
Overnight Cramming

It's 12:11 in the morning and I'm still awake.

Wide awake.

All because there is this rematch that awaits me.

For some reason even if Kate and Alex are my personal bodyguard and assassin they will let me fight on my own.

Why? For the sake of some title?

Screw that! What if I die again?

I don't have an extra star this time to resurrect me.

This is already my second chance in another world.

Am I supposed to waste it for some stupid rematch?

I've been browsing my Panel for the past few hours.

Kate and Alex are already sound asleep.

While I cram to learn all of my skills overnight.

[[ SKILLS ]]

[Weapon Mastery]

|> One-handed sword: Level 16

|> Brass Knuckles: Level 27

|> [Unlock New Slot]

|> [Learn New Skill]

I only have 2 mastered weapons and it's not even half of my current level.

Which means I don't use it often.

Oh. That means I have a sword and a pair of brass knuckles.

Let me check my inventory.

At least I've learned the basics now.

Swipe up, scroll up, tap [[INVENTORY]]. And voila!


|> Imperium (one-handed sword) [Legendary] Lvl. 69

|> Obsidian Justice (a pair of brass knuckles) [Legendary] Lvl. 80

|> Emellan GT4 (you cannot sell this item) [Ancient]

Hmm, okay. So I use the brass knuckles more than the sword.

There's a letter 'i' beside it.

As much as possible I click on them to learn their purpose and whatnot.

< a [Legendary] weapon's max level enhancement is Level 80. >

< You have reached the maximum weapon enhancement level for your weapon. >


I maxed the level of the weapon but my skill is barely half of my player level.

Is it the resources? Do I lack them?

Or maybe I'm just lazy? I can max weapon levels easily but have to work hard to level up my weapon stats?

Heh. I think it's the latter obviously.

I check the time. The black round clock just above my door glows in the dark.

Neat clock. It's 12:29. Time runs fast and I'm barely making progress.

I sigh. I don't think I'm going to make it. Maybe I should just forfeit this rematch.

Oh speaking of clocks. I have a watch in my inventory.

I withdraw the watch from the inventory by tapping the [Withdraw] button.

It materializes in my wrist. Insta-wear!

It's glossy black and I can access my Panel from there too.

< Hello, Ivan. >

Huh, who's there? That's a girl's voice.

Is it speaking in my head?

< Why are you still up so late? >

The voice asked me. I look around and curl underneath the blanket.

"Who are you?" I uttered softly.

< My name is Artemis. I am your System Guide in this universe. >

What does she mean? A System Guide?

"Like the 'Tutorial' at the beginning of games?"

< I'm sorry. I did not understand. Can you repeat it? >

"You know, like when we play games. There's this dialogue box and pop-up guides. Tutoring us how to play the game." I try to explain.

Which is kind of ridiculous explaining it to a 'System Guide'.

< Yes, something like that. I am your Tutorial Guide. >

"Why did you pop-up just now? You could have helped me earlier."

Not that I'm complaining.

< I was automatically deactivated upon your death. >

"How did I reactivate you?"

< I am connected to the watch on your wrist. >


I see. That's why I can't sell this item and it's why it's tagged as [Ancient].

It's like a high tier item and default in my inventory.

< I also can't help but notice that you are not the Ivan I know. >

"What do you mean?"

It could be because I came from another world and resurrected in the life of Ivan Carson.

Which by the way is still also me.

She's probably just not used to it just like how Kate and Alex are adjusting to get used to me.

< The System reads you as Player [Ivan Carson] but as your personal System Guide, I do not recognize you. >

"The System? Like this universe?"

< Yes. >

Haha, so I managed to trick the universe but not this watch.

This is so screwed up.

I adjust myself in bed and sat up straight, leaning on the headboard.

"I'm Ivan. Nicholas Ivan. I'm still me."

Maybe I should just convince her that I'm the same person.

It would be too hard to explain how I got here by reincarnation.

< Do not worry. I will still assist you as I have assisted, Ivan. But please do not claim his identity. >

But technically he really is still me.

I surrender and nod. "Okay. I understand. Call me Nicholas."

< Hello Nicholas. Is there anything I can help you with? >

"Can you help me study?"

That came out wrong.

"Can you help me learn Ivan's skills? I have a rematch tomorrow. Whatever that is and I'm not ready for it."

I wanted to ask Kate for help but I don't want to disturb her at this hour.

Even if I hired her for 2,000 attributes every month.

< Of course, I will help you. >


I pull up my [[ SKILL ]] Tab to read the first one in the list.

"How do I learn this first skill?"

< You already learned the skill. >

"How do I re-learn it?"

< You cannot re-learn a skill. That is not even a word. >

"I thought you said you will help me!"

All of the sudden I felt wide awake. I feel so close with Artemis already.

Like she's not an AI but a real person, sitting beside me and casually chatting.

< I am only a System Guide. I have no power to override the System. >

I have no idea what that means.

< If you want to learn fast, then you should invest your attributes on a Stat Skill that will benefit your learning ability. >

She offered instead.

Huh, that's actually not a bad idea. My [Stats Tree] is empty anyways.

I just need to pick a good skill to invest in.

Something that involves my learning abilities.

"Ha, why think of something complicated?"

I tap on the watch to summon my Panel and scrolled to my [Skill Tree].

There's several open slots so I just tap [Use Slot] and fill it with a new skill.

|| Input [New Skill] to add ||

|| Typing... ||

|| Add [Learning Ability] to your [Stats Tree]? ||

[[Yes]] or [[No]]?

I hit yes and a bright glow shined from the Panel. An animation flashed before my eyes.

A little brown [Seed] planted on my little garden. My very few trees now has a new seed joining them.

There's a settings icon that appeared on my [Seed] so I click on it.

It gives me the option to change the color of the seed.

It's like what Kate said. I can label them by colors according to what I want.

I pick on blue and the seed envelopes in a blue glow as it slowly changed into the color I want.

Once it is planted in the garden, there is a [Level Up] button right above it.

< Doesn't mean you planted it, it will grow on its own. >

"I have to manually level it up?"

< Yes by using the [Attributes] you've earned or collected from the universe. >

I see. I have over 50k attributes so that's nothing to worry of.

Well, here we go.

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