
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasi
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37 Chs

Banquet, Performance and Poison

In the grand banquet hall, dimly lit by flickering candlelight, Daiyu sat with regal poise in the furthest corner. Her flowing skirts draped elegantly around her as she rested one violet hand upon them. The air was filled with the discordant twanging of the minuscule fifth princess, desperately attempting to coax a legible sound from a stringed table instrument that was three sizes larger than herself.

At the tender age of five lunar years, the princess was visibly perspiring, her soft blue and pink garment fluttering with her clumsy movements. Her ghostly pale blue skin served as a canvas for her brilliant golden hair, which cascaded around her like a radiant halo. Despite the evident strain, her golden eyes remained intensely focused, struggling to maintain a facade of calm amidst her obvious stress.

Daiyu couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation at the sight, her sapphire eyes twitching with each off-pitch twang. However, she recognized the endearing qualities that others found in the young princess. Her plump and pudgy face resembled soft dough, exuding an innocence that was hard to resist. Her bright gold eyes glistened and shone with pride as she finally completed her demonstration. The Esteem, akin to an indulgent father, clapped with satisfaction, reveling in the charming efforts of his daughter.

The ambiance of the Imperial banquet enveloped the grand hall, adorned with opulent decorations and intricate designs. The enormous ruler, reclined regally on a sumptuous golden couch, nestled at the heart of an elevated platform. A shimmering gold glass partition veiled his figure, as well as that of the delicately dressed woman in gauzy green fabric seated beside him. The air was filled with the delicate fragrance of exotic flowers, carefully arranged in ornate vases, their sweet scent mingling with the intoxicating aroma of the delicately spiced dishes that adorned the banquet tables.

To the right of the partition, the first prince, resplendent in noble red robes embellished with intricate gold embroidery, lounged leisurely on plump pillows. His countenance revealed an air of boredom as he idly picked at his meal, his gaze meandering aimlessly. On the left side of the partition, the Imperial Madam, adorned in a resplendent ensemble of royal dark green trimmed with delicate pale green embroidery, exuded an ethereal grace. She savored each morsel with poise and elegance, her head tilted as if captivated by the performance her young child was offering.

Below the elevated platform, the remaining members of the royal family were seated, arranged meticulously according to their rank. The men occupied the space to the Esteem's right, emanating an air of authority and power, while the women graced the left side, radiating grace and sophistication. The layout created an open space between the columns of diners, where a magnificent mosaic green lotus entertainment floor gleamed under the soft, mesmerizing glow of crystal chandeliers.

The rows of diners stretched out, meticulously organized by hierarchy, with the highest-ranking individuals positioned closest to the Esteem. Following the guidance of the head Eunuch, Daiyu found herself in the second row of women, occupying the final position. She relished her meal slowly, savoring each delectable bite, content with her unassuming placement. Despite the lackluster talent portion of the evening's festivities, she saw no need to draw undue attention to herself. The fact that they had served her delectable food and an exquisite selection of wines was enough to satisfy her refined palate for the time being.

*That is not music, as you have led this one to believe* Zalgras piped into her thoughts.

*No, no, it was not; that was a child playing at being cute and begging for attention. The adults see it as endearing,* Daiyu thought, a hint of bemusement in her mental voice. *To them, it is not about the skill or the perfection, but the sincerity and innocence that capture their hearts.*

"Very entertaining, Da Ari," the man's booming voice echoed through the hall, drawing attention to the young performer. "Father is so impressed with how far you have progressed." His words were accompanied by hearty applause from the gathered guests, their appreciation filling the air.

Daiyu watched as the partition separating the Esteem from his guests shimmered, revealing his smiling face. His deep voice carried a sense of pride as he continued, "This Esteem will gift you these jade bracelets." With a flourish, a eunuch presented the shimmering green gems to the child, their polished surfaces catching the flickering candlelight.

The sound of bell-like laughter, delicate and infectious, escaped the lips of the woman seated beside the Esteem. Her laughter danced through the air, a harmonious melody that added to the jovial atmosphere of the banquet hall. Her eyes sparkled with delight, mirroring the joyous celebration taking place.

The guests erupted into a mixture of applause and murmurs of admiration. The young princess, beaming with pride, approached the elevated platform to receive her precious gift. The room buzzed with excitement and anticipation as the jade bracelets were delicately placed around her wrists, their vibrant green color standing out against her youthful complexion.

*Does your mother have one of those human conditions? The sound she just made does not quite resonate as natural to this one.*

*She is flirting,* Daiyu explained to Zalgras, her voice laced with a tinge of cynicism. *It is a strategic technique employed by many to elicit desired responses. While I find it often unnecessary and degrading, my mother has mastered the art and uses it to her advantage. The sound of her laughter, carefully crafted to entice and disarm, is but one facet of her captivating allure.* As she savored the wine, its aroma blending with the tantalizing scents of the banquet, Daiyu contemplated the multifaceted nature of human behavior. Amidst the grandeur of the banquet hall, she found herself drawn into a world of intricate social dynamics, where every gesture, sound, and scent held hidden meanings and strategic maneuvers.

As the applause gradually subsided, the young performer returned to her seat, her eyes shining with gratitude and a newfound sense of accomplishment. The Esteem's boisterous laughter mingled with the joyous chatter of the guest that echoed through the hall.

*Is this ruler considered a desirable mate?* Genuine interest and reflection colored the creature's voice.

*Not solely based on appearance,* Daiyu responded, her tone thoughtful.

*Many factors come into play when considering a mate, especially in positions of power and influence. While some may find the ruler's physical appearance less appealing, others are drawn to the power, status, and wealth that such a position brings. It is not uncommon for individuals to overlook physical attributes in favor of the advantages that come with being connected to someone in a position of authority. However, there are those who can see beyond superficial appearances and appreciate a mate for their inner qualities, their character, kindness, and intelligence. Such connections, when they occur, are rare and can be truly beautiful.* She sipped her wine before continuing her mental dialogue.

*In my mother's case, I am sure this current relationship was initially based on duty and obligation, and now she maintains it out of necessity,* Daiyu explained, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation. &Her first marriage to my father, however, was founded on genuine mutual affection and attraction.*

Daiyu observed the host's mother closely, noticing the subtle shifts in her demeanor. When no one was looking, her eyes seemed almost lifeless in the presence of the man she called 'husband.' But whenever eyes were on her, she transformed into the absolute picture of an enchanted maiden, captivating and alluring.

*Does this not put her, and additionally, her children in a weak and vulnerable position?* Zalgras inquired, its confusion evident as he struggled to grasp the concept of such a risky tactic.

*Indeed, it does,* Daiyu confirmed, her gaze focused on the scene unfolding before her. *The foundation of her power is indeed based on this man's belief in her performance of affection. However, you must understand that my mother's circumstances have always been limited. She lacked the strength and warrior skills possessed by most Taiharn females, and she didn't have a powerful ally to rely on. Furthermore, her father was among those pushing for the situation to reach an impasse. Her mother's clan was tragically wiped out by one of the nomadic tribes before her birth, leaving her without a secondary clan to turn to for support.*

As she spoke, Daiyu's eyes remained cold and resolute, reflecting the harsh realities of her mother's past and the calculated decisions she had made to survive and protect her family.

*My grandfather raised her to be nothing more than a tempting flower, a mere bargaining chip,* Daiyu continued, her mental voice laced with a mixture of admiration and bitterness.

*Widowed with a small child, lacking any means to protect herself, abandoned by her own clan, and with her own father involved in the conspiracies against her, it is truly remarkable that she has managed to rise to her current position. She has skillfully utilized her flirting abilities and interpersonal skills to win favor with guards, staff, and courtiers. It takes an incredible amount of mental fortitude and a deep understanding of the human psyche to navigate the treacherous undercurrents of palace politics.* Daiyu's expression softened with a touch of pride as she continued to explain.

*Her accomplishments are no small feat. If she were not strong-willed, she would have succumbed to the countless plots and schemes long ago, and my brother and I would have met a tragic end. She fights her own battles, but in a way that is dirtier and more intricate than a straightforward physical fight. Her power lies in her ability to manipulate and outmaneuver her opponents through strategic alliances and subtle maneuvering. Her accomplishments speak volumes about her true strength.* The Esteem's laughter reverberated through the suddenly quiet hall, capturing the attention of all present. It was clear that the beauty beside him had said or done something that amused him. Daiyu's lips curled into a gentle smile as she raised her wine cup, silently toasting to the resilience and cunning of her mother.

*Would you allow your mate to be chosen in such a manner?* The creature inquired.

*If I was not in harmony with the choice made for me, I would fight it, any who attempted to force me would bleed rivers before I succumbed.* Daiyu responded as more wine was poured for her.

*And what if the opposing force used your loved ones as leverage?* Zalgras probed, presenting a scenario reminiscent of her mother's predicament.

A steely resolve flashed in Daiyu's eyes as she responded, *I would become like a serpent in the grass, patiently plotting and seeking a way to free them from the clutches of those who hold them captive. I would never allow myself to be taken by force or be manipulated in such a manner, without consequence. I would unleash my fury upon anyone who dares to threaten my loved ones.*

An angelic voice cut through the mental discussion, capturing everyone's attention. The young woman's presence demanded respect and silence, drawing the focus of the entire banquet hall to her.

"Father, in this joyous gathering, would it not be delightful if our youngest brother graced us with a display of his talents? It would allow us to appreciate the depths of his abilities," came the sweet, coquettish voice from the front row of women. Without needing to glance, Daiyu recognized it as the voice of Princess Nam Na Xiulan, the Esteem's second-born. She exuded elegance and fragility with her ash-colored blue skin, silver hair, and liquid silver eyes.

*Do you possess a memory of a similar occurrence in the past? Is that how you anticipated this unfolding?* Zalgras sounded astonished at the unfolding scene.

*No, it is a tired and overused tactic employed by petty and narrow-minded individuals to humiliate their adversaries, eroding their self-confidence over time. The intention is to render the target submissive and less threatening. Additionally, it would be unseemly for our mother to object, as the young princess is openly allowed to perform, leaving no place for Balam to evade.* Daiyu responded, her inner voice laced with disdain and boredom.

She was past her fortieth lunar birthday when she died; add the host's current fourteen to the count, and she was much too old for so many things but especially the machinations of a spoiled, petty princess of seventeen.

However, she had planned for this and had come prepared, yet even if the show were not a success, failure would not be instant doom. Nothing these people threw at them during the meal could shake their current standing; they were already at rock bottom in terms of reputation. Nothing they did here could kill them.

She had long surpassed her fortieth lunar birthday when she departed from this world. Adding the current host's mere fourteen years to the count, she found herself much too old for the trivialities and schemes of a spoiled and petty seventeen-year-old princess.

Nonetheless, she had anticipated this moment and came prepared. Even if the performance failed to meet expectations, it would not spell instant doom. They had already reached the depths of their reputation, and nothing that transpired during this feast could further harm their standing. Nothing in this grand spectacle could be their undoing.

"Brilliant suggestion! Se Balam, would you be so kind as to share one of your talents for our enjoyment?" The large man asked with exuberance, his voice resounding and jovial as he pulled the woman beside him closer. The young boy, seated in the middle of the front row on the male side, donned imperial green robes embellished with black dragon embroidery along the hem. Despite his tender age of merely five lunar years, his demeanor exuded a regal air far surpassing that of the princess who had just performed for the gathered nobles. Unfortunately, due to the angle and the presence of an unusually tall individual sitting diagonally from Daiyu, she could not witness the boy's response.

In a clear and composed voice, he addressed the ruler, "If it pleases Your Majesty, I have brought a flute for this occasion. However, I have a small request, if I may. I wish to enhance the performance by having Miss Yun accompany the composition with a dance." A murmur of whispers began to weave through the crowd like an ominous breeze.

Many spectators found the child's nervous request for his half-sister's participation somewhat comical, while others were intrigued to witness whether the Taiharn girl, often regarded as an urchin, could deliver an acceptable dance. The ruler's laughter resounded through the hall as he clapped his hands with enthusiasm, his excitement palpable to all who observed.

"Of course! Of course, it is a splendid idea! You may proceed!" the man exclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of his approval.

"This humble one is honored to assist the young prince," Daiyu stated, her voice carrying a hint of confidence, as she gracefully rose from her seat. The vibrant red of her flowing robes and the black underskirts seemed to absorb the dim lighting of the windowless hall, accentuating her presence. She turned to bow respectfully to the Esteem before a sharp glint in her eye signaled her readiness. With purposeful steps, she sauntered towards the center of the entertainment floor, her hips swaying with each stride, and the ribbons in her hands shimmering like short blades.

As she reached the cleared space, Daiyu swiftly tied a brilliant red ribbon over her eyes, her movements fluid and precise. The atmosphere grew hushed as Prince Balam's wooden flute began to play a deep, captivating melody, filling the air with its enchanting tune. As Balam blew into the instrument, he was transported by the melodic strains that reverberated through his body, his fingers dancing effortlessly over the instrument's wooden surface.

Responding to the music, Daiyu's body came alive with fierce grace. She twirled the ribbons with a flick of her wrists, the silk slicing through the air with a subtle hiss. Her closed eyes became a canvas for her inner visualization as she began to move, her feet tapping out a rhythm that was both seductive and deadly. The ribbons danced around her like serpents, their movements swift and unpredictable.

His eyes fixed on Daiyu, Balam became captivated by the interplay of her movements with his music. He felt a powerful connection between them as if their souls were entwined in a harmonious dance of sound and motion. With each note he played, he could sense the ribbons responding, slicing through the air in perfect synchrony with the melody.

Daiyu's body came alive with fierce grace, her every motion resonating with the emotions conveyed through Balam's flute. With each passing moment, Daiyu's movements grew more complex and daring, her body bending and arching with each twist and turn. The ribbons wound around her limbs like snakes, yet she navigated their embrace with unwavering precision. Her face remained serene, a delicate mask of peace, as the music grew louder, its insistent tempo urging her on. She spun around, the ribbons lashing out like whips, and the audience gasped in awe. The warriors among the crowd felt a surge of adrenaline, a stirring of heroic pride as they beheld her dangerous grace. The sound of her feet striking the floor echoed like remnants of war drums, harmonizing with the undertones of the young prince's melody.

As the music swelled, Balam's breath quickened, his heart pounding with exhilaration. He marveled at the precision and artistry of Daiyu's movements, each step a testament to her skill and mastery. The ribbons danced around her like serpents, their sinuous motions mirroring the fluidity of the melody. Balam felt an intense connection with his sister as if they were engaged in a profound conversation through music and dance.

The music transitioned once more, growing softer and more melodic, and Daiyu's expression softened in tandem. She moved with a seamless grace, the ribbons flowing around her like water. Her body seemed weightless, and she swayed to the music like a tree in the wind, her movements carrying a sense of ethereal beauty. The audience watched in a trance, their faces reflecting wonder and awe as they bore witness to the mesmerizing display before them.

The audience, too, was entranced by the symbiotic display unfolding before their eyes. Gasps of awe escaped their lips as they witnessed the seamless collaboration between musician and dancer. The beauty and grace emanating from the performance filled the hall, casting a spell over all who beheld it.

Finally, as the music reached its climactic crescendo, Balam poured his heart and soul into the final notes, his flute carrying the weight of his emotions. Daiyu spun one last time, the ribbons soaring high into the air. Balam watched with bated breath as she effortlessly caught them, her face radiating serene satisfaction. Their faces glowed with admiration and respect, their applause withheld in reverential silence.

With a gentle yet commanding gesture, Daiyu removed the brilliant red ribbon that had covered her eyes throughout the performance, she revealed her piercing sapphire gaze to the Esteem and the gathered audience. Her eyes held a quiet confidence and a spark of triumph, a testament to the bond shared between her and Balam.

Daiyu gracefully drifted to a single knee in salute before the Esteem, her robes flowing around her like a midnight tide. Balam moved with careful regal steps, his young face glowing with perspiration as he knelt beside his sister, hands clasped before him, and head respectfully bowed. The dark ribbons that adorned Daiyu's form danced like ethereal tendrils upon the delicate mosaic dance floor.

As the Esteem stood up, his hands clapping excitedly through the golden glass partition, Daiyu caught a glimpse of their mother's pleased smile before she returned to her respectful bow. The courtiers and the rest of the royal family followed suit, their applause filling the hall with enthusiasm and admiration. The Esteem watched, his heart swelling with pride, as Daiyu and Balam paid homage to him, their graceful forms a testament to their dedication and talent.

"Well done, my children!" he exclaimed, his excitement evident in his jiggling body. "Truly, you have inherited your mother's beauty and your father's talent! Your performance was a stunning collaboration of dance and music, a true masterpiece."

The hall erupted once again in applause, the sound resonating through the air with exuberance. The Esteem's words had acknowledged the brilliance of their joint performance, highlighting the essential role played by Balam's music in bringing the dance to life. It was a testament to their shared talent and their ability to create magic together on the grand stage.

Daiyu and Balam exchanged a knowing smile, their silent communication filled with pride and gratitude for one another. Their collaboration had created a moment of beauty and awe, showcasing their individual skills while seamlessly complementing each other. The audience was left captivated by the harmonious fusion of dance and music.

As the applause subsided, the hall was filled with a sense of reverence and admiration. The memory of their mesmerizing performance, the intricate dance, and the enchanting melody lingered in the hearts and minds of all who had witnessed it. In that moment, Daiyu and Balam had not only captured the Esteem's attention and the court's admiration

Meanwhile, Nam Na Xiulan, her pale lips tightly pressed together, glared with fury at Daiyu and Balam. The sight of the young boy playing the flute with such skill and grace had sparked jealousy within her. How could the boy even know how to play an instrument? He was only five and had no instructor. Not to mention who would have thought the urchin child of that Taiharn bitch knew how to dance? Did they not only teach such filthy creatures how to fight and shed blood? She felt embarrassed for having brought them onto the stage, and her frustration grew as the siblings showcased their abilities instead of becoming mere banquet entertainment.

Daiyu, adept at concealing her true feelings, beamed with apparent joy at the Esteem's words, masking any hint of triumph. Balam's face lit up with a rare and genuine smile, his delight evident to all who observed him. The entire hall fell silent, their astonishment echoing in the air. The implications of the Esteem's genuine interest in these siblings reverberated through the minds of the onlookers. Was he truly disregarding the distinction between a true royal family member and a simple goddaughter? The idea sent ripples of intrigue and speculation throughout the court.

The Imperial Madam, her eyes filled with malice, momentarily revealed her true feelings with a venomous gaze directed at the siblings. Daiyu, ever watchful, captured and stored this subtle but significant moment in her memory. The malicious intent behind the Imperial Madam's fleeting glance was duly noted, serving as a reminder of the brewing animosity within the court.

The Esteem's attendants swiftly brought forth two exquisitely crafted wooden boxes, adorned with intricate designs of gold and jade, catching the light and casting mesmerizing patterns across the room.

"These are gifts of appreciation from the Esteem," he announced with grandeur, his voice reverberating through the hall. "For Daiyu, a set of precious jade hairpins, and for Balam, a jade flute to further your musical studies." Daiyu's heart raced as she accepted the hairpins, her eyes widening at the Esteem's lack of formalities. Was he genuinely excited for their success, or was there an ulterior motive behind his generous gestures? Balam cradled the jade flute in his hands, feeling its cool weight against his skin, a mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through him.

"I am honored to have you as my goddaughter, Daiyu," the Esteem continued, shocking the crowd once again with his direct acknowledgment. Speculation turned into undeniable fact as the Esteem revealed his genuine regard for the siblings.

"And Balam, I have a special task for you. As my youngest son, you have been given a unique opportunity to prove yourself to the court and the people. You will continue your music studies and train alongside our finest scholars. You will become a true prince of the realm, worthy of your noble blood." Balam's eyes widened in surprise, his heart swelling with gratitude and a sense of duty he had never anticipated.

"Thank you, Father," he uttered, bowing deeply in acknowledgment. Daiyu mirrored his gesture, her mind racing with the weight of the Esteem's favor and the potential challenges it would bring upon them. She knew they would need to excel in their studies and martial training to survive the political intricacies and protect her brother from harm.

The Esteem smiled warmly at the siblings, granting them permission to return to their previous positions. As Daiyu settled back into her seat, a group of palace dancers took the stage, swaying their hips to the whimsical tinkling of bells adorning their costumes. Her expression masked her inner turmoil as she contemplated the implications of the Esteem's favor.

*You seem disappointed and angered. Is it not right to be honored for your accomplishments?* Zalgras inquired, its voice echoing in her mind as she observed the dancers, feigning captivation.

*Being so favored by Esteem is not a good thing for Balam; it leaves him a target for the other royal family members. It bodes worse for me as they will see me as a usurper attempting to influence the Esteem to either show favor to Taihar or Balam. Balam they may torment first, me they will torture.* She explained while proceeding to eat a selection of deserts that had just been placed before her by an attendant.

*I assume this means, Daiyu! Do not eat that; it is tampered with!* Daiyu's left eye twitched involuntarily as Zalgras's warning resounded in her mind. Her right hand, holding the delicately crafted sugar-sweet, froze midway to her mouth. With a subtle shift of her gaze, she averted her attention from the dancers, feigning captivation while her mind raced.

*If I eat it, can you neutralize the poison without me glowing brighter than the glow lamps?* She asked the entity, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and caution. The sugar-sweet looked innocent enough, its tempting aroma wafting through the air, but she knew better than to trust appearances in this treacherous court.

*Zalgras, are you certain about this?* she replied, her mental voice tinged with caution.

*Yes, I can neutralize it, and though I understand what you have planned this one is not happy with the decision but will safeguard your person.* Zalgras reassured her, his tone firm and resolute.

Daiyu's grip on the sugar-sweet tightened, her mind calculating her options. She couldn't afford to draw attention or raise suspicion. Slowly, she took a small, cautious bite of the tainted confection, savoring the sweetness on her tongue. She maintained her serene smile, masking any hint of unease or discontentment.

*Neutralize the poison discreetly,* she instructed Zalgras, her mental voice filled with determination. She could not afford any missteps or the consequences would be dire. A wave of nausea swept through her, and a slight pain gripped her stomach from just the small bite.

As the dancers swayed and twirled, Daiyu's attention remained fixed on the sugar-sweet, her thoughts focused on her plan. With a delicate flicker of her fingers, she discreetly handed the tainted treat to a passing servant, her eyes never leaving the performance before her. She could sense Zalgras's presence, his essence flowing through her, working silently to nullify the poison without drawing any attention to her, easing the discomfort and allowing her to be more at ease.

*Daiyu, the poison has been neutralized,* Zalgras assured her, relief evident in its voice.

She nodded imperceptibly, a wave of gratitude washing over her. Her instincts had guided her well, and with Zalgras's assistance, she had evaded the danger lurking in the sugar-sweet. As the applause swelled around her, Daiyu joined in, her clapping blending seamlessly with the crowd's appreciation.

However, as her eyes scanned the room, they locked with a pair of silver-blue orbs, belonging to Nam Cal Liang, the seventh prince. The prince casually lifted his wine glass in salute as he watched her. His handsome face a mask of stony calmness. Without the pitch darkening his hair, it shimmered a soft smokey silver in the candlelight.

Throughout the banquet, glances had been thrown at the wastrel prince but few dare to comment on his sudden return to the capital, and like a shadow, he eventually became background noise during the celebration that had been partially meant to welcome him home.

Without removing her delicate indifferent smile Daiyu raised her glass in response silently toasting the man before indifferently returning her attention to the evening's entertainment. Her mind no longer interested in who had sent her poison cake, eventually, she would identify and destroy all those who threatened her. For now, they had failed, and it was enough that they would know they had failed.

The lack of effects from their efforts would eventually make them desperate, which would make them sloppy, and then she would pounce. For now, she could cross the river by feeling the stones. A darker smile lit her eyes as the evening moved on without further spectacle.