1 Kira : How it started :

Some say the life of a sheepdog is one that every pup should look forward to, but not me. Nothing is easy. You have to work day in and day out just to keep the master's livestock alive and it's not just sheep, us dogs watch over, oh no. Cow, goats, chickens, anything of value to the master we must keep safe. There's only one major factor that makes everything for me ten times harder... I'm blind.

I was sleeping under the foundation of the masters home when I heard a familiar voice call me. It was the master's mate calling everyone to come to eat their breakfast. I don't work on the farm alone. I work with my mother and father and my two older brothers Jackel and Boss, the twins. Not to mention the cat Casper whose coat was all white besides his left ear which dawned a black and brown colour. My family was a mix between a German Shepherd (which came from my father side) and an Australian shepherd (mother side). Since I was the closest to the master's mate I had already begun to eat my food, the peace and quiet that I had was almost too good to be true. " Out the way runt!" Boss said, shoving me out the way. I toppled over to my side. I shot a glare at him, hoping it would send a message, it didn't. He scoffed and started to eat. I was just about to continue my breakfast when the scent of my father reached my nose. My father never acknowledge me has his daughter, maybe it's the fact that I can't see or I got his tail trampled and ripped off. It didn't matter in his eyes I was only a waste of his genes. I walked passed him with a blank expression on my face. " Kira how are you de-" my mother said beginning to speak but stopped, seeing how I was not in the mood to talk. I walked out into the field where the sheep grazed. " Damn eyes. Did I really have to be born like this? "

"Well yeah. If you weren't blind then all my pranks would have gone to waste and that's no fun" I turned in the direction of a voice and smiled

" Of course, Like always you are right again my furry friend. How it going, Casper."

" It's going good caught a few mice's just this morning. Tasty little thing I tell ya" said Casper licking his paw. He manages to jump into my back while I was back at the main house and decide not to say anything up until now. We both laughed and talked all the way back to our post. Since he had the better eyesight my father put Casper in charge of border lookout. We've talked for about a few minutes when all of a sudden, the wind gently blew and I carry a scent with it. "Casper sounds the alarm to move the flock inland more. The land the master owned was huge so that meant plenty of fresh grass for the livestock but it also means they were out in the open. The master couldn't afford placing fences around 6,000 acres of land, that's why he got my parents. " Something out there Kira?"

"Don't ask, just do"

"Yes, ma'am" and with that, he meowed and cried in a high pitched call. That everyone at the farm knew what it meant... we had a un-welcomed guess.

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