
Chapter 8.

Soon it was time for flying lessons, Harry and Lisa stood outside with the rest, each students stood next to a school broom. Loki stood next to Harry and had chosen to bring a long stick with him so he would not get left out. Harry had chosen to ignore Draco Malfoy and Ronald Weasley bragging about their quidditch skills as he really could not care any less about their flying stories if he tried.

"Have you ever flown before?" Harry asked Lisa.

"A couple of times." Lisa nodded. "What about you?"

"That depends."

"On what?" She asked.

"Does jumping off high things or getting thrown in the air count as flying?" Harry asked in a curious voice.

"I...don't think so." Lisa said eventually. "Why...okay...is there a reason you have been jumping off of high things and being thrown in the air?"

"Well...let's just say I've learnt the hard way to never steal money from a prostitute."

"Good afternoon," A voice said before anyone could respond, they looked towards the professor who walked up to them. She had yellow bird like eyes and white short spiky hair. "line up." She said. "I am professor Hooch, I will be teaching you how to fly a broom. Everyone stand with the brooms to your right. Now stretch your hand out and say 'up'."

"Up." The class said in unison.

Harry's broom instantly went up into his hand with Lisa's broom following a second later, others like Malfoy took about two or three tries while others were struggling to get their brooms to rise. Harry noticed that Hermione Granger was saying 'up' the same way a tired mother would demand a toy from a naughty child. Ron Weasley looked like he was desperate for his broom to rise, it eventually did, however it also ended up hitting him in the face.

Loki, took a quick look around and saw that everyone was distracted with Ron, so he discreetly used his tail to pick up his stick and mounted it. He took a quick look around again and confirmed that nobody saw anything while also patting himself on the back for being a little genius.

"Alright," Professor Hooch said once everyone had their brooms. "I want you to take your brooms and mount them," She waited until everyone had. "good." She said before walking along and making sure everyone was holding their brooms properly. "Mr Malfoy, that is not how you are supposed to hold a broom."

"I've been holding it like this for years!" Malfoy protested, his face turning red.

"Then you've been holding it wrong all these years." She said with a shrug, earning small amounts of laughter from the class. She corrected his grip, ignored his embarrassed face and moved on. "Alright," she paused when she looked at Loki and saw him on his stick, she and Loki looked eyes for a moment with Loki giving her a hopeful look. "now that is a damn good way of holding a broom." She said, nodding to the monkey before walking off.

Loki grinned happily as many of the class laughed while Malfoy turned even more red, he glared at Loki who noticed before responding by sticking his tongue out at him before giving him a cheeky smile.

"Now," She said once everyone had their brooms. "you are all going to gently kick off and hover for a few moments. Go on then, what are you waiting for?" The students did as they were told and gently kicked off. They hovered in the air for a few moments. "that's good, now to descend back to the ground you are going to gently push with your hands and push down to get back to the ground, there you go, well done everyone. Now when you fly you will want to aim the...Longbottom?" She said when she saw Neville Longbottom rise higher into the air. "Mr Longbottom? Mr Longbottom!" She said when Neville's broom went out of control and began flying all around in a chaotic way.

"You know...if it wasn't so dangerous then that would probably be fun." Harry said as Neville screamed while doing a barrel roll.

"He's lost control." Lisa gasped.

"Yeah well...I'm sure he will be fine..." Harry paused just as Neville fell off the broom and landed on the ground, causing Loki to cover his eyes. "...yeah I'm just going to shut up now." Harry added as the students and Professor Hooch rushed over to help him. Harry picked up Loki and went along with them.

"Oh...oh, oh, poor boy." Madam Hooch said when she saw he had broken his wrist. "It's a broken wrist, I'll take you to the hospital wing, Pomfrey will have it right as rain in no time." She said as she helped Neville up onto his feet and began leading him away from class. "Everyone had better keep their feet pressed firmly on the ground," She said to the class as she walked away. "the first person I see with their feet off the ground will be kicked out of this school faster than you can say quidditch."

"Did you see his face?" Malfoy laughed once Hooch and Neville had gone, he picked up a small remembrall that Neville had dropped, Harry remembered reading about those and how they turned red when someone had forgotten something. "Perhaps if the fat lump had given this a squeeze he would remember to fall on his fat arse."

"Aren't you going to say anything to him?!" Ron hissed to Harry.

"Why would I?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Fine, I'll do it." Ron said, rolling his eyes. He rushed over to confront Malfoy.

"Why on Earth did he think I would say something to Malfoy?" Harry asked Lisa.

"l think it is because you're the boy-who-lived," Lisa shrugged. "I mean you're Harry Potter, thanks to all of these stories about you many people think that you're some hero."

"I lived on the streets," Harry whispered. "you don't attract attention on the street unless you need it."

"What can I say? It's just what a lot of people grew up hearing."

"I should probably do something about that." Harry said, shaking his head.

"What about you Potter?" Malfoy said, bringing Harry and Lisa out of their conversation.

"What about me?" Harry asked as he looked at Malfoy who was throwing Neville's remembrall up and down while Ron was glaring at him with an angry face.

"Aren't you going to say anything about me taking Longbottom's ball?"

"I'm sorry." Harry said.

"Sorry?" Malfoy laughed.

"I'm sorry that you're not rich anymore." Harry said.

"I am rich!"

"Hmm, no you're not." Harry said with a small shake of his head.

"Yes I am."

"So...you steal for fun then?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow. "You see if you stole because you needed money then I would have at least some respect for you but if you're stealing just because then I'm sorry but you have lost that respect. Plus...any small respect I had for you is gone when you're stupid enough to steal in front of all of these witnesses." Harry said as he gestured to all of the students around him. "I mean, I would've thought that the 'rich' Malfoy could just afford a remembrall but if you gets your kicks out of stealing then who am I to judge?" Harry said, raising his hands up in mock surrender.

Malfoy turned red as all the others began whispering and pointing at him.

"Alright, you know what Potter, why don't you take it from me?" Malfoy said.

"Do I look three years old to you?" Harry snorted. "What do you want to play a game of catch or something?" Harry asked in a mocking voice, causing the others to laugh. Malfoy turned more red and glared at Harry before hopping on his broom.

"You think you're better than me Potter? Time to prove it." He sneered at him before flying up into the air. "What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond your reach?" Malfoy mocked, he would show up Potter using his superior broom skills.

"I think that was a challenge Loki," Harry said while he turned to Loki who nodded in agreement. "should I accept?" Loki took on a thoughtful face before nodding. "Off you get then." Harry said, Loki nodded before jumping off of Harry's shoulder and on to Lisa's just as Harry mounted his broom.

"Harry, no!" Hermione said. "You've heard what Madam Hooch said, besides you don't even know how to fly."

"I'm sorry...who are you again?" Harry asked before flying off after Malfoy, Harry stopped in mid-air right in front of Malfoy. "Look Malfoy, I know you don't have many friends and you want to play with some new ones but this is totally the wrong way to go about it."

"Shut it Potter!" Malfoy spat at him.

"How creative and original of you." Harry said dryly before he zoomed forward and tried to snatch the ball out of Malfoy's hand, Malfoy barely managed to dodge out of the way in time.

"Have it your way then." Malfoy said before tossing the ball as far as he could.

Harry sighed before flying after it, making sure to slap Malfoy on the back of the head as he did so. Harry chased after the ball, it dove down and he dove after it, he saw it was about to enter an open window. Harry increased his speed, fortunately the open window was a large one. Harry and the ball entered through the window, Harry did a roll and caught the ball.

"Nice." Harry grinned as he tossed the ball up and down in his hand before he looked around and found himself hovering in the middle of a charms class with the students and Professor Flitwick looking at him with dropped jaws.

"Mr Potter?" Flitwick blurted out in shock.

"No, no, no." Harry said in an attempt at a German accent. "I am Mr Potter's German cousin, Auf Wiedersehen mein bitches." Harry said before flying out of the class room and back to the others, he descended and landed on the ground just as the rest of the class swarmed him with praise. "okay, okay, that's nice but please back up." Harry requested as they all tried placing their hands on him.

"Alright, alright back off!" Lisa shouted, causing everyone to stop. "He gets it, no reason to make him feel uncomfortable." She said just before Loki jumped onto his shoulder and rubbed his head against Harry's.

"Do you think you're something special Potter?!" Malfoy demanded as he arrived.

"I think I am Harry Potter, 'Special Potter' is my cousin. Looks like me, but actually cares enough to listen to you." Harry replied.

"Mr Potter." A voice said, the class turned to see Professor Flitwick. "Perhaps you could tell me what happened?"

"Malfoy's a dick, I'm did something good, Loki's happy and I am hopefully not going to get in trouble." Harry summed up.

"Perhaps you could tell me what happened in more detail?" Flitwick 'suggested'.

"Well Neville Longbottom got hurt and was taken to the hospital wing but dropped his remembrall, Malfoy was being an idiot and tried stealing it right in front of everyone I tried staying out of it but Malfoy was being an idiot and was not letting me stay out of it, Malfoy was then being an idiot and flew up into the air despite being told not to because he is an idiot and I had to go up to prevent Malfoy from being an idiot and permanently damaging another person's property. Unfortunately I failed because Malfoy was being an idiot again and tossed it in full view of everyone and I chased after it so it didn't break. Then I flew back here and landed, you've come shortly after and asked me what happened. Long story short...Malfoy was an idiot."

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