
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasi
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37 Chs

Intrigue in the Arena Part 1

Four more days drifted by with little fanfare, and the new routine of Esteem Nam sharing morning meals with Daiyu's small family continued unchanged. The demotion of Eunuch Lu Min to House Steward for the new goddaughter, Yun Val Daiyu, sent shockwaves through the servants of the eighth concubine's residence. None dared to show even the slightest hint of disrespect, fully aware of the severe consequences that awaited those who crossed Esteem Nam's favored concubine or her children.

As the Esteem's behavior shifted, it set off a chain reaction within the palace walls. The number of spies planted by other officials in the concubine's residence seemed to multiply overnight. Daiyu couldn't help but notice the sudden surge of "accidents" and "illnesses" befalling the servants. Their faces wore a constant air of unease and trepidation, as if unsure who to trust.

Among the attempts to harm the residents, the most vexing were those made on Daiyu's personal maid, Fa Sai. Malicious plots to poison or injure her seemed to arise multiple times a day. Had it not been for Fa Sai's martial background and her clan's knowledge of medicinal arts, she might have succumbed to these wicked schemes more than three times a day.

Nightly reports arrived at Daiyu's quarters, detailing the ongoing progress of the residence's renovations. She counted the days with quiet anticipation until she could finally depart from the confines of the imperial complex.

While the poisoning attempts persisted among the servants, Zalgras's strengthened presence provided an impenetrable shield against any malicious designs aimed at poisoning Esteem Nam, his consort, or the two children. The entity's assurance that their immunity to such harmful substances would remain even after their departure, brought a sense of relief to Daiyu's heart. She found comfort in knowing that her family would be safe even in her absence.

In her time at the palace, Daiyu had keenly observed her mother's remarkable ability to navigate through political snares and fend off petty schemes from visiting concubines. The valuable lessons she had learned from watching her mother's poise and shrewdness bolstered her confidence in leaving her brother and mother in the palace for the time being, free from her personal supervision.

However, to be well-prepared is to be safe. Fa Sai would be remaining at her mother's side to monitor and report, Daiyu would not leave her family's safety completely in the Eseem's and her mother's hands. In war, the way is to win without fighting. Vigilance and observation were best when the enemy felt it was comfortable.

The twin suns were high and soft fluffy clouds drifted through a bright blue sky occasionally filtering the suns' brightness through their whispy construct casting soft shadows over the rolling waves.

With the air tinged with determination, a group of ten, led by the domineering figure of Captain Chen, marched with unwavering purpose. Among them, Daiyu and Fa Sai stood as the smallest and the only females, their presence defying expectations and proving their worth.

They traversed a meticulously polished stone walkway, its surface reflecting the radiant sun that shone upon them. The path led them across the majestic front of the imperial complex entrance, where grandeur and authority blended seamlessly. It was the same pathway Daity had walked before, after her daring confrontation with the formidable guard captain.

As they approached the second, smaller gate, Daiyu's observant eyes noticed the soldiers stationed above, their imposing figures exuding a formidable aura. Moving with calculated precision, they navigated through slated sections of the gate wall, hinting at the presence of hidden reinforcements, like silent guardians watching their every move. The tall structure of stone, iron, and dark grey tiled roof enveloped them, casting an imposing presence that spoke of both strength and vigilance.

With a subtle nod from the leader of their group, the gate creaked open, revealing a bustling world beyond. The air filled with the soft rhythmic thudding of uniformed footsteps, creating an ambiance of unwavering discipline. They advanced, leaving the imposing gate behind, and a whole new panorama unfolded before them.

To the left, a tantalizing glimpse of ordinary life could be seen through another ornate gate. Civilians, dressed in vibrant hues, moved about at a leisurely pace, engaged in their daily routines. Buildings of weathered grey and green wood stood proudly, adorned with intricately carved embellishments that spoke of a rich cultural heritage. The deep blue wooden roofs added a dash of elegance and contrast to the landscape, painting a captivating portrait of a thriving city within the imperial walls.

Her heart was filled with curiosity, longing to venture into the undercity, yearning to see firsthand if the simulators she had experienced in the past truly captured the essence of that historical place. However, the group pressed on along the polished walkway, leaving her explorations for another time.

They passed by a series of administration buildings and barracks, guard towers standing tall like sentinels, and archery practice halls where the echo of arrows being loosed resonated in the air. As they made several left turns, the uniformed men in their path would halt and saluted the small group's leader, Captain Chen. The march continued until they reached another covered gate, nestled between the imposing imperial walls and a watchtower that stood as a silent guardian.

Stepping through the gate, they were immediately embraced by the sandy expanse, and the ocean's salty fragrance enveloped them.

Daiyu's long black martial robes swayed gracefully in the breeze, momentarily revealing the vibrant red fabric beneath. The Quin may men accompanying her were clad in loose black pants, complemented by short fitted shirts neatly tucked at the waist. Each of them wore an outer robe, adorned with different shades of grey, reaching down to their knees and secured by a wide belt. In the group, Fa Sai stood elegantly, in her uniform of light grey and plum, holding a delicate pink silk bundle she resembled a flower against the night sky.

Before them stood an ominous building that seemed to stretch into the water, its multitiered structure forming a striking U shape. Four pagoda-style towers adorned its corners, while a long pagoda-style building stood proudly at its center.

The foundational layer of the structure was constructed with stone bricks, with the left side almost reaching the gently rolling waves, while the right side featured stone pillars that extended from the sea, supporting the long glass-lined walkways that hugged the U-shaped foundation. Above this layer, the next construction framed in imperial green concrete, filled in by dark grey concrete blocks and accentuated with intricate oak details. The structure was crowned with green and dark grey tiled shingles, giving it a regal appearance. The towers soared six levels high, casting shadows that were only outdone by the impressive central building, which proudly rose to ten levels.

As they approached from the Palace gate, Daiyu caught sight of a long bridge extending from the left side of the elaborate building, leading to an impressive circular arena. Historical records had described it as one of two "floating" combat rings, the other extending straight into the ocean behind the center of the structure. The rich history of the place seemed to come alive before her eyes, and the desire to explore every nook and cranny only grew stronger within her. But for now, she had a different mission, one that demanded her undivided attention.

According to Captain Chen, the group's destination would be the visual area on their left as they followed the polished stone footpath toward the central building. he afternoon suns hung high in the sky, casting its unrelenting heat upon the group as they sought shelter under the eaves of the massive overwater building. Their even black leather booted footsteps reverberated like perfectly synchronized drums, creating a rhythmic cadence that accompanied their every move. The sound of their steps transitioned from wood planks to solid green stone steps, always lined with stone, producing a gentle, low thud as they advanced.

"We will head directly to the arena, Sadu will show you, maid, to your quarters for the evening, and then she can collect you at the evening meal. If that is acceptable, Princess?" Captain Chen inquired, using honorifics to acknowledge Daiyu's new rank within the Imperial family. A small man in light grey robes appeared before Captain Chen as they passed through the entrance, causing the group to blink a few times as their eyes adjusted from the bright afternoon light to the dimmer hallways of the building. The scents of musky incense, polished wood, and leather polish wafted to the group as the man in grey bowed deeply to his commanding officer.

"That is acceptable, Captain Chen Val Hitomu," Daiyu responded with a nod of acknowledgment. Sa Fai bowed wordlessly before parting from the group, following the silent man in grey whom Daiyu assumed was 'Sadu.'

The rest of the group turned down a spacious hallway on the left, lined with individual training rooms. Daiyu stole glimpses through glass windows as they moved, catching sight of a few people engrossed in their training. On her left, the vast ocean spread out, its waves gently caressing the sandy shore that cradled the massive palace walls, stretching towards the heavens. The intricately designed inset iron gates at the beginning of key corridors did not escape her keen observation.

They made another left turn, this time around a thin, narrow floating stairway that Captain Chen mentioned led up to an archery range and disciple quarters, while descending would lead them to the kitchens. Midway down the final corridor, the scent of musky incense gradually gave way to the refreshing and invigorating aroma of the salty ocean, signaling their approach to the battle arena.

What had been hidden from view when Daiyu first observed the massive circular arena from the beach were the fifty or more men surrounding its perimeter. Dressed similarly to Captain Chen and his men, they seemed to blend into the surroundings like silent guardians, their watchful eyes trained on the heart of the ring.

The exterior of the circle boasted a sturdy stone wall, reaching half the height of a grown man. Intermittent decorative stone posts, with elegant lanterns, stood ready to be lit, illuminating the surroundings in the evening. As the group stepped onto the polished spruce planks of the second ring where observers stood, her eyes were drawn to the third ring, which outlined the combat area. It was adorned with phosphorescent lanterns, creating a mesmerizing display of glowing light. The combat area itself was paved with a soft and slightly bouncy material, its intricate design consisting of hues of royal green, dark grey, and forest green, forming an elegant tapestry under the spring sun.

Near the entrance, portable weapons racks stood, silently awaiting the fighters who would soon make use of their contents. With Captain Chen leading the way, the small group moved to the right, their eyes fixed on the center of the ring.

There, two imposing figures faced off with staffs in hand. Each man bore sea-colored skin, a distinct trait that signified their origins. The first man, his body adorned with a thick grey-green beard, exuded an aura of rugged experience. His weathered face bore scars, and his sharp black-green eyes conveyed a lifetime of battles. Bald and perspiring under the bright spring sunlight, he stood his ground with unwavering determination.

The second man, visibly younger than his opponent by a few decades, appeared not much older than Daiyu herself. Despite his youth, he was much taller and broader in build than she, possessing a physical presence that demanded attention. His hair, reminiscent of soft cherry blossoms, danced with each confident movement, and his eyes sparkled like the vibrant red hue of a Qinmay rabbit. Brash and self-assured, he displayed an air of arrogance as he faced his adversary in the circle.

The air crackled with tension as the two combatants faced each other within the circular ring. The older man, his staff held firmly in both hands, exuded an aura of wisdom and experience. His opponent, the younger man with cherry blossom hair, moved with a fluid grace that belied his youthfulness. The spectators sensed that they were about to witness an extraordinary display of skill and power.

As the duel commenced, the younger man wasted no time in launching a series of lightning-fast strikes. His staff whirled through the air like a cyclone, challenging the older man's defenses with ferocity and speed. The older man responded with the wisdom of years, expertly deflecting and countering each attack with precision.

The spectators leaned in, their hearts pounding with excitement as they watched the intense exchange. The younger man's agile footwork kept him one step ahead of his opponent, avoiding the older man's calculated strikes with near-miss precision. The older man's mastery of technique was evident in every move, but the younger man's daring and creativity proved to be a worthy challenge.

With each clash of their staffs, the ground seemed to tremble beneath the spectators' feet. Gasps and cheers erupted from the crowd as they witnessed the breathtaking display of martial prowess. The older man's experience was evident in his composed demeanor, while the younger man's fiery determination was a force to be reckoned with.

As the duel wore on, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows over the arena. The combatants continued to push themselves to their limits, their determination unwavering. The younger man's attacks grew bolder and more unpredictable, catching the older man off guard at times, but the seasoned warrior managed to defend himself with a combination of skill and intuition.

Daiyu, observing with rapt attention, admired the older man's resilience and composure. Despite the formidable challenge posed by his younger opponent, he remained steadfast, adapting his techniques to counter each new tactic thrown his way. She found herself in awe of the intricate dance of combat, the intricate interplay of attack and defense.

As the duel neared its conclusion, both combatants were drenched in sweat, their breaths heavy with exertion. The younger man's attacks had tested the older man's limits, and the crowd could sense that victory hung in a delicate balance.

In a final display of strength and finesse, the older man seized a fleeting opportunity and executed a powerful strike, catching the younger man off guard. The younger man staggered back, his staff slipping from his grasp. The spectators held their breaths as they witnessed the critical moment that would determine the outcome of the duel.

With a gesture of respect, the older man bowed to his opponent, acknowledging the younger man's skill and tenacity. The younger man returned the gesture with a nod, his eyes shining with admiration for his elder's prowess.

The spectators erupted into applause, their admiration for both combatants evident in their cheers. The duel had been a breathtaking display of martial artistry, a testament to the beauty and power of combat when skill and determination converge. The two combatants moved to the edge of the ring and Captain Chen moved to dominate the center of the ring a pleased smile on his face.

"Esteemed guests and fellow warriors," Captain Chen began, his voice projecting strength and authority. "Today, we have been privileged to witness a true testament of martial prowess. The battle we have witnessed between these two exceptional warriors is a reflection of the dedication and skill that define the essence of our noble art."

He gestured towards the two combatants, who stood side by side, their eyes meeting with mutual respect. "The younger challenger showed us the fearless spirit and boundless energy of youth, pushing the limits of his opponent with creativity and determination. His performance has impressed us all, and it is a promise of greatness yet to come."

The crowd nodded in agreement, acknowledging the remarkable talent displayed by the young warrior.

Captain Chen's gaze then turned to the victorious older man, who stood with an air of humble triumph. "And let us not forget the wisdom and experience of our elder warrior," Captain Chen continued. "His seasoned techniques and unyielding composure are a testament to the years of training and dedication to the martial arts. He has shown us that with age comes not only strength but also mastery."

The spectators cheered, showing their appreciation for the older warrior's demonstration of skill and perseverance.

"In the arena of combat, we find a mirror of life," Captain Chen proclaimed. "Each strike and parry represents the challenges and adversities we face in our journeys. It is through discipline and dedication that we rise above our limitations and grow stronger, whether we are young or old."

With the atmosphere still charged from the intense duel they had just witnessed, Captain Chen's voice resonated through the arena once more, commanding attention. The spectators gathered closer, curious about what would come next.

"We have one more treat in store for you," Captain Chen announced, a hint of excitement in his tone. "We have a young warrior among us, whose talent and determination have earned her the recognition of none other than Esteem Nam himself. Today, she graces us with her presence willing to challenge those brave enough to step forward." Daiyu stepped from the crowd smirking internally at Captain Chen's showmanship, marveling at how he suddenly sounded like a circus ringmaster rather than a mighty Captain of the Qinmay army.

The crowd's curiosity peaked as they turned their attention to the center of the arena, where Daiyu now stood tall, her dark robes billowing slightly in the gentle breeze. Her eyes gleamed with confidence, and the spectators couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and admiration for the small girl.

"This is no ordinary young girl," Captain Chen's voice carried across the arena, capturing the audience's attention. "She is Yun Val Daiyu, the goddaughter of Esteem Nam, daughter of the famed Bloody Tiger of Taihar, and a prodigy in both martial arts and strategy."

Daiyu couldn't help but suppress a slight grin at Captain Chen's fervent boasting. She was used to such praises from her father, but hearing it proclaimed so loudly before a crowd of onlookers felt different.

Gasps of surprise and whispers of intrigue rippled through the spectators, their curiosity piqued by the mention of her renowned lineage and extraordinary skills.

"With her unique training under her father, she has already proven her mettle in battle beside the great legend," Captain Chen declared with pride, fueling the crowd's anticipation. "And she stands before you today, ready to demonstrate her prowess in combat."

As the spectators' eyes were fixed on her, Daiyu stood tall, her dark robes accentuating her confidence and determination. The air crackled with excitement, and the arena seemed to hold its breath in anticipation.

"But we need a challenger," Captain Chen called out, his voice echoing across the expanse. "Is there anyone among you who dares to test their skills against this young prodigy? Step forward, and let the world witness the birth of a new legend!"

A moment of hesitation lingered among the crowd, uncertainty flickering in some of the warriors' eyes. The prospect of facing a skilled prodigy like Daiyu left them contemplating the risk. Yet the frail girl before them truly did not appear to live up to her legend

*Is he attempting to have you killed? His words all but suggest the entire pride of their military rests on defeating a thin girl of only fourteen,* Zalgras fumed in Daiyu's mind.

*I am unsure of his true intentions,* Daiyu responded calmly, keeping her emotions in check. *If he believes his words, he may be trying to motivate his soldiers to train harder. If not, then yes, he might be aiming to humiliate me.*

With Zalgras's support, Daiyu had recovered from her wounds and grown stronger, though her body still bore the marks of past abuse. She looked smaller and frailer than the seasoned warriors around her, but appearances could be deceiving.

*Very well. Let them come. This one will not let you fall to these mere males,* Zalgras declared with determination.

Daiyu nodded, acknowledging the entity's resolve. She scanned the crowd, her eyes meeting those of the potential challengers. Some hesitated, while others stepped back, unwilling to take on the daring task.

Then, from the far side of the arena, a lone figure stepped forward. The challenger's presence commanded attention, like a beacon drawing all eyes toward him. His skin bore a mesmerizing shade of deep cobalt blue, which seemed to shimmer like the night sky under the radiant glow of the arena's lanterns. His tall and lean figure exuded strength and agility, and his every movement carried an air of grace that seemed almost otherworldly.

His hair was tied in a high ponytail that flowed down his back in a breathtaking cascade of brilliant white, resembling a celestial waterfall under the soft glow of the lanterns. His eyes, like two orbs of enchantment, glittered with a mesmerizing shade of deep gold, captivating those who dared to meet his gaze.

"I, Na Zhenyu, wish to test my skills against this young prodigy," the challenger declared, his voice steady and resolute, resonating through the arena with a sense of noble determination.

A ripple of excitement surged through the crowd as they witnessed the emergence of a worthy challenger. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the stage was set for an epic duel between two formidable warriors.

Captain Chen's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he addressed the crowd once more. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have our challenger! As many have heard of her conflict at the palace gates, this challenge will be accomplished using practice swords. Three minor wounds or a killing blow signifies the end of the match. Begin!"

With a wave of Captain Chen's broad hand, two grey-robed men came forward, each holding a heavy wooden sword of smooth redwood. Daiyu accepted hers with a polite bow, a quiet sense of readiness emanating from her demeanor. In contrast, her competitor, Na Zhenyu, took his sword without even glancing at the martial brother presenting it to him, his focus entirely on the forthcoming duel.

The air was charged with anticipation as the crowd held its breath, witnessing the face-off between these two formidable warriors. The practice swords gleamed under the glow of the lanterns, a stark contrast to the underlying intensity of the impending battle.

Captain Chen smiled coldly before waving for the match to begin, retreating to the side of the arena, where he observed with an eagle eye, ready to witness a contest that would undoubtedly become a legend in its own right. The atmosphere seemed to hold its breath as Daiyu and Na Zhenyu squared off, their eyes locking in a silent exchange of determination and respect. The audience knew they were about to witness a clash of extraordinary skill and prowess, a spectacle they hoped would be etched into their memories for years to come.

The moment the match began, the atmosphere seemed to crackle with energy as Daiyu and Na Zhenyu sprang into action. Their wooden swords clashed with lightning speed, each movement calculated and precise. The crowd watched in awe as the young girl, seemingly fragile, displayed an astounding mastery of martial arts.

*Be cautious, Daiyu. His skill is formidable,* Zalgras warned, its voice echoing in her mind.

*I know,* she replied, her focus unwavering. *But I can do this.*

With renewed determination, Daiyu pressed forward, her movements fluid and graceful like a dancer. She seamlessly transitioned from defense to offense, her strikes swift and calculated. Na Zhenyu, equally skilled, met her blow for blow, his movements powerful and confident.

The audience erupted into whispers and gasps, amazed by the display of martial prowess before them. They marveled at the sight of a young girl holding her ground against such a skilled opponent.

"I can't believe the Esteem accepted a Taiharn as his goddaughter. This is an outrage!" A deep indignant voice stated.

"Who cares about her origins? Her skills are undeniable. She's earned my respect without a doubt." Another defended.

"It's a disgrace. We have plenty of talented Qinmay youths she is not that talented!" The first voice spoke up again.

"Look at the finesse in her strikes! She's like a whirlwind of precision." A new voice piped in with excitement.

"She moves like a ghost! It's as if she's dancing with her opponent. Can you really not see her talent?" Returned the second voice.

"She may be skilled, but she'll never truly understand our traditions and values." Responded the first man again gruffly as the crowd refocused on the battle raging before them.

*Watch his stance, Daiyu. There's a slight opening on his left,* Zalgras advised.

Daiyu adjusted her position, seizing the opportunity Zalgras had pointed out. She executed a lightning-fast strike, aiming for the exposed area. Na Zhenyu barely managed to block her attack in the nick of time, but the force of her blow knocked him off balance.

*I almost had him,* Daiyu thought, a hint of frustration in her mental voice.

*You'll get another chance,* Zalgras reassured her. Stay focused.

With Zalgras supporting her, Daiyu continued to engage in a fierce battle with Na Zhenyu. The match intensified with every passing moment, each fighter testing the other's limits. Their bodies drenched in sweat as they panted hard while facing each other, searching for weakness.

Meanwhile, Captain Chen watched with keen interest, his eyes glued to the unfolding contest. He could hardly believe the skill and resilience displayed by the young girl. It was as if she possessed the spirit of a warrior twice her age.

As the battle raged on, Daiyu took a hit to her shoulder, but with Zalgras's numbing assistance, she only flinched and absorbed the pain but didn't falter. She gritted her teeth and pushed through the pain, refusing to let it slow her down.

*You're doing great, Daiyu. Keep going, but you should finish this fast, I can only numb the pain I can not heal you in front of all these bystanders.* Zalgras reminded her.

"Did you see that parry? She's like a force of nature!" A voice exclaimed.

"She's making Na Zhenyu work for it. This is no easy win for him, but he is one of our most promising, he won't lose face." Another responded.

"Who would've thought a Taiharn girl could hold her ground like this?" An awed voice chimed in.

Amidst the intense combat, the audience marveled at Daiyu's determination and skill. Whispers of admiration and astonishment spread through the crowd. They couldn't believe what they were witnessing—a young girl standing strong against a warrior of Na Zhenyu's caliber, if they were not seeing it first hand no one would believe such a thing.

*One more opening,* Zalgras noted.

Daiyu saw it too. With a burst of energy, she launched a rapid series of attacks, catching Na Zhenyu off guard. Her final strike landed squarely on his side, and a gasp swept through the spectators as he staggered back.

With a graceful spin, Daiyu delivered one last powerful blow. Na Zhenyu's practice sword flew from his hand, and he fell to his knees, conceding defeat.

The crowd erupted into cheers, their applause filling the arena. Captain Chen looked on with a mix of astonishment and admiration. He had witnessed a truly remarkable display of skill, and he couldn't help but wonder what other hidden talents the young goddaughter of Esteem Nam possessed.

"Men today we have witnessed the brilliance of Yun Val Daiyu!" Captain Chen's voice rang out, his excitement palpable. "Truly, she is a prodigy among warriors. Today, we have seen a display of determination and skill that will be remembered for generations to come."

The crowd erupted in cheers, their admiration for Daiyu resounding in thunderous applause. Captain Chen stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Daiyu with newfound reverence. "This victory speaks volumes of your prowess. To witness such a remarkable duel is an honor. Yun Val Daiyu, you have proven yourself a worthy challenger and a true martial talent. Let your name be etched in the annals of history."

As the spectators continued to cheer, their fervor enveloped the arena. Captain Chen raised his hand, and a hushed silence fell upon the crowd, eager for his next decree. "Tomorrow's dawn shall bring new challenges. We call upon any who dare to test their skills against this extraordinary young warrior. Gather here at sunrise, for she awaits any daring enough to step forward and accept the challenge! But tonight, in celebration of this grand display, we feast in her honor!"

*His words may sound like praise,* Daiyu mentally retorted, her anger suppressed beneath a calm facade. *But they hold an undercurrent of mockery and challenge. He may indeed be attempting to get me killed.* Her mind remained focused, alert to the potential traps hidden within the Captain's seemingly complimentary words. She knew better than to let her guard down in the face of such cunning.