
[3] Shadow, WHY ME!!!

Well after leaving Seattle behind I was now a roaming Hunter, along the way I got called many names but my favorite was Shadow I would leave behind a head on a pike that cast a long Shadow. Simple but it was loveable to me, in this last past month I had hunter down some bad Packs, there were some I had to run from though since they were to strong.

I learned what happened when I lost a limb, it was when I was taking out a Pack whose Alpha was seriously strong, I didn't know how he compared to Deucalion but he was strong. The man ended up taking my left arm, which in turned burned to ashes when it hit the ground only to grow back ten minutes later just without my suit.

That was the hardest fight I had and I ended up running from it but Dravers ended up making my hit-list that day, he was going to be my first big Alpha take down. I had also been to Beacon Hills some times, no need for people to immediately think of me when he started to show up there more I was staying a secret.

While there I also bought a house with Charles help, at the moment though I was confirming a situation that I came across while I was on my journey it would determine a lot.

[New Orleans, A Week Before Teen Wolf Plot Starts]

I was walking the quarter when I came across what I was hoping was nothing more than a rumor, I didn't hunt them because they were suppose to be a myth but apparently not. At the moment I was looking at the Mikaelson Compound that was closed but with my enhanced hearing I could hear people talking inside that made me sigh.

"No Hope, you know that you can't be near your father and his siblings or who knows what will happen." Hayley Marshall was telling who I knew was Hope Mikaelson.

The sound of footsteps grew closer to the doo before it swung open both women were still fighting and hadn't noticed me standing there, "Mom it is just dad can't he come for a moment not even a day I just want to see him."

"SHIT!" I said bringing both of their attention to me, they both raised a brow at me but I was ignoring them looking at the sky, "WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!!! COULDN'T THINGS JUST KEEP GOING THE WAY THEY WERE?!?! ASSHOLES!!" I shouted to the sky, this isn't what I wanted at all and I knew that the world was suppose to be Teen Wolf how did this happen.

Both Hope and Hayley were looking at me like I had gone crazy along with some people who had passed but but I rubbed my forehead and stood there thinking things over. It was obviously season 5 of the show, but what my mind was trying to figure out was why I hadn't seen any signs of vampire's at all why are they showing up now.

Looking at the women in front of me I sighed, "Nope, not dealing with this shit too." I said turning on my heel and walking away, I would not involve myself with these fucking immortals. While walking away though I could hear the sound of footsteps chasing me though looking back it was Hope, "Stay away from me woman!" I said while running.

"Hey get back here and tell me what you mean!!" she shouted as she chased after me trying to stop me.

"No stay away I don't need your family drama making my life even more crazy!" I said while cutting into an Alley that led to a dead end, now it really felt like someone was messing with my life.

Hope was standing at the mouth of the Alley panting while grinning at me, "What do you know about my family, and how did they make you crazy enough to avoid them? Scratch that, why were you standing there if you weren't looking for my family?" she asked realizing her first question would sound stupid knowing who her family was.

I leaned against the wall, "Why is this happening to me."

I don't know when cause I was trying to break from this reality but Hope was now in front of me crouching down to be eye level with me, "Hey are you okay?" When she saw him just stare at her she was confused, "What is your---"

"You are just as beautiful as I remember." I said cutting her off and reaching up to caress her face, she actually didn't move away and leaned into the touch which was a little weird. Though then again if she was feeling what I felt when we met earlier then it wasn't that weird.

"You know me? I don't think we have ever met before." she said but she didn't move away from me instead she sat down cross legged in front of me but didn't leave from my touch.

As I was about to answer it was like time froze as a screen lit in front of me, [World is upgraded due to your extreme luck, James you are offered one more wish to go with your new world choose wisely.] Options of choice popped up but this time it was letting me choose what I wanted.

Though in my head I was screaming 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN EXTREME LUCK, YOU MEAN UNLUCKY RIGHT!!!!' No one answered though so I could only sigh and choose something to help with my current situation but then again I still don't want immortality. Looking at the girl in front of me I couldn't even choose it to be with her, I wanted to experience multiple lives not just this one here stuck in Teen Wolf/The Originals.

Looking at the skills again I went with Spatial Manipulation so that I could at least have some power to defend myself in this new world, suddenly a pop went off after choosing. [Congratulations! Due to your Extreme Luck you have one two extra skills at random, (TV and Movie Universal Travel) and (Skill Copy and Paste) were gained from random pick.]

[TV and Movie Universal Travel- Travel to any movie and tv show that isn't your home world (this one) and enjoy everything it has to offer you choose the time lines too. Also able to bring along anyone who is your partner.]

[Skill Copy and Paste- Copy any skill, power, bloodline, or ability from anyone you want infinite amount of spaces available. You need to be looking at the person to copy it.]

When I finished reading time started again and the only thing I could think to do was look at the sky and shout, "WHY ME!!!!" This just changed the way I wanted to live so much that it was causing me a headache but I decided to do one thing at a time at the moment.

Looking back at Hope she was looking at me with wide eyes, "Sorry about that couldn't control something that happened and now I need to change my plans a lot." I rubbed my thumb across her cheek while she looked into my eyes.

"Want to talk about it?" she asked while nodding in understanding since her whole life something has always been happening making her and her family need to change their plans.

"No but thanks anyway this is even a little to much for me to handle at the moment so I don't want to bother someone else with it." I said while slowly taking her hand and standing up, she let me to cause I knew we were both feeling the sparks going off. "Anyway I am James, you are?"

"Don't you already know?" she asked with a raised brow while walking out the alley with me, this was just completely normal for us.

"Ahh yeah I guess I do, nice to meet you Hope Mikaelson. Don't take me to be creepy though who doesn't know the Mikaelson family, though it seems like you aren't all together." I said while walking in a random direction, we were still holding hands so I lightly pulled mine away thinking she was uncomfortable since she kept looking at it.

"Ahh," she gasped a little when I took my hand back reaching out but pulling back some, "I guess you are right but why the big reaction when you saw me and my mom?" she asked looking at me again but there was a faint blush on her cheeks that was making her look to cute at the moment.

"My life just got a little harder, lets put it at that. So why the crazy dad around?" I asked even if I already knew the answer to it, not like I could do anything about it though. Unless I was a Siphoner witch then I couldn't help them, all I needed was that and it would be simple since I would come back to life even after 'dying'.

"Haha," she chuckled at the crazy dad part, "Some things happened and it is not convenient for us to be around each other, well really any of the family to be honest."

"Mhmm," I looked at her and decided to help not just because of the feelings but because she had a shit life since young so she deserved it, "Alright I am going to say some things then leave," we both stopped at the corner from where her house was, "I can help you destroy the Hollow, it won't be easy since we will need to transfer it to me quickly but I can finish it. Don't ask questions now but take the week to decide what you want to do. I will come back in a week if you have decided to agree then I will have a plan to finish this quickly."

She stood there looking at me in shock and if it wasn't because I wanted to give her a better life then I wouldn't even try this, she is really lucky I can't die of anything but old age. "What?.....How?.... Can you please explain?"

"I could but lets just say that this is the easiest way to finish this once and for all but I also need to start school in two days so I need to take off, when Friday comes I will be back I hope you have an answer then." suddenly my body broke into little particles like glass shattering around her, I moved from one place to the next being in Beacon Hills now. This was Spatial Manipulation I could do this on a molecular level.

[Hope POV]

I was sad, there is no other way to describe it as I continued my painting my family was gone other than my aunt Freya and my mother but I wanted them all back. I fought with my mom about this again cause even if it was just a second I wanted to see my father again, he refused to answer my video calls so there was no other way I saw him.

Just one hug and that was enough, but it wasn't going to happen with our current condition being what it was. As I was storming out because of another fight with my mom we came across a handsome guy, his silver eyes made me shiver when he looked at me.

He sighed looking at us with pity and horror, "Nope, not dealing with this shit too." he said turning on his heel and walking away, but something called out to me to follow him so I did.

Not really smart seeing how my life had been so far for these past Fifteen years but it was different this time, something was pulling me towards him it was an addicting feeling. So I did the first thing that came to mind and started to run after him, when he heard me chasing him he ran faster moving in and out between people like a fish in water.

It wasn't until he turned into a known dead alley that I was actually able to stop him, when he touched my face little sparks went off and I had to try and control my blush.

"You are just as beautiful as I remember." He said making me look at him weirdly but then again it isn't weird for people to know about my family, but he was talking about me. I don't remember meeting him though, I would always remember those alluring silver eyes.

There was a sudden lull and when I came back he was screaming at the sky for some reason, I was slowly starting to think he was crazy but that couldn't be true. I still felt that warm feeling from him which is why I let him lead me out the Alley and talk to him more, I just want to be in his presence more.

Then he spoke the words that was like the key to my heart, he was giving me the promise to make my life whole again something no one has been able to do. It was frustrating that he wasn't telling me what his plan was but I needed to go back and talk to my mom anyway about what he was offering us.

All of a sudden his body shattered like glass into little balls of light then he was gone, it was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen in my life. Seeing something that I had never seen before made me trust him a little more, just maybe he could actually help us out.

First I needed to talk to mom first though. Rushing back to the house I balled my fist tight, this was the first real lead I had on getting rid of the Hollow, hopefully he was able to help.


[James POV]

I would be lying if I said I didn't leave that way in order to show off to Hope some, but the information about Spatial Manipulation just finished in my brain so I used it right away. With Extreme Luck I was able to master ever thing I learned just by wanting to, though I was still questioning if this was really lucky to me or not.