
Trying to find my place in skyrim

I am not very good at spelling or grammar and I'm on my phone so please keep that in mind. I have not thought of a title for this.

Repo_Games · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1

The first thing I felt was pain the felt like my head was getting crushed and when I was free I felt so cold. I tried to open my eyes but it was so bright I closed them immediately and started to cry. When I cried it sounded like a baby's cry. I felt someone pick me up and hand me to someone else and they cradled me in there arms. I felt safe in these arms of the person who was cradling me and before I knew it sleep over took me. In my dreams I can sew blurry images and hear some unrecognizable voices but then it just stopped and I was floating in darkness. Then I heard a voice say that I was reborn but I would start life like everyone else my no knowledge of the future or my past and after I wake up I would not remember this conversation. I wanted to scream at this voice to demand where I was and most of I wanted to cry just to cry because I was scared I didn't know what was going on I didn't know my name I didn't know anything and in that place of darkness there was no light no sound nothing I was truly alone and I was scared. When I woke up my vision was still blurry. I felt a rough cloth wrapped around me, I tried to get out of it by rolling around. When I finally freed my arms I tried to move them. But for some reason I couldn't control my arms like I wanted, they felt heavy. I didn't realize I was making so much noise until I heard a someone walk up to where I was laying and felt myself being picked up I didn't know what was going on. The one who picked me said something I couldn't understand and the next thing I know was I nipple was brought up to my mouth and on instinct I lached onto it and started to suck on it. I felt a warm fluid enter my mouth it tasted like haven, I don't know how else to describe it. After a few minutes the person who was feeding me pulled the nipple away from me. I didn't want it to go so I tried to voice my discontent about them pulling it away from me but all that came out was a small cry. They lifted me up to there shoulder and started gently patting my back until I burped. After that I felt so drained of all the energy I had and I fell into a deep sleep.