

  Agatha POV

  I woke up because the sun was hitting my face. I didn't close my window last night when I entered my room because maybe I was too sleepy.

  I got off the bed and then went straight to the bathroom to take a shower before getting off. My mom and uncle are not here now because they went somewhere, I don't know where they went, while Luke is already in the company to work.

  I just accelerated my action because I was also hungry so when I finished getting dressed I went down to eat, the quiet of the house I do not know where the people are now even the maids are not here.

  I just went to the dining area and started eating because food was already on the table. Where is Ethan? Did he also leave or was he still asleep? Hmp! Why am I even looking for him! I just continued eating and when I finished I cleaned the table and washed the things I used.