
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasi
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37 Chs

Confrontation and Medical Treatment

"Approach and be recognized." A man with a slightly higher-pitched voice announced to the group that had just arrived. The grandeur of the imperial throne room enveloped them, its aura suffused with an air of regality and power.

Daiyu, conscious of the eyes watching and the importance of the occasion, halted the procession before stepping past the threshold. With a deliberate and dramatic motion, she unsheathed her sword, its gleaming blade reflecting the golden light that bathed the chamber. Holding it reverently, she presented it to Captain Chen Val Hitomu with a formal bow, a gesture that spoke volumes of her respect and acknowledgment of his authority.

*Did the man deliberately allow you to keep the weapon, or is he trying to frame you again? Surely, he must be aware that weapons are forbidden within the Imperial complex,* Zalgrass scoffed in her mind, its disdainful tone palpable.

*It was probably a test; perhaps an imposter would not know the law?* Daiyu replied, standing poised as the Captain accepted the sword, her eyes catching a glimpse of his sharp, aqua-green gaze. Meanwhile, Balam moved forward slowly, his black cane striking the stone floor with a resonating tap that echoed through the chamber.

"I wonder if the Captain knows about the sword. Is he complicit or ignorant?"

"The young looks weak and injured. I hope he can hold up during the audience."

"Did you see how she unsheathed her sword? Such a dramatic entrance, it must be intentional." Whispered voices drifted through the crowd yet the procession pretended not to hear.

The Captain and Daiyu followed him as Fa Sai and the rest of the guards waited along the wall behind them. Clerks, stationed at small kneeling desks in the corners of the room, poised their brushes, ready to record any significant events or words spoken during the audience. With visible pain etched on his face, Balam knelt on a jade mat directly before the elevated figure. Daiyu and the captain knelt a few steps behind him, patiently awaiting their turn to address the Esteem.

"Greetings to the Sun, almighty and wise Esteem of Qinmay. May your reign endure a hundred years, and may your glory bless us. This unworthy son is tardy and humbly implores the Esteem for punishment." Balam kowtowed three times, his forehead nearly touching the floor.

"Yun Val Daiyu, firstborn daughter of Yun Ver Chao and Shen Ba Aming, granddaughter to the illustrious Esteem Shen Tor Hui, ruler of the proud nation of Taihar, humbly extends her greetings to his excellency The Great Esteem of the formidable nation of Qinmay. May your reign be enduring and eternally blessed by the watchful gaze of the Maker." Daiyu performed a single perfect kowtow before rising, her head bowed and her hands delicately folded before her. Her actions displayed immense respect, surpassing the customary curtsy or simple bow required of a visiting dignitary when greeting a foreign monarch within their own court.

*What a long-winded title. Did you forget the hero of Ansei, youngest and most decorated elite soldier of the Taihar Warriors? You're not going to feign worshiping this fat man's ego? Such a long reminder of your accolades is almost a declaration of war, yes?* The entity asked, laughing sarcastically at the performance.

*If I had included all of that, he might have felt threatened. It was merely a potent reminder that he sent the daughter of a war hero, who is also the granddaughter of an Esteem, to a fanatical cult-like commune in the heart of a frigid mountainous region. I also want to remind him that I am not a citizen of his country but a noble young woman with ties to another throne. He may be slow, but he's playing the role of a pawn for the hypocritical Church of the Maker out of greed. However, I'm certain he can't be so dense as to miss my implications.* Daiyu calmly conveyed her thoughts as she maintained her poised posture, causing the room to fall into silence. In that stillness, she could almost hear the rusty gears of the aging ruler grinding away.

"Do you think Daiyu's display of respect was genuine, or is she trying to manipulate the Esteem?"

"Balam seems to be in a lot of pain. I hope he can endure the audience without collapsing." More whispers polluted the air.

"Yun Se Balam, I bid you to rise. This Esteem received a report stating that you and the young lady were slain by bandits near the Toli Forest. However, I can ascertain with my righteous eyes that you bear the blood of this throne, and the girl by your side resembles my beloved consort.

"It is beyond doubt that she is Yun Val Daiyu, who vowed to accompany the young prince years ago, pledging to protect her younger sibling with her life. Please stand and elucidate the series of events that have brought confusion upon this court." The man's voice resonated in a deep monotone, and Daiyu could perceive his large figure shifting imperceptibly, like undulating waves, through her lowered lashes. The boy struggled to his feet, utilizing his cane for support, and Daiyu. with our requesting the assistance of a maid, along with the captain, rose slowly. With her hands delicately folded before her fixed gaze upon the smooth, dark gray floor beneath her, she assumed a composed stance.

*Way to subtly inform you, you asked to be locked up with the youngling, so it's not his fault.* Zalgrass commented snidely. Daiyu maintained her serene expression, momentarily suppressing the urge to slap the molten-layered man and observe if he would quake off his throne.

*He only has five years left; by then, he will perish from poison or heart decay. Let him indulge in pastries until he self-destructs. My priority is to safeguard my brother,* Daiyu retorted with a venomous tone, while Balam took the initiative to speak, his youthful voice steady and resolute as he commenced narrating their tale.

"As the Esteem wishes. On the fourth night of our journey, our convoy fell victim to an ambush in the darkness, and I could not discern the identity of the assailants. However, I can attest that Yun Val Daiyu valiantly defended the prince against the aggressors.

"As our guards and servants fled, the situation became irreparable. In order to prevent the prince from falling into enemy hands, Yun Val Daiyu, carrying me, fled into the depths of the Toli Woods. Our pursuers were confronted by a pack of wolves and were forced to retreat. Eventually, the pack turned on us, taking the place of our original pursuers, and drove us further into the forbidden woods. It was during our struggle against the wolves that we inadvertently tumbled into a treacherously deep ravine." The Esteem took a sip of his tea, listening as though the story involved a traveling rabbit and a scheming fox, rather than his own blood-related son.

"Both of us sustained severe injuries—this one suffered a broken leg from the fall, while she endured multiple abrasions and cracked ribs. Despite the grave wounds and profuse bleeding, Yun Val Daiyu ingeniously fashioned a harness from nearby vines and carried me to safety. However, in the process of scaling the ravine wall using thorn vines, she incurred further injuries." The courtiers leaned in closer, their anticipation palpable, eager to hear the next captivating chapter of the children's harrowing tale.

"In our debilitated state, we soon found ourselves encircled once more by the wolf pack. Yet, amidst the hungry creatures, there stood an aged sage. With the assistance of this wise man, Yun Val Daiyu successfully fended off the wolves before succumbing to her wounds and losing consciousness." The Esteem's eyes, resembling beads of iron, remained fixed unwaveringly on Daiyu as the boy continued narrating their perilous journey. Gasps and awe-filled murmurs resonated through the captivated court, their attention completely absorbed. In that pivotal moment, Captain Chen Val Hitomu's gaze narrowed upon noticing tiny droplets of blood materialize on the floor beneath the girl's folded hands. More surprised whispers flittered through the thickly incented air.

"I can't believe the Esteem is buying into their story. Wolves and an aged sage? It sounds fabricated."

"Did you notice the blood droplets on the floor? It may be the truth."

"That story about the wolves and the sage is getting more extravagant by the minute. Surely such encounters could not be true."

"On a quest inspired by a divine dream from The Maker, the mighty sage embarked on his current journey to find a disciple worthy of his profound wisdom. This sage was not only well-traveled and knowledgeable in the ways of medicine but also possessed an array of incredible knowledge. As he encountered the young Taiharn warrior, an immediate bond formed within him, compelling him to bind our wounds and beseech Yun Val Daiyu to accept him as her Master." Gasps and intrigued voices swirled like wraths in the windowless space.

"Balam's storytelling skills are quite impressive. He has the court wrapped around his finger."

"I wonder if Daiyu's master is real or just a fabrication to add credibility to their story."

"If Daiyu possesses such remarkable skills, she could be a valuable asset to the throne."

"The court clerks must be working overtime to record every detail of this audience. It's an extraordinary tale."

"Without a doubt, had she refused, we would not have the honor of standing before the Esteem's magnificent presence today. The esteemed master, in all his greatness and power, tended to our needs for several days, nurturing and imparting wisdom upon Yun Val Daiyu. Furthermore, he bestowed upon us ample funds and provisions, ensuring our safe passage out of the forbidden forest. From there, we made our way to Uptol, taking precautions to conceal our true identities and assuming false names. Traveling by ship, we eventually arrived in the capital, as you can witness, in alignment with your resolute and inspiring will." The Esteem, deep in thought, absentmindedly stroked his clean-shaven chin.

"There was no record of your journey. Why did you deem it necessary to withhold information about your well-being from this Esteem?" The great ruler subtly inquired, his eyes narrowing with slight suspicion. Balam bowed low wincing in pain before continuing.

"Forgive us, benevolent ruler, for there was no intention to cause any distress to the throne or deceive this noble court in any manner. We deemed it necessary to withhold information about our well-being due to a valid concern raised by Yun Val Daiyu. After our personal guards and staff deserted, she wisely suggested that announcing our vulnerable traveling conditions might attract further misfortune upon us. Given the uncertainty of the security of a written message over such a great distance and the absence of reliable means of communication, her proposal to enlist the assistance of hired swords and servants while concealing our true identities, even from them, seemed the wisest course of action. Only the Maker truly knows the depths of men's hearts, and we sought to protect ourselves and ensure the efficiency of our journey. Furthermore, with the consort's illness being so dire, we dared not delay our arrival, fearing the potential consequences. Thus, this path appeared to be the most prudent and efficient course of action," replied the boy, his voice devoid of defiance or reproach, expressing sincere remorse and explanation.

"Yun Val Daiyu, is there anything you would like to add to the account we just heard?" The Esteem directly inquired.

"This humble girl only wishes to ascertain whether the skills bestowed upon her by her master can truly aid our ailing consort mother. If they cannot, her sole desire is to dutifully remain by her mother's side until her final moments." She replied simply, yet her tone hinted at impatience with the meeting. The man's eyes widened at her words, then narrowed before softening slightly.

"You have traveled far and endured great hardships. Many have attempted to heal our beloved consort, but even the renowned physician Song Di Fukuko could not halt her decline. Sadly, we can only pray for a miracle from the Maker, as we were informed she has only a few days left. The royal physician will evaluate your conditions this evening, and after a meal and rest, you will be granted permission to be at her side in the morning." The man responded contemplatively.

"With your permission, Your Eminence, my wounds are inconsequential, and my mother's well-being is the sole reason we embarked on this arduous journey. I wish to be by her side. Even in the face of potential failure, I aim to utilize all the skills bestowed upon me by the Maker, hoping to alleviate my mother's suffering. I must try." Daiyu firmly declared, disregarding the man's orders with her audacious words. The Esteem glared at her, taken aback by her bold plea. The courtiers buzzed with intrique.

"Daiyu's boldness is both admirable and risky. She doesn't seem afraid to challenge the Esteem's authority."

"That girl has an air of confidence about her. It's as if she's not afraid of anyone, not even the Esteem."

"I wonder if there's any truth to the rumors that Daiyu has ties to another throne. It could complicate matters."

"Daiyu's determination to heal the consort is admirable, but is it realistic? Can she truly make a difference?"

"Daiyu's disregard for the Esteem's orders is audacious. She's playing a dangerous game."

"Yun Se Balam, what are your thoughts on this matter?" The emotionless voice of the ruler addressed the young prince.

"This prince's thoughts align with the suggestion put forth by Yun Val Daiyu. Our suffering has been endured to fulfill this purpose, and a few more hours in service of the Esteem's original decree would be but a minor inconvenience." The man seated above them frowned, then slowly nodded, as if a realization had struck him.

"Very well, let us all proceed to her now and witness the skills this great Master has imparted upon you." With this command, two guards materialized to assist the large man to his feet, while sedan chairs were ordered for the young, injured prince and the rotund ruler, and the room buzzed like an insect hive.

"The Esteem's expression changed when he heard about the imminent death of the consort. It must be weighing on him."

"The Esteem's decision to let them see the consort is surprising. He must have his reasons."

"I can't help but feel sorry for the consort. Her impending death casts a somber mood over the entire court."

"I'm curious to see what skills Daiyu claims to have acquired. Let's see if she lives up to the expectations."

"I heard the royal physician couldn't do anything for the consort. Let's see if this Master can actually help."

"I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Something tells me this audience will have far-reaching consequences."

"I'm intrigued to hear how the royal physician will react to Daiyu's claims. It could be quite a spectacle."

"I wonder if the Esteem will regret granting Daiyu permission. It might set a precedent for future interactions with the court."


As the preparations reached completion, a small entourage of servants, guards, and the children dutifully trailed behind Esteem's grand sedan chair. They maneuvered through the intricate labyrinth of hallways, their footsteps echoing softly against the polished stone floors. With each turn they took, the atmosphere shifted, revealing the diverse nature of the annex.

Amidst the winding corridors, they stumbled upon wide archways adorned with ornate carvings. Through these openings, they caught glimpses of the world outside—a tranquil scene painted by the gentle downpour of rain. The glass panes of the windows beckoned them, promising the chilling touch of nature's tears once they crossed the threshold of the annex.

At the intersection where the annex converged with the interior maze of walkways and buildings, the guards, their demeanor resolute and protective, assumed new positions at the forefront of the procession. Daiyu, together with the other devoted servants, followed closely behind, their figures vulnerable to the capricious raindrops that cascaded from the heavens.

Daiyu did not miss the fact that Captain Chen Val Hitomu had deftly positioned himself behind her, and had yet to return her weapon. She felt his steady presence looming behind her, his intense curiosity was palpable.

*This wretched weather, forcing you to endure it with no protection. Is this the Esteem's way of punishing you?* Zalgrass chimed in with a displeased tone, employing his ethereal power to raise Daiyu's body temperature, providing her with some respite from the chill.

*At least the rain will cleanse my wounds before we reach my mother's bedside. The Esteem holds affection for her, as she is rumored to be the most beautiful among his many wives. By healing her, perhaps his perception of me will be slightly altered. But his sentiments towards me are inconsequential,* Daiyu explained nonchalantly, her graceful steps carrying her through the rain. She had faced far more arduous conditions in her past. Marching through downpours as a soldier was discomforting, but hardly a tale worth recounting. Marching through poison gas-laden fields infested with acid-spitting insects on a planet where the very surface could melt flesh—those were true challenges.

*How I can spin the great sage master fairy tale to corner our enemies is the real goal. Healing her is a first step, a big one; this minor inconvenience and his petty power plays are meaningless in the face of our fundamental goals.* Daiyu mused as they continued ever forward through the maze of buildings.

Captain Chen Val Hitomu cast his gaze up several times, his brows furrowing so tightly that ridges formed between his eyes. His attention fixated on the injured young girl, observing her with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. Despite her delicate appearance, she exuded an aura of calm indifference in the face of the cold, drenching rain—a demeanor reminiscent of a seasoned veteran who had traversed treacherous terrains for countless years. Her steps remained resolute and unwavering, even as her robes dripped water at the hems. Her relaxed shoulders and serene countenance betrayed no hint of irritation.

Beside Yun Val Daiyu, the maid moved with equal grace and naturalness. However, her visage and tense shoulders betrayed her annoyance and discomfort in the current predicament. The captain's impression of the Yun girl soared, his respect for her resilience intensifying. She had not only bested a Captain of the Imperial Guard while malnourished and injured but had done so with remarkable skill. A surge of eagerness surged through him, as if he yearned to enlist her under his command. The girl possessed the potential to become an invaluable asset or a potential spy—either way, he resolved to keep a vigilant eye on this enigmatic and aloof child.

They passed by several small quartz buildings, supported by sturdy gray stones and adorned with pale green roofs. Daiyu discerned that some of these structures served as dwellings for the servants, while others stored essential provisions. The rhythm of rain striking the smooth stone walkway blended with the soothing melody of rushing water emanating from a magnificent cascading wall fountain to their right. As they proceeded, a guard station emerged on their left, completing the picturesque scene that enveloped them in a meticulously crafted valley of human design.

*There is a damned covered walkway where you could all remain dry. Is this how your society governs? Your realm is rife with corruption. How could your kind even dream of achieving a fraction of the splendor we possess?* Daiyu sighed inwardly, acknowledging the disgruntled entity's grievances. While she couldn't entirely disagree with Zalgrass's irate commentary, she began to regret the extensive discussions about individuality and personal struggles, as the spirit seemed to have internalized her current tribulations.

*The Esteem believes he is sending a message with this arduous journey. However, this ruler lacks many of the admirable traits inherent to our kind. Comparing him to a true dragon would be akin to contrasting a lowly slug to a majestic creature of legend. Curiously, throughout our history, it has been rare for a genuine dragon of our kind to occupy a position of power. The annihilation of your kind was likely an accidental occurrence, brought about by rulers of this nature. A wiser leader would have considered the probability of other life forms inhabiting planets, and given our inherent greed, would have sought to exploit such encounters for personal gain.

*Compassion is among our most commendable attributes. However, rulers who embody compassion rarely maintain power for long, as it is easy to manipulate such empathy for malevolent ends. Finding a ruler who possesses both compassion and wisdom, yet harbors the capacity for necessary ruthlessness, is a near-impossible feat. There have been a few remarkable exceptions in my memory, but they remain scarce.* Zalgrass again took her response and quieted down to evaluate the exchange.

After the passage of an incense stick's worth of time, the group arrived at a gated courtyard. Towering above them stood the palace of the consort, a majestic four-story structure. Encircled by a wooden walkway that meandered through a vibrant sea of blue orchids and tall acacia trees, it emanated an air of serenity and grandeur. Stepping out of the sedan chairs and crossing the threshold, the entourage entered the warmth of the interior hallways. Captain Chen Val Hitomu led the way, guiding them to the left, bypassing a small resting room, and ascending a flight of stairs adjacent to a banquet hall. An army of maids materialized seemingly out of thin air, their swift movements aimed at erasing the traces of water left in the group's wake. Unperturbed, the captain continued his march, ascending another flight of stairs, deliberately ignoring yet another set of steps that led upward.

Passing through an ornate entryway carved into a wall adorned with decorative quartz and gray stone, the group ventured into a hallway. Sturdy bars obstructed access to the consorts' private quarters, but with a feeble wave, the weary Esteem signaled for their ascent. Silently, soldiers who had been strategically positioning themselves throughout the levels sprang into action, leaving only three—Captain Chen Val Hitomu included—guarding the entryway. Flanking the doorway, two soldiers stood poised on either side as Captain Chen Val Hitomu led the way deeper inside. The servants, giving them a wide berth, dropped to their knees with heads respectfully bowed as the group passed, only to rise promptly and frantically tend to the puddles left in their wake.

The remaining five individuals—The Esteem, Captain Chen, Balam, Daiyu, and the nearly imperceptible maid, Fa Sai—proceeded through a small sitting area. Within, a low table, bookshelves, and a plush sofa were arranged near a window that offered a breathtaking view of the restless ocean. Navigating a narrow passage between a bookshelf and an intricately adorned wall, they reached a servant's bench positioned by a window, just a stone's throw from Consort Zheng's sleeping chambers. Gently lifting the delicate red curtains, adorned with intricate green and white embroidery, Daiyu's eyes beheld the culmination of their current mission.

A fragile, ethereal woman lay upon a bed swathed in silk curtains, adorned with a green-blue comforter. Her midnight-sky tresses cascaded over the pillows, framing her face, while her pale, almost ethereal lavender skin spoke of her noble lineage. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing a slight glimmer of bright blue as they fixated upon the countenance of her beloved daughter and the tiny figure of the delicate young prince by her side.

"My..." The consort's voice trembled into a faint whisper, tears welling up in her eyes as she struggled to raise a hand toward the children. Without hesitation or reservation, Daiyu and Balam moved into their mother's embrace, seeking solace in her presence.

*I have slowed the poison, but to eliminate it completely, I will need more direct contact. Once that is done, the charm you crafted will gradually restore her vitality, accelerating her recovery compared to her immune system's struggle. She will experience some discomfort for a while, but it will subside over time. However, if you wish, I can directly heal her extensive internal injuries,* Zalgrass informed Daiyu, its words bringing a faint smile to her face, akin to a mischievous cat after stealing a fish.

*No, this should suffice. Are you certain that Ilvibole can heal the damage?* Daiyu sought confirmation, ensuring she had all the necessary information.

*Yes, it will be effective over time, perhaps fourteen planetary rotations.* The creature responded honestly; after a heartfelt moment where Daiyu squeezed a few delicate tears into the mix, she dropped entirely to her knees before the Esteem imploring him.

"Please, wise and magnanimous Esteem, allow this humble girl to employ the skills taught by our revered Master to attempt the healing of this woman, my mother. We beseech you, not as someone of noble lineage, but as a daughter yearning to serve and preserve her mother's life." She infused a tremor of emotion into her voice, aware of its effect by the softened gaze of the Esteem.

Since their arrival, the Esteem's once stern countenance had softened, and witnessing his beloved woman embraced by their children stirred a warmth in his heart. Daiyu's display of filial affection caused a solitary tear to well up in his left eye as he nodded in agreement.

With that, Daiyu motioned for Fa Sai to step forward. Captain Chen Val Hitomu furrowed his brow slightly, realizing that he had not noticed the maid carrying anything during their journey. Yet, she now held a sandalwood box, its dimensions spanning the length and width of two adult male palms. Opening the box in silence, Fa Sai revealed several small porcelain tiles, each adorned with sealed wax lids of different colors and patterns.

Daiyu maintained a facade of concentration and concern as she pretended to check her mother's pulse. Meanwhile, Zalgrass worked meticulously to neutralize the poison, making the situation somewhat awkward. To prevent the energy exchange from being too conspicuous, Zalgrass had to work slowly, suppressing any gold light that would reveal the process. Daiyu strategically shifted her position, using her body to block her connection to her mother, appearing busy with the treatment while concealing the subtle flickers of the creature's light. Thankfully, Zalgrass finished just as the Esteem was about to intervene, momentarily pausing as he observed Daiyu reaching into the sandalwood box and retrieving a bottle with a soft orange lid.

With utmost care, she broke the seal using her thumbnail and removed the stopper. The scent of rose oil, infused with lavender and a hint of medicine, filled the room. Daiyu poured a small amount of translucent green oil onto her hands and began rubbing her mother's arms from the wrist to the elbow.

"I need clean water to cleanse her body of impurities. The residue must be washed away as soon as the cleansing begins. She will also require ginseng and lemon balm tea for strength. I have brought the necessary herbs," Fa Sai understood and bowed before seeking permission from the Esteem. Upon receiving it, she swiftly left to fulfill her master's orders.

Suddenly, three men barged into the space, crowding around a tall vanity and expressing shock at Daiyu's actions.

"What is happening here? My lord Sun of the Empire, what are you letting this uneducated child do to your most beloved Consort?" An elderly man exclaimed, his physician's robes still wet from the rain. It was evident from their flushed faces, heavy breathing, and soaked attire that they had traveled a long distance through the storm to intervene

"Imperial Physician Song, it is as you see." The Esteem responded in a voice that suggested Physician Songs' eyes were just decorations in his skull.

"I must protest, allowing an uneducated child of unknown origins to handle a patient under Physician Song's care, a physician touched by the Maker herself..." The man in the white robe exclaimed self-righteously as if his loudness could make his words more sacred. Nevertheless, Daiyu interrupted him once again, her voice devoid of emotion, remaining calm.

"Physician Song, do you agree that Consort Zheng's illness is incurable and that she will undoubtedly die?" Her flat question redirected everyone's attention to Daiyu as Fa Sai returned with a tray of water and tea, effortlessly navigating through the crowd without touching anyone.

"That is her prognosis, so she should be left in peace to alleviate her suffering in her final hours, as the Maker wishes," the physician responded with unwavering authority. The man in the white robes attempted to respond to the Great Godly Physician Song's words, but Daiyu cut him short once more.

"Exactly as the Maker wishes. It was my master who was guided by the Maker to Toli Forest, where he stumbled upon the injured sixth prince and myself. Acknowledging the predetermined fate and worthiness of this child, my master bestowed upon me these extraction methods," Daiyu's eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing the men who involuntarily shivered in their damp clothes as if an arctic wind had swept through the room.

"This humble servant senses the Maker's touch within the bestowed abilities passed down by the Great Sage Master. As you all perceive the situation as hopeless from a professional standpoint, is it not prudent to place trust in the talents granted to me by the Maker through my esteemed master? Furthermore, now that my treatment is concluded, the stars can now only reveal their secrets in due time." With a gentle smile, the girl addressed the group of newcomers, leaving them and even the Esteem astonished at their oversight of her and the maid's diligent care for the slumbering consort, along with their discreet medical interventions.

"If the technique bestowed by my master is truly blessed by the Maker, Consort Zheng shall awaken tomorrow with the ability to consume bland foods. However, if your diagnosis aligns with the will of the Maker, she shall remain unable to open her eyes and will peacefully slip into a dreamless slumber until her earthly vessel fails, reuniting her with the Maker. I speak with unwavering conviction in my master's skills and I am prepared to swear under the watchful gaze of the Maker that if the sun rises on a new day and your prediction comes to pass, I shall willingly beg for execution to join my blessed mother in the embrace of death." The girl's words resonated with a fiery determination that sent shivers down the spines of the three aged men, causing them to instinctively retreat. Daiyu harbored no hesitation in gambling her life in this wager, for she knew that in due time, she would vanquish The Church of The Maker. This was a simple step and the first of their many defeats to come.

"You blasph..." The white-robed man's face turned as crimson as the setting sun as he snarled, poised to obliterate this seemingly insignificant girl. However, his outburst was abruptly halted by Balam's composed, yet eerily lifeless tone.

"Yun Val Daiyu proposes this pact, though this prince perceives an inherent imbalance within it. Therefore, I shall make a direct request. Should she succeed in fulfilling the task and Consort Zheng indeed responds to the treatment she has outlined, The Church of The Maker shall reassess the bestowed Maker blessing upon this prince during the opening ceremony of The Festival of Glittering Tears. If you lack the authority to accept these terms, remove yourself and find someone who does." The boy's gaze pierced through the three men, each dagger-like glare carrying an undeniable weight. The man in the white hood futilely opened and closed his gray-bearded mouth, resembling a fish gasping for water, yet no sound escaped. Instead, it was the Esteem who provided a response.

"This agreement is forged and witnessed by this ruler," the Esteem declared, making no comment on Daiyu's daring gamble with her life, staked upon the skills of her mysterious master.

A heavy silence engulfed the room as all eyes fixated on the woman lying upon the bed. Daiyu, with a gentle touch, took up a soft cloth to cleanse the deep green residue from the woman's arms, before tenderly raising her and offering a sip of the strongly scented tea, the picture of a virtuous and filial daughter.