
True heavenly primordial inferno dragon emperor

mc form normal world gets reincarnated in dxd this will be multiversal maybe omniversal novel

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wishes and reincarnation finally

Archer: okay I'm got my wishes. As he said, God appear.

God: okay what are them then.

Archer: skill to permanently copy power and psychologies even divinities

God: okay, true skill Replication.

Archer: DNA access power.

God: okay both of these will get stronger as you get stronger, so you will only be able to do it 4 times each until you get stronger, it would double each time you get stronger until you can do it how many times you want to do it.

Archer also fiction system allows me to buy skill and abilities and bloodlines and weapons of anything consider amine and mage and DC Comics and Marvel Comics and cultivation Mangas and anime and shows and TVs shows and movies I'm also want 10 free purchases two.

God: five then no more, anything else

Archer: can I choose the world I go to and origin?

God:yes you can.

Archer: I want to be the grandson of both and DDRAIG and Albion and grandson Sparda and son of CROM Crauch my new mom will be half sparda and half Lucifer making me the grandson of Lucifer and I would like to be a natural tribreed of a dragon and demon and devil so 100 percentage of all 3.

God: kid. He looks at him, unable to believe him.

God: fine I do it, I'm can't say no any way.

Archer: I'm also wanting to be born a year after Albion and ddraig die and are sealed.

God: fine, is that all kid.

Archer: yes, that all, but I want to look like Gilgamesh with sliverish white and crimson hair with gold bands.

God:fine kid, have a good life. He snapped his fingers, sending him off.