
Tribulations of Abyss

A child born out of darkness, can he achieve greatness? ... A naruto fanfic. No harem, No OPMC and definetly no system. Some of the content will be graphic.

Atha_Z · Komik
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5 Chs

The Doors of Hell

The moment that I opened my eyes, I saw a shadow dancing in the room that I was currently residing in. As I tried to focus my eyes and actually perceive what is going on, the figure was already standing in front of me. When it came closer, I saw a pair of magnificent and majestic blue eyes looking at my own eyes. Those eyes resonated within me as a frozen lake resonates with the nature, cold and mercilessly stood while the lives around it perishes. The eyes sent chills down my spine as I stared at them. Suddenly I felt a prickling sensation as I felt the familiar pain rushed at me.

"O great agony, what is my puny existence compared to your omnipotent and undefeated actuality." I thought as I felt the familiar feeling that followed me from the abyss itself to this unknown world. And then I felt as if something cold, something that doesn't belong to this world started creep up a canal that I didn't know it was there. As it continued to creep up my canal I felt as if I was set on fire and my entire being was melting. The burning continued its everlasting path, occasionally stopping at some points in my body. I started screaming at the top up my lungs as I was trying to cope with the pain. When the blazing pain went all around my body I felt as if it was trying to integrate itself to myself. All around my body, I felt as if my muscles were torn off and reconnect before getting torn off again.

This pain.

Cease, I beg you.

Release me from your agonizing grip.

The burning sensation went deep into my libs as I begged for it to stop. As the pain burned my spine, I lost all the functions of my limbs into a numbing sensation. As the pain reached my brain thru my spine, my heart stopped beating.

The nun started panicking as she saw the baby not breathing. She remembered her first aid and medical ninjutsu lessons back when she was in the academy. "The 'A,B,C' of the first aid is the airway, breathing and circulation" she thought as she remembered her teacher teaching the basics of first aid in her class. She checked the baby's mouth and saw that there wasn't anything in the baby boy's mouth. She forced her middle finger down the baby's throat as she checked if there was anything stuck in the airway, there was none. The cold sweat poured down her back as her heartbeat got faster. Her eyes started to water as tried her best to not to cry and flip out. She put her ear to the baby's chest as her left hand was checking the pulse from the baby's left wrist. She started listening closely to not miss a pulse even if it was a faint one.

A second passed. No pulse.

Five seconds passed. No pulse.

The nun run back to his room to pull out the kunai that was hidden under her pillow as well as the first aid kit that was under her bed, ran back to the room that the babies were in while holding the kunai in her left hand and the first aid kit in her right. She placed the first aid kit next to the candle that was already on its ending period and reached to the baby with her right hand, giving the little baby boy cardiac massage with her index and middle finger -that was all it took to fill the small baby's left chest-, while holding her kunai's tip to the dying candles fire to sterilize the knife as best as she could. When the tip of the kunai started glowing, she cut a small incision at the baby's upper abdomen, just below his ribcage. She reached inside as the warm blood of the child started gushing out of the incision. With her three fingers, a finger length was enough to reach the little baby's heart, she started squeeze and release periodically while she was also blowing into the little baby's mouth.

An unknown amount of time passed.

Just when she was about to give up, she felt the hart convulsing. With a newfound motivation she started to increase the pace of her cardiac massage and her CPR. Finally, the baby coughed into her mouth she let go of the baby's mouth as tears running down her face. With her open hand she held the baby's body for him to stop moving and stop damaging his already banged up body.

She started to close the wound that she made as best as she could with the thread and needle that were in the first aid kid. When she closed the wounds, she took out a chakra pill from the first aid kid an threw into her mouth. She chewed and broke the chakra pill into fine particles as she mixed it her saliva before feeding it into the baby's mouth herself. She pushed the mix with her tongue down the baby's throat and made him swallow it.

"Chunin level food pill, it should have enough concentration to rapidly form chakra in the baby's body to save his life." She thought as she looked at the baby that was now sleeping uneasily.

In a large and open throne room, there was a man who was covering his left eye in bandages was sitting on the throne. The man had a smirk on his face as he was reading paper in his hands.

"You shall become a major asset in my root, little baby." He thought while reading the report on the last nights incident in the orphanage.


A figure who was wearing a long black trench coat and a dark mask appeared and kneeled before the man

"At your command, Danzo-sama." The figure exclaimed.

"Make sure that little baby boy doesn't die before he steps into the root." He commanded.

"The root shall cover your expenses." said the man with a cold light in his right eye. The momentary killing intent that he released before taking it back shook the figure deeply as the figure started to wobble on one knee as if she was about the faint.

The figure got up with shaky legs as she bowed once more before disappearing from the throne room. When the figure left the root complex, she finally was able to drew in a long and refreshing breath.

When the baby boy opened up his eyes, the sun was shining on his pale body. The sunshine seemed to completely absorbed by the baby's pitch-black hair. When the sun shined on the baby's eye the baby instinctively tried to raise his arm to block the sunlight. When he moved his arm, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He looked down and saw the stiches that kept his guts intact.

"What happened to me?" he thought as he recalled his memories from last night. Who was that pair of blue eyes belonged to? What was that pain that I felt? Why are there stiches in my gut? The questions filled his head as the sun was shining behind his hand.

His hand… he was able to pick it up. This confused him, he was only capable of small movements and it caused pain to his underdeveloped frame. Being able to move his body completely and without any pain, felt amazing for the little baby. The baby let out a giggle as he felt happiness for the first time in his life.

"You are very happy for someone who has just seen the doors of hell." The nun said in a playful manner.

The baby then realized that he was in the lap of the nun. The nun hadn't left the boy for entirety of the night in the fear of losing him. She still her nightgown which was a bloody mess.

As the nun realized the baby was going to be okay, she put him in his crib and left the room to report the events of the last night to her master.

Feel free to share your ideas, you can either comment or straight up message me.

Peace out, Author-san wishes you all a pleasant week.

Atha_Zcreators' thoughts