
Tribute: I am a gamer

Stop me if you hear this. Someone dies in some traumatic event, and they get reincarnated with superpowers. Not like I care but what am I supposed to do with my superpowers when I'm superlazy.

StoryCraft · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, or series other than the OC.


> Gamer-related words, skills<

*System talking, missions*

{Sound effects}

"Human talks"

/Music, OST, POV/


Chapter title: The man who cried wolf.

The two of us went to our battle stance, the wolf ready to pounce on me and I ready to jam my blade through its head. "Okay wolfie, let's dance!" I taunted as a metal mask covered the lower part of my face while my eyes glowed with power.


Defeat the blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate.

Description: Garmr issued a challenge to the player. Defeat the hellhound and claim ownership. Be careful his bite is a lot worse than its claws.


Familiar: Garm

90500 BTC



Description: Defeat Garmr in two minutes.

Bonus Reward:

Weapon - Fang of Garmr

Armor - Hel's armor

Familiar bonus: Dire wolves

/God of War II - The Glory of Sparta/

I jumped back as the wolf attempted to bite me in half while roaring. I was using >EOTR and >Observe at the same time as I tried to figure out how to beat this >Boss quickly.

I was surprised by what happened next after narrowly avoiding its claws. I was dragged back to the spot where Garmr was about to swallow me. "WHOA!" I erected a pillar to prevent the creature from closing its mouth. I double-checked that the tips were razor-sharp.

The wolf cries in agony as it attempts to pry the pillar from its mouth. I saw a chance and started blasting the beast with my >Curse: Cosmokinesis-Bullet bombs. I can see its tough fur, and its defense quickly dwindling. With something this large, I'm not having fucking a melee.

The wolf glared at me and opened its maw, and my instinct screamed that something was coming.

I rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding a bus-sized frozen shard. So it's capable of shooting ice. "Let's see how you like your own medicine," I grumbled as Garm fired another round. I caught the shard and threw it back with twice the force using >Curse: telekinesis.

The wolf dealt it marvelously, shaking off the debris before stomping the ground. I noticed as the statue was frozen by the first shockwave and then destroyed by the second. Stomping the ground, I erected three walls, each imbued with >Curse: Cosmokinesis-Greater Hardening, but it wasn't enough, and I was thrown across the ground.

> *Sage's body* had already begun to heal my bruises, but my life flashed before my eyes as Garmr proceeded to body slam me. "WOW!" I exclaimed, raising my arms to block the paw. As Garmr applied more pressure to me, the ground cratered. I can see the claws tearing space itself, and I don't want to find out if it ever hits me.

>Curse: Cosmokinesis-Greater strength, Greater Stability, Greater endurance<

I was able to push it off with my buffs and then cut off its tendons with my curse-imbued blade >Curse: Cosmokinesis Rotten Flesh Lv.III. As the wolf fell to the ground, I blew off its head with another >Curse: Bullet bombs Lv. III

I quickly checked my stats while keeping my gaze fixed on the wolf.

*Alizander Cygnus Lvl. MAX



SP: 700*

That's a lot of points I just lost, so I used >Observe before slowly backing away until I was far enough away to turn and leave. However, the chill of death returned, and turning around, I saw Garmr resurrected.

"Ah fuck," I grumbled.

Either the world is a troll or I am the unluckiest person in history. If I can't kill it, I'll bury it six feet underground. Normally, my >Alchemy Manipulation suffices, but with it only half as powerful, I must use >Curse: Cosmokinesis-geokinesis.

The wolf whimpers in shock as spikes pierce its paws as I run with the >Curse: Cosmokinesis-Reality slashers, swinging my blades like a berserker, leaving the wolf with nothing to do but watch as it is butchered.

The beast panted before exhaling its final breath. I waited for the second phase, but it never came. Was it pretending to be dead? It wasn't even healing by itself. Oh no, did I overdo it?

I glanced at the mission hud; if Garmr is dead, shouldn't the mission be over? When I returned my gaze to Garmr's remains, it had vanished. What, wait a minute.

When I noticed a shadow growing larger, I teleported away and found my opponent alive and well, as if the fight and its death had never occurred. So it has a delayed effect on the resurrection? Probably to catch its adversaries off guard. My question now is, is it a passive skill?

To my surprise, the creature changed into a humanoid version of itself and kicked me in the face as it roared and ran. I'm glad I had my barrier up, or I would have lost my sight.

We trade blows before disengaging, and Garmr had transformed back into its original form with injuries. My eyes never left the enemy while I was healing with >Alchemy Manipulation. It can't heal, so that is good because I have to avoid wanting to kill it, and I have the ideal strategy.

Garmr tore a rift and went in before I could put my plan into action. I slowly scanned my surroundings before the ground began to shake and out came Garmr with me and whatever little foothold I was standing on in his mouth.

I broke the wolf's jaws by transforming my foothold into a massive pillar before another pillar emerged from it and sliced straight through the animal's neck. The wolf then smacked me across the face like a fly. The wolf chased after me with vigor, not giving a moment of respite.

I raised my arm, ready to fire another cursed bullet imbued with the supernova, but it backed away at the last second and circled around me, stomping the ground as it ran, forcing me to erect walls or face a gruesome death. Oh, I see what's happening; it's blocking my vision and means of escape.

"Nice move, wolfie," I thought to myself as I smiled at the wolf. With >Observe, my vision broadened, and an idea struck me. I freed myself and waited for the wolf's next attack.

I charged at the wolf as soon as it appeared. Using >Alchemy Manipulation: Inertia+Friction control+transifuration+transmutation to transform my gunblade into a railgun-lance before sliding down

I quickly rammed the weapon into its flesh, achieving an agonizing howl before releasing my strongest blow > Observe+ Curse: Cosmokinesis-Strong Force+Nuclear Force

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me while enhancing my speed with >Inertia and friction control as the wolf was turned into nothing but bits of flesh. I heard Garmr's revival but didn't turn back.

In fact, I was even more eager to run now. I can hear it approaching and have just passed through a rocky ring, narrowly avoiding Garmr's jaw of death. I slammed my hands against the rocky ring, transforming it into a metallic collar that shrank. I made certain that the wolf's legs were bound to the ground with additional cuffs.

The wolf then howled in agony as lightning struck him. At this point, thunderclouds were raging above. Before carefully moving in front of it, I took care not to rush the situation.

"Well, wolfie, I'll take it this is my win?" I said, warily eyeing the wolf. I'm putting on a brave face.

*Alizander Cygnus Lvl. MAX



SP: 70*

Yeah, I'm not surprised, after all, my levels were earned through exercises and sparring with normal humans. If anything, Garmr was being gentle with me, but he miscalculated one minor detail and paid the price.

Garmr moaned in agony before responding. "Your power is exceptional, as is your creativity, but you lack the warrior's skill." I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. "Regardless, you have succeeded where others have failed, and I will assist you on your journey."

There was a searing pain in my arm before I could say anything. Rolling up my sleeve, I discovered a tribal tattoo in the shape of a wolf. When I turned around, Naruko and I were back in the forest. "Well, thanks for the experience Wolfie, I'll see you soon," I said as a notification bell rang.


Defeat the blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate.

Description: Garmr issued a challenge to the player. Defeat the hellhound and claim ownership. Be careful his bite is a lot worse than its claws.


Familiar: Garm

90500 BTC



Description: Defeat Garmr in two minutes.

Bonus Reward:

Weapon - Fang of Garmr

Armor - Hel's armor

Familiar bonus: Dire wolves

Accepting the rewards, I drew >Fang of Garmr from my inventory, puzzled as to why I was only holding the handle until a blade appeared. I can feel its power, and I couldn't believe what I read in the blade's codex. What I was holding was similar to Rhitta's sword, except it shot out ice, and its power grew the longer I was in a freezing area or in the netherworld. Its distinguishing feature was >instant death.

>Fang of Garmr image<

Next, I examined >Hel's armor, and I'm not going to lie, I screamed like a babe when flames shot out of me. Whistling at my new design, I made an ice mirror. Why does it resemble a skeleton if it was freakn power armor? I also wore a lord or king's yellow coat. I checked the back and discovered another skull that resembled a fire..

>Hel's armor image<

Upon reading the codex for this armor, I wasn't sure if I was understanding it correctly, but in essence, I'm fucking Raiden (metal gear) in this armor. This will be extremely useful when I encounter monsters. It even has its own >Zandatsu >ripper mode and range attacks, but the most useful ability was the >Schrodinger paradox.

So that was how Garmr's resurrection worked, that's the best ability a guard dog can have. Though will it still work if he's watched by a crowd?

I used >Alchemy to transform the sword into another gun blade out of curiosity; it was risky, but I needed to know if any changes would harm it; thankfully, it worked, but the >system warned me that any further changes would destroy it. I'll check YGGDRASIL later and summon another familiar, but first I have to fulfill Naruko's promise. A magical circle and a wolf pup appeared.

I carried it and handed it to Naruko, who was surprised but graciously accepted it. The young girl laughed as the pup licked her cheek, and I smiled before kneeling down on her level.

"I'm sorry about that kid," I said as I patted her on the back. "I didn't think I'd drag you along to that fight."

"It's okay, Zander-nii was great fighting the big wolf," she said, beaming. I laughed before a thought occurred to me. "What are you going to name him?" I inquired.

"He's fluffy because his fur is so soft," she explained.

I gave the dog's head a pat and nodded until a HUD showed up, at which point I wasn't sure whether to laugh or feel sorry for the world. Fenrir, the wolf destined to devour the all-father, was in the arms of a six-year-old girl. Let us not forget that its name now is fluffy.


I need to stop giving things away without first making sure they're secure.

AN: You can support me on paypal so we can commision some fanart for this fanfic: Paypal.me/musigamer

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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