

  Gian POV

  I could barely move because of what Ethan told me. I didn't even know that Belle was pregnant and I was the father she was carrying. How many times have I shouted at her and hurt her and even worse I pushed her earlier.

  I went with Ethan to visit Belle because he took her to the emergency room. I can’t forgive myself when something bad happens to the two of them. That's why no matter how much I pushed her away, she still stayed because she had a reason. I’m so stupid!

  When we got to the opposite side of the emergency room, Ethan first called Agatha to ask where they were and his wife said that Belle had been transferred to a private room so we went straight there.

  When we entered the room we saw Belle lying on the bed while Agatha was sitting on the side of the bed.

  "What did the doctor say baby?" Ethan asked his wife.

  "She's okay now baby, it's good and the baby's fit is pretty strong." Agatha replied.