
Two different :worlds

Elizabeth is a seventeen year old girl who has an ugly past due to family and emotional turmoil. She lost her best friend in the process and since then she has been having nightmares constantly for two years. Not until she meets Adam, an eighteen years old boy who helps her with her emotional problems where she's able to get over the death of her friend and the nightmares. But there's more to Adam. He drinks, smokes, and loves partying. He is known as the school golden boy as he is the striker and also the captain of the school football team. He isn't also a popular boy in Southwest high school. As they get close, they start to see past their big walls as they fall in love but none of them are willing to admit it since they belong to two different worlds.

DaoistpaI7jP · perkotaan
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34 Chs

Chapter 8

man you are late " Cole said as he bumped my shoulder and smiled.

" sorry coach wanted to talk to me " I said as I sat at my usual spot

" Shawn " I called and smiled. He dropped the book he was reading and face me with a smile back.

" hey .. I wanted to wait for you but I got dragged here " Shawn said looked at kelvin

" what! Girls are here " kelvin said and smirked

" hii " Tasha and johanne said each and grinned.

" hey girls " I said as I sat down. Soon curt and Cheryl walked over to us.

" hey big brother " Cheryl said and she passed me and sat down beside Cole as she flashed him a big smile. Curt moves to where Tasha was and the next thing, she was on his leg.

" Cheryl " I said acknowledging her presence before I got back to my food.

" love bird " kelvin said to Cheryl as he nudged her shoulder.

" I told you not to call me that kelv and certainly not when someone is on your laps " Cheryl said laughing and Cole burst out laughing hard. Shawn wasn't paying attention, always reading this reading that...

" I told you not to flirt with my sister " I muttered and shot kelvin a death glare.

" sure whatever you day Addy poo " he said and I growled at him before looking ahead. Soon I could hear loud footsteps in the cafeteria, I knew audre was coming here...

Great, just great ... Note the sarcasm

" hey guys.. Adam " she said in her British accent before taking the seat in the middle of kelvin and I. Okay we were complete.

" so guys, what are we gonna do this weekend.. I mean aren't we gonna throw any party kelvy " audre asked kelvin who was busy smirking while johanne straddled him.

" guys stop having sex in the cafeteria, I could throw up " curt said to kelvin and Cole and Cheryl laughed so hard.

" sure sure .. " kelvin muttered and then he moaned again...

" eww gross " Cheryl said as she scrunched up her nose in disgust.

" you guys know we are not actually having sex right? " Johanne said rolling her eyes.

" its so hard to know " I said and smirked as johanne shot me a glare. I chuckled.

" so Adam, you look really tense these days " audre said touching my face.

" really, I haven't been sleeping well " I said touching my face.

" well no worries. Why don't I come over and make you sleep well " she said and smirked at me.

" If you come over there will be less sleeping and more action " I whispered in her ear and she smiled.

" I don't mind teaching you body language " she whispered back and that caught me off guard... I chuckled as I stared at her.

" you are joking right " I asked her raising my eye brows

" no am not. For you Adam I could talk dirty " she said and flashed me a big grin

" oh boy " I said and laughed again, audre was crazy, but I liked her because she just flirted but never had sex. Although I feel like I might be the one to take it no offense but I just didn't think she'd think about giving it up early..

" don't try your luck.. I was just joking rivers " audre said in my ear again and I burst out laughing.

" I knew you didn't have the balls in you " I said

" I don't have balls, you do " audre said and smiled

" bro burn!! " kelvin yelled and everyone started laughing, well except Shawn, he was too engrossed in the novel to look up.

As I laughed, I stared at everyone faces. These my group of friends were crazy but I loved them all but what I didn't like was how curt flirts with Cheryl when he has a girlfriend.. I looked away from them and instantly felt like I was being watched by someone. I looked at the table across us and the familiar girl was staring at me... The red haired girl from the bus. Now that I got to look at her eyes well, it was a shade of blue and purple, very beautiful eyes, although if you look closer, you can see the sleep bags under her eyes but still they were beautiful, just like her. and her face, I could see freckles on it just like how Cheryl had it, her red hair fell from her head and pass her shoulder. Her lips was pouted and she had a heart shaped face, she was beautiful, she was more than beautiful..

After locking eyes for more than thirty seconds, she looked away and hurriedly left the lunch room and that's when I made up my mind, that I was going to get her...



" hey mum " I said and smiled as I sat down next to her in the sitting room

" hi darling " she chirped before putting her popcorn into her mouth

" how was school honey? " she asked me and locked eyes with me for a few seconds

" school was school mum.. How was work? " I asked her as I crossed my legs over the couch

" well work was fine. I got a leave " she said happily. Oh that explains why she is home.

" wow why? " I asked her curiously. " anything happen at work? " I asked again as I stared at her.

" nothing much, I wanted to spend a little time with you .. " she said and smiled widely... I smiled back

" thanks mum.. I love you " I stated and hugged her from the side.

" love you too darling " she said and hugged me hurriedly before removing her body " now go I'm trying to see what will happen next... The food is in the cabinet " she muttered and stared back at the TV screen. I chuckled at the sight before getting up and I picked my bag as I climbed up the stairs to my room. Dinner could wait but sleep comes first...


" Ughhh I hate this school. " I muttered as I got into the hallways. If you are lost, I will fill you in. Here I was making my way to the library after my history teacher supposedly gave the whole class a stupid test. Which I'm sure I flunked by the way. And the most annoying thing was that he had to call our names and our scores in front of the class. He fucking had to tell the whole class that I got a two over ten.. So great, but that's still not why I'm going to the library.. Well after he called my score, I stood up and took my script, tore it into shreds and cursed at him and so I got a detention... A fucking detention where druggies and alcoholics were going to be, so I did what any annoyed embarrassed human being would do.. I left the class and now I'm making my way to the library to chill...

" hi Betty. Its not lunch break yet " Mrs cooper, the librarian said as I got into the library.

" well I just couldn't stay in class for a long time and hi to you too " I muttered as I walked past her towards the shelf where we kept the romantic books..

" I kept a stack of books for you in the lowest shelf " she said and I waved great fully at her before reaching the shelf..

As I looked at the books, one of it caught my eyes.. " calming the storms ". Immediately a smile shoots up on my face and I picked the book up to inspect it. I wanted to read this so I turned and still staring at the book, reading what the book was about. I hit something or should I say I bumped heads with something or someone possibly..

" fuck " I winced in pain before backing away and hitting the cabinet with my foot, causing me to sprain my ankle.. I'm sure I sprained it.

" hey hey.. Are you okay " a voice asked me and I let out yet another curse word from my mouth and rubbed my head that was throbbing from the head bump.. Today fucking wasn't my day.

" I'm sure I don't look fine or do i? " I shot out angrily as I looked up to meet a guy looking so sorry, he had a worried look on his face and in his hand was a book .. A romance novel to be precise. He had black wavy hair that stopped just at the back of his head. Pink straight lips that was formed into a frown and blue eyes just like mine, just that his own was a lighter shade of blue.. He wore a black sweatpants and a black hoodie to fit. He was handsome.. He looked so familiar, where the hell have I met him before.

" I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going " he said avoiding my gaze...

" no its fine " I said with a frown on my face and tried to get up

" shit " I yelled out before sitting back down on the floor in pain. This thing hurt like a fucker...

" I will help you up " the guy said and before I could decline, he was beside me and he wrapped his hand around my shoulder and helped me up. I hated that he was touching me, I didn't want anyone to touch me. I limped as he helped me out of the shelves.

" oh my god Betty are you alright? " Mrs Cooper said as she walked up to me.

" I don't look alright do I? " I winced as I tried to put my leg down then I hurriedly put it back up..

" I think that will need a cast " she said before frowning

" I'm fine, still have to stay late in school anyways " I muttered and she nodded her head and walked away. After smiling at her, the guy helped me to the health center and he waited outside while I got inside with the nurse.

Thirty minutes later I came out of the nurse's office limping and I had a throbbing headache. The good thing is that I didn't have detention anymore but they also called my mum who would be here in some minutes to pick me up, which will also involve some drama. As I sat on the bench outside, surprisingly the guy was still outside, reading the romance novel that he held earlier on.

" thanks " I muttered to him and tried to smile.

" no problem. I hope you get better " he said and smiled.. He had dimples too, cute.

" I hope so too. You don't have to feel bad, I bumped into you too " I said

" so how long is that cast going to be there? " he asked staring at my leg

" the nurse said for like three weeks after it will be fine.. " I said nodding my head.

" thats okay then.. I should get going " he said and I nodded my head while he stood up from the bench, now facing me

" I'm Shawn by the way " he said

" Elizabeth " I stated before locking eyes with him, he nodded

" see you around then " he said before strolling down the hall..

I stared a his back till he disappeared... Shawn.. Shawn, I had heard that name somewhere.. Shawn. Wait, he was the guy at the popular table reading a book.. He is a cool guy. I sat there swinging my legs back and forth as I waited for mum to show up...