Vivian let go of Ivan's hand.

"Care to explain?"

Ivan pretended to not understand what Vivian meant. "Explain what?"

Vivian sighed. "About everything that you just did."

"Ahh…. It just happened that way."

Vivian couldn't believe her ears.

"It just happened that way??"

Nodding his head. "Yes. Isn't that what a boyfriend is supposed to do?"

"You know that this is just our first time going out right?"

"Yes. What's wrong with that?"

"Don't you think it's too early for you to propose to someone you just went on a first date with?"

"No. We've seen each other almost everyday since you came back from overseas."

"Yes. But, we're not going out at that time. Even when we see each other everyday, we don't know much about each other."

"We can get to know each other later. It's not like we're going to break up."

"How would you know about the future?" Vivian asked with a serious face.

"Wait. Don't tell me that you're already thinking about breaking up with me just after you asked me out." Ivan asked in disbelief.

"Sighs! No."

Vivian couldn't bring herself to tell Ivan that she asked him out to just pretend to be dating and not real.

"Whee! I thought you're thinking about breaking up with me just after we started dating."

"You're thinking too much."

"Glad to hear that I'm wrong."

"Since we're already shopped for your clothes, why don't we head back. It's already eight."

"Why so soon? Do you have work tomorrow?"


Vivian lied. She doesn't work tomorrow. She just wants to head home and rest.

Since so many crazy things happened just after they go on their first date, Vivian wants to go back home and clear her head.

"I see. That can't be helped then."

"Yea… I apologize for ending our first date early."

Shaking his head. "Don't worry about it. We still have lots of time in the future to go on dates."

"Yep… you'll have to drive me home since I came here with you."

"Anything my princess wants." Ivan smiles at Vivian and says jokingly.

Vivian's face flushed lightly. She didn't say anything and started walking to the exit.

Ivan walked behind her and took Vivian's hand in his. She didn't pull her hand back and let Ivan hold her hand.

Then they both walked out of the mall hand in hand.