
TRTU [Temporary Hiatus]

Well Damn... I really died while taking a shit after my bath hey. I mean, really? The razor fell into the water and fucking electrocuted my ass to the end of time. I swear I even got heard at some point because of it! Sucks to be me hey. On to the void I guess since Im sure don't belong in heaven since I was never someone to go out of my way for others and I won't go to hell since I never did anything that can be considered evil. So the Void it is!

Norf · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


[2647 words] Damn....Anuway I made the chapter longer like requested but it won't alway be tihis long.

Expect 2000+ words from now on unless I really have nothjng I can come up with.

**Ascension Road will be updated later today


--Just Before he went to the Song Family--

Luo Tian was back at Xue'er's courtyard and was sitting between the two of them in the garden while Feng Lei was in the kitchen emptying her stock of raw meat.

They had been talking about how they felt about what he did today and were quite satisfied with the results.

Killing those people would be too merciful, they had to suffer for the rest of their lives.

"Xue'er I want you to come to the hunting grounds with me." He was rubbing her thick thigh which she liked very much but didn't dare say due to embarrasment.

"Are you sure I can be allowed? I'm not from the clan..." She was worried if he brought her he would get into trouble.

"I don't care what they think. As the Young Master it's not against the rules for me though I will soon throw away that title I plan to use it to its fullest for now." Why not take advantage of any privileges available to you?

He has already told them to give him as many cultivation resources and herbs as possible and since he is the Young master they cannot refuse.

"Mm I understand Big brother I'll be with you then." If He said it like that then she had no reason to refuse.

He then looked over to Juewang. " Little wife, we are going on a rampage when we get to the mountains. As powerful as my abilities may be I lack proper fighting experience so we will only stop for necessities."

Juewang was also considering this problem so she was happy that he proposed it first. " Mm I'll go anywhere with you husband."

He once again looked at Xue'er. "Xue'er while we are fighting whenever you start getting tired please do not push yourself too much. I don't want to put you in danger.If you feel tired go into that space and rest for a bit." He knew that she would go to any lengths for him so he had to remind her not to overdo it and risk getting her.

He also made it a point to never name the World Crest whenever he wasn't sure whether they were alone.

He knew Xue'er was being watched by an annoying and infuriating woman so he had to be careful.

Xue'er knew that currently Luo Tian was stronger than her so she didn't refuse. " I understand Big brother I will be careful."

"Thank you for understanding." He looked back at Juewang. " Little wife."

Heading him call her she turned her head to him.

Luo Tian locked their lips for a few moments which Juewang gratefully accepted as she kissed him back.

After a few moments they separated and Juewang had an obsessed look in her eyes.

Luo Tian was the only man in the universe who could make her feel so hot with a simple kiss.

"I'm going to deal with something for a bit so while I'm gone why don't you talk to Xue'er about what we discussed, I know you've been holding back all this time so discuss with her and I'll go with whatever you two decide." He could tell from the look in her eyes every time they kissed sensually that she wanted him to have sex with her very much.

Juewang was really struggling to hold back her urges all the time.

She went into heat every time she tasted his saliva and it was only getting worse as time went on, if it wasn't for Xue'er she probably would have already had him fuck her senseless.

She was truly grateful to whatever existence brought her to Luo Tian. " I understand Husband, I'll talk to Xue'er so stay safe."

Luo Tian then looked over to the confused fairy on his opposite side. " Xue'er I won't be back soon so take your time talking to Little wife and decide on something the both of you can accept."

Xue'er was looking up at him and nodded.

She was confused but didn't question him since Juewang would talk to her about it anyway.

Luo Tian then sealed her lips. Though Xue'er would get embarrsed after, during the kiss she would start being more agressive.

They shared a wet kiss for a few moments before finally separating.

Luo Tian smiled seeing her blush as he stood up.

"Shadow Exchange".

Seeing a human sized purple and black shadow figure suddenly appear where Luo Tian was Xue'er was shocked but Juewang explained to her about Luo Tian's Shadow Monarch abilities.

Which she was obviously shocked about but soon felt happy for Luo Tian as usual.

Luo Tian had attached one of his normal shadows to the spy from the Song family before hand so that he could get a chance to talk with Song Yannan before the Hunting contest actually begins.

He made sure to have the shadow keep itself as close to the meeting room as possible so that he wouldn't be chased around as an intruder.

When he switched positions with the shadow he ended up right behind the door to the Hall of the Song family where they would have all their meetings.

He arrived just in time to hear Song Yannan tell one of his elders, Old Five to secretly watch over Luo Tian.

"I'm honoured Patriarch Song Yannan believes in me so much." He said as he walked into the Hall much to the surprise of all 6 of the men present.

"Luo Tian? Is that really you? How come your looks have changed so much." Questioned Song Yannan.

He didn't feel any ill intent from Luo Tian so he wasn't on guard and was instead shocked at how handsome Luo Tian had become.

"Yes it is truly me Patriarch Song Yannan, I apologise for coming here unannounced." He said as he cupped his hands and bowed to show his respect.

Song Yannan was shocked by how respectful Luo Tian was being.

In the past Luo Tian was extremely arrogant and yet he was currently showing the utmost respect towards him.

'He truly has changed..' Song Yannan thought to himself.

"What have you come here for Luo Tian?" Asked Song Yangqun with a questioning and curious look on his face.

He was truly curious as to why Luo Tian would come all this way abd interrupt their meeting.

Luo Tian looked back up with a smile on his face. " I'm not going to beat around the bush and waste any time so I'll get straight to the point elders and Patriarch of the Song family. I plan to take revenge on the Luo family and the Zhu family for crippling me and plotting to make me a public punching bag, I plan to destroy both of the families and make the Song family the strongest family in the city."

Song Yannan was shocked hearing the reason Luo Tian came here. His eyes were wide and he was speechless.

--After a few moments--

"What!? you arrogant brat so you really came here to waste our time?!" Shouted one of the elders

"Hah! I knew this brat was seeking death!" exclaimed a second elder.

Luo Tian remained with his smile and serious expression the whole time despite all the insults he was receiving.

During this time Song Yangqun (Old five) and Song Yannan were carefully observing Luo Tian.

"Luo Tian, how can you be so confident that you can actually destroy both families?" Asked Song Yannan in a serious tone.

Luo Tian was happy that Song Yannan was a person who was so open minded.

" I'm confident in my own abilities to destroy both families because of the....unique inheritence I received from the old bastard who healed my dantian." He said in a calm unwavering tone.

Song Yannan curiosity was peaked hearing him talk about an inheritence.

"Hoo and what is that inheritence? I won't make any decisions that will risk the well being of my family and have too little chance of success." He asked hopong to get some kind of useful information for his own use and his clans

"Patriarch Song Yannan by asking me to reveal my inheritence you will be risking your family because if I find that it has been leaked I would have to destroy your family also along with the Zhou family because they are rotten bastards along with the other 2 so they might as well disappear too." Luo Tian said in a serious tone.

"Patriarch this child is too arrogant! He threatened to destroy our family! we might as well kill him now!" Shouted one of the elders as he pointed to Luo Tian.

Luo Tian ignored him and maintained his gaze on Song Yannan who was also looking at him straight in the eyes.

After A few minutes of staring at each other "Show me."

That was the single phrase he said to Luo Tian in response.

For some reason Song Yannan could feel that what Luo Tian said about him destroying the families was true but he couldn't make this decision without some kind of base.

Originally he was going to observe Luo Tian but now that he was here he might as well use this chance to see how powerful he became.

Luo Tian's smile got wider. " Then I advise all of you to brace yourselves and please don't take my warning lightly."

Another elder was about to shout out about how arrogant Luo Tian was being but was stopped by Song Yannan.

" All of you brace yourselves this is an order." All the elders who were frustrated by Luo Tian's attitude simply grit their teeth as they circulated their energy to strengthen their body.

Old Five was carefully observing Luo Tian the whole time.

He the same as Song Yannan was currently interested in what Luo Tian could do so he braced himself without any fuss.

" What I'm about to do is only a fraction of the power of the ability otherwise the building may collapse so may I start?" Luo Tian was making sure they were prepaired.

"You may start." Old Five responded this time.


A loud crashing sound was heard throughout the room as Luo Tian released just enough of the AR aura to make them kneel which they easily did.

Afterall the technique was a combination of Conquerors haki and a divine dragon's aura, what normal person could resist?

The tables and tea cups shook as all 6 of the elderly men kneeled in front of Luo Tian with struggling looks on their faces.

Luo Tian soon dispelled the aura and smiled at them as they all began panting to catch their breath.

" I apologise, I only received these powers just over a week ago so I have yet to perfectly control them." He wasn't really sorry though.

He was just getting revenge on the elders who just threatened to kill him though he wasn't really satisfied, he could only go so far otherwise Song Yannan would end up hating him for killing his elders which he didn't want becauwe he honestly liked him.

"Huff...Huff...I believe you." Song Yannan said as he stood up from the ground breathing heavily.

'If this is just a fraction of the power and he is able to make us kneel so easily and make it impossible for us to rise I'm sure those 3 families are done for' This was what he thought as he stood up from the ground.

"Huff...this Kid...what is he?" Questioned one of the elders whuch received a nod from 3 others.

Old Five was looking at Luo Tian with a smile on his face as he thought.

'Big brother's intuition really is great!' remembring the words of Song Yannan who originally wanted him to secretly protect Luo Tian.

"Luo Tian I believe that you will be able to destroy the families but why did you choose to come to tell us? You could have simply destroyed them and left us and the Zhou families to fight it out" Song Yannan wanted to know his reasoning.

Luo Tian smiled." It's quite simple really. Patriarch Song Yannan your Song family is different from all the other 3. Your family seems more like a family to me than any of the other families, I was only able to realise this fact after my father was killed by his own elders, my mother forced to suicide because of grief and I was plotted against similarly and turned into a cripple and made into a public punching bag. So I endured everything for all this time hoping to get a chance to destroy them and get revenge. Also there is something I want in return for doing this for your family."

Song Yannan was shocked at how simple his reasoning was. He then smiled as he thought about all the work he has put into properly disciplining all his disciples.

Hearing that Luo Tian wanted something in return he could only sigh because he knew that there was never a free lunch in this world and he could only hope it wants anything serious.

"I understand, what is it that you want?" He wanted to know immediately so he may start preparing if it's something within his ability.

Luo Tian. shook his head at Song Yanna because he guessed what he was thinking. " Don't worry, it's not anything costly, Patriarch Song Yannan in return for making your family the strongest in the city I humbly request for me and my brother Feng Lei to become a part of your Song family. By destroying the Luo family I will be throwing away the surname Luo so I wish to become a part of your family." He cupped his hands and lightly bowed to Song Yannan.

Honestly he didn't mind jojning such a decent family but that wasn't his goal.

What he wanted was the Ancient Script that is in their hands and he could only get to it from merit since he didn't want to let their family end up getting destroyed like in the novel.

Everyone in the room was shocked by his request. They all expected him to request a large portion of the resources they got or something along those lines yet his actual request was so simple.

"Is that all you want Luo Tian? Making our family the strongest is no small matter...simply allowing you to join our family is no where near enough to pay back what you are doing." Song Yannan didn't feel right simply allowing him to join the family he was an honourable man he couldn't cheat Luo Tian so much and feel good.

Luo Tian was truly happy that such good people were still alive.

" If that's the case then may I have a few stalks of every different type of herb that we receive from them and also a portion of their funds as I am quite poor currently. Lastly I would like to learn weapon refinement to the highest level you could possibly teach me. That's all I need." Even if he has the manuals he needs practical experience and since the Song family focused on weapon refinement it was the best chance to learn.

Song Yannan thought for a second before finally answering. " I understand. From today onwards you are a part of my Song family and once you take care of the Luo family you will abandon their name and take on the Song name. You will become a core disciple of our family and receive the highest level of teaching and once you complete your revenge you will recieve part of the resources. I have hope for you Luo Tian."

Luo Tian was really happy it turned out how he had hoped. " Thank you for believing in me Patriarch and elders."