
Trapped in the Werewolf's World

Maxima, a witch's daughter who survived from the villagers' attack, was trapped in a werewolf's world when the white light sucked her body and transferred her to another realm where she met a handsome warrior, an alpha, the King's trusted man, named Kane. The man saved her from the danger and took her to the palace. However, the kingdom had a strict law to execute all strangers after their prince was abducted by the aliens. Maxima, whose body was cripple due to the huge energy that sucked her, also had to face the same consequence of entering the werewolf's world. She would be executed on the night of the full moon. Would Maxima be safe from the execution?

Lusi_Solona_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Execution Day

They trapped and caged me in the dungeon under the guards' surveillance. I could only lie on the freezing cement floor without a mattress. But, I was grateful that the medicine the physician prescribed for me healed my pain despite my immovable body.

Two guards with a rude look stood up by the iron bars that separate the cellar with the narrow corridor. They didn't even move an inch away from the chamber, ensuring that I could not escape. Even if they were off guard, I wouldn't go anywhere I couldn't even shift from my spot.

I regretted that I refused to learn some magic from my mother who was a witch. If only I obeyed her and had power, I would not end up being imprisoned in this place.

I sighed in remorse and hopelessness while fixing my position. My eyes met the bodyguards who still froze behind the bars with their backs on me.

"Don't they need some rest after a long day standing there?" I murmured to myself.

I bit my lower lips as my stomach rumbled; I hadn't eaten anything since this morning. The maid, Amber, who promised to bring me my dinner didn't show up yet. She also vowed to report this case to her Young Master. But, where was she now?

When I was in despair, I heard the rush footsteps toward my chamber. My heart was filled with relief as I hoped that the help might come.


I unconsciously strove to get up but I forgot that I couldn't even lift my back. The bodyguard who caught my moan spun around to see me. His dark eyes shot me with alert as if ordering me to stay quiet.

"Open the door please. Young master ordered me to feed her."

I recognized that woman's voice ; that was Amber. I am elated that Amber kept her promise to see me here and give me meals.

"I am so sorry but His Majesty didn't allow anyone to see her before the execution tomorrow." That bodyguard with a sword in his hand rejected Amber's request.

"This is inhuman. You're starving that girl. She can die before morning comes. Do you want to change her position to be hung in front of the King?"

"What do you mean?"

Those men asked in unison. I could sense from their tone of voice that they sounded panicked.

"If that girl dies of starvation, you both will face death too." Amber was trying to intimidate and provoke them. Those two men exchanged glances. "Now open the door!" Amber instructed ; they could only do what Amber asked them to.

The iron door banged opened and revealed Amber's figure who soon ran toward me who was wasting on the freezing tiles. I could not hide my happiness, welcoming her visit.

"Thank you, " I mumbled in a weak tone of voice..

"I am so sorry that you have to go through this."

Amber was busy unboxing the meals and served it in front of me. My pupils dilated in wonder for I only saw fruit, vegetables and bread inside the box.

"We are all vegetarian here." She responded to my curiosity even if I didn't ask anything. She then fed the food into my mouth as my hands were too weak to even reach the meals. I chewed it voraciously as I was indeed starving.

I didn't have time to question why they all chose to be vegetarian. Even though that was not strange at all, I was still curious.

"Will they truly execute me tomorrow?" I wondered ; I spoke in the lowest level tone of voice so that the guards could not overhear our conversation. "Has Kane…Young Master heard of this? I am not a criminal. I don't even know what crimes I have committed. Who is the Prince of the Kingdom? I've never met him my whole life? Don't you have time to tell the Young Master that I am just a stranger in this kingdom? I told you that I came from another land."

"Xima….Don't worry. I believe our Young Master will save you from here. If he is the one who took you to this place, then he will be responsible for your safety. Trust me."

"I hope so," I responded hopelessly.

"I will try to find a way to see the Young Master tonight." She whispered against my ear.

"The time is up!" The bodyguard announced; his voice was as loud as thunder as he looked intimidated when Amber said something to me in whisper.

"You may leave. Thank you so much. I hope you will keep your promise" I bid goodbye.

"I'll do my best to rescue you from here."

"Get out now!" The guard yelled which forced Amber to rise to her feet in a hurry and rushed out of the chamber after she grabbed the dinner box.

"Can you treat a woman nicely?" I heard her complaint against the bodyguards who yanked her arm away from the cellar.

Amber took a final look at me and nodded before she abandoned the dungeon. Her doorstep vanished in the next few minutes.


I was lying on the stretcher in the center of the hall-like place with hundreds of eyes on me. Two executioners with high, strong and towering bodies stood on my both sides with swords in their hands, ready to behead me anytime.

I then chose to shut my eyes in surrender while cursing Amber for her lies. She betrayed me because even until the morning came, she never showed up to help me. My teeth gritted in anger and disappointment.

As the sun started rising up, its light began burning my skin and blinding my eyes under the open sky, amid the crowds of the people who, some of them were standing in a circle to watch my execution, the innocent they accused of kidnapping their prince.

I opened my eyes as I heard quietness. The people suddenly stood in silence with their gaze at the entrance. One of the guards announced that the king was entering the hall.

"Long live King Tiberias! Long live King Tiberias!"

All the people greeted the king with praise and they only stopped when the king had claimed the throne across from me. He was not alone; some people followed behind him. Even one of them, an old man, straightened up beside him. Unfortunately, I didn't find Kane and his bodyguards among them.

The King was a man with muscular towering posture despite his old age shown by his white hair and beards. His dark brown eyes were so deep, piercing me as though I was his prey.

"Execute her!" He ordered.

I closed my eyes in resignation when one executioner lifted his sharp sword bit before that weapon ended my life, I heard someone's interruption.

"Your Majesty!" someone shouted out and I opened my eyes; a guard followed by a young man bowed in front of the king. "Young Master is here to see you because he has an important matter to talk to you about."

My eyes shift to the man who just stepped into the hall. My heart was fluttering as my eyes met Kane who miraculously appeared into the scene out of nowhere.

That man was way more handsome than what I could see that night; his dark pupils were as sharp as eagle's eyes. And the exotic skin of his semi-muscular body wrapped by a warrior costume equipped with a sword glowed under the sunlight. The sweat trickled from his strong jaws.

He walked toward the center and kneeled before the king; his eyes lowered and his hands rested on the ground. His voice was heavy but as loud; it touched my heart.

"Please forgive me for my audacity to intervene in the execution, Your Majesty. I am here to ask you something that you have promised me. You once said that you would grant all my wishes if I manage to kill the alien."

"Sure! Now tell me your wish."

"I beg your mercy for that girl, Your Majesty."

"Life is indeed beautiful if you see it from the perspective of two souls who are bound in love." (LS)

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