
Chapter 19

I smile at the little girl and say.

"You are welcome. The name is Sullivan, who are you?"


"Gaia, huh?"

I cast a [Silent Magic: Mana Essence], and boy; the result really surprised me. She has a lot of mana inside her body, so much so that I thought she was one of the World's Enemies. She has even more mana than me, and I'm considered a mana monster with my current build.

"Are you by any chance a Goddess?"

"No. Planet."

"Huh? You are a planet?"

"En. Earth."


I look at her in surprise and see her put her finger on my forehead. A second later, I can see the entire earth. I can see how many humans are on the earth and how many non-human creatures are roaming the planet.

I also notice three layers of dimension on this planet. The surface dimension is where humans live and grow—the second layer is where the Gods, Fantasy Creatures, and even some Abominations are. The last layer is where Gaia lived and one other being. I don't know who she is, but if Gaia is the embodiment of the planet, then this one being is the embodiment of humanity.

"I-I see. You are really the planet."


I snap from my shock when I feel her hugging me.

"Errr, what is it?"

"Comfortable. Nature. Good."

What with her speech? Is she unable to talk normally? Also, nature? I guess she feels my job as a druid? Well, as a planet that is on the brink of dying, I guess she will cling to me like glue. However, I cannot stay here and become her body pillow.

"Can you let me go?"

"Nn. No."

"I need to go, Gaia. I want to explore this place."


"Hmmm, how should I explain it… I'm a preserver and I come to this place to see if there is an item that is worth preserving."

"Then, come."

"What do you mean? You want to come with me?"



"Show you."

"You will show me around?"


Just like that, I got a new companion.


|3rd POV|

An old man sits inside one of the Clock Tower, England rooms. This is not your ordinary old man. He is a human who masters the Second True Magic, Kaleidoscope.

(AN! Zelretch in Fate World did not become the Dead Apostle and found other means of immortality. This is a different Zelretch than its counterpart in Tsukihime, who became a Dead Apostle after defeating the Crimson Moon.)

He is currently experimenting with a new form of magecraft that can boost his favorite magecraft, Jewelcraft.

However, he could feel something or someone getting inside his workshop before he could finish his work. He quickly moves, takes his cane, and points it at the intruder. However, to his disbelief, he knows who the intruder that gets inside his workshop is.

How could he not know her? She is the one who helps him get immortality in exchange for a few favors. She is Gaia, the avatar of the planet itself.

However, he did not know the people coming with her. He cannot feel any prana inside of them, but for some reason, the mana in the air dances around them as if they are welcoming their parents.

"And this is?"

The man in front of him says while looking around the room. Zelretch can see the two women come with the man, and Gaia points their weapons at him. One of them is a spear, and the other is a mirror.

"Jewel. Good."

"Jewel? You take me here to get some jewels?"


Zelretch sees Gaia walk toward him and sees her look him right in the eyes. When she gets closer, he can feel something. He can feel unending mana coming from her. It was very different from the previous time he met her.

Before, her mana was finite. She has a lot of mana, but it was not like this one. If before she was a large lake, now she is an endless ocean whose depth is unknown.


"Sword Jewel."

"Er, you want my precious weapon?"

"En. Favor."

Dammit, Zelretch cursed under his breath as he took out his precious weapon. Even with Second Magic's power, he knows he cannot beat the embodiment of the planet itself. She can cancel his power and forbid him from going to a parallel world by locking the time and space around the planet.

There is a reason why there is no alien attack happening on earth when there are a lot of aliens around the galaxy ready to harvest the planet.

He gives the weapon to her and sees her give it to the man coming with her.

"Huh? What is this? [All Appraisal Magic Item]"

Zelretch blinks for a few seconds when he hears the spell's name.

"English?" He says while rubbing his beard, "That is new."

Because languages have power, many people use older languages like Egyptian and Greek to boost their spells. He only saw a few people use Modern English to cast their spell, and it was a weaker spell.

The Old English language, on the other hand, has more power but is still rarely used because the language is tied to Fae, and anything related to Fae is a no-no. They are too chaotic and can cause the spell to explode.

"A sword that can gather the power of the void? No. Not the void but the energy from between the universe. It can grant the user limitless magical energy and power to destroy a chunk of the planet. There is another function of this sword that intrigues me. Interesting."

Now Zelretch was even more interested in the young man in front of him. Not only can he cast spells while not having any trace of prana inside his body, but his spell also gives information that many did not know and never will know.

"You are the creator of this sword, right?"

"Yes. My name is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg or Zelretch for short."

"Ah, excuse my rudeness. My name is Sullivan and these are my companions. On my left is Valena and the one on my right is Hana. It is nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Can I ask you a question?"

Sullivan nods his head and says.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Can I ask how you know her while you did not have a single prana inside of you."

"Ah, yeah."

Zelretch looks at Sullivan, smiling at him, and takes out one of the rings in his hand. It happened in a flash. As he takes out his ring, Zelretch's world starts to change. His vision darkens, and he can see a massive tower made of mana coming from the man in front of him.

He once wielded a massive amount of mana to fight the Crimson Moon in his youth, but he borrowed it from the universe. He never once sees someone wield that amount of mana inside their body.

Zelretch looked at Gaia and then Sullivan before swallowing his saliva. Sullivan and Gaia almost have the same mana, and he knows that Gaia is a literal planet while Sullivan is human… no Zelretch knows that the man in front of him cannot be human.

He snapped from his thought when Sullivan put back his ring, and the tower of mana disappeared.

"How is it?"

Sullivan says with a smirk on his face.

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Fangrovecreators' thoughts
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