
Transmigration.... At when Japan 1970?!

Sushil, a 26-year-old from East India, undergoes an extraordinary twist of fate. His soul transmigrates into the life of Hiroshi, a 15-year-old billionaire orphan in 1976 Japan. But is this world just your typical Japan, or is there something more beneath the surface? Embark on a riveting journey as Hiroshi and discover the secrets of this intriguing new world. { A/N- Get ready for a story that moves at a steady pace, keeping things interesting without dragging on. I'm not a fan of slow stories either, so don't worry about getting bored. And guess what? Our hero won't bump into famous anime/manga characters until we hit the 10-chapter mark. As for the world-building, I'm playing around with the idea of creating a whole immersive world, but who knows? I might change my mind. It's a bit up in the air, so let's see where the adventure takes us! }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · Komik
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8 Chs

Ch-6 Novel Complete, Choosing Publication House.

Focused and determined, Hiroshi spent the morning lost in the labyrinth of his creation. Every stroke of the pen birthed a new scene, a fresh petal added to the blooming narrative.

"In the heart of the city, where time paused within the confines of a secret garden, Yuuto and Sakura's journey unfolded."

The characters traversed the pages, their emotions intertwined with the ink. Hiroshi carefully crafted moments of solace amid the bustling chaos of urban life, each word contributing to the tapestry of 'Garden of Words.'

"The garden, a silent witness to their unfolding story, painted in hues of love and longing, became a character in itself."

As the storyline progressed, Hiroshi allowed his thoughts to wander through the garden of words, where emotions bloomed like flowers. The challenges faced by Yuuto mirrored the complexities of human connection, and Sakura, the enigmatic companion, added an ethereal touch to the tale.

"In Sakura's company, Yuuto discovered the beauty of fleeting moments, like petals that dance briefly before gracefully descending."

The narrative reached its crescendo, a culmination of emotions and shared experiences. The final keystrokes echoed the conclusion of "Garden Of Words," a story that celebrated the subtle magic entwined in the fabric of everyday life.

As the last period found its place on the page, Hiroshi felt a sense of accomplishment. The short novel now stood complete.

Hiroshi, excited and a bit nervous, went to the hall where Priya was busy with household tasks. He approached her with the manuscript in his hands, a mixture of pride and anticipation in his eyes.

"Hey, Priya. I've written something. A story. Would you mind being the first to read it?"

Priya, always supportive and curious, paused from her work.

"Absolutely, Hiroshi. I'm intrigued. What's it about?"

"It's titled 'Garden Of Words.'"

He handed her the manuscript, a neatly compiled bundle of pages representing his creative endeavor. Hiroshi watched Priya with hopeful eyes, eager to know her thoughts on his newfound passion.

Priya, totally absorbed in Hiroshi's story, took an hour to read the manuscript. When she finally set it down, she couldn't believe it was his work.

"Hiroshi, did you really write this? The story is amazing. I'm genuinely impressed."

In response to Priya's surprised words, Hiroshi smiled with a hint of embarrassment and admitted, "Yeah, I had sudden inspiration, so I wrote it."

Priya, still amazed, asked him, "Are you planning to publish this novel, Hiroshi?"

To which he replied confidently, "Yes, I am going to publish it, Priya."

Then, seeking her opinion, he continued, "By the way, Priya, which publication do you think I should choose to publish this novel? What are your thoughts?"

Hiroshi shared, "I've read the information on ACG industry you collected and Dreamland Publications, specializing in romance and fantasy genres, seems like a good choice."

Priya nodded in agreement, "You're right, Dreamland Publication should be a good fit."

Offering further assistance, she suggested, "If you want, I can schedule an appointment with their president. What do you think?"

Surprised by the offer, Hiroshi considered for a moment and replied, "No, I'll go there myself. I prefer to debut with this novel without relying on my wealth or my parents' reputation."

Priya, understanding his choice, smiled kindly and assured him, "Sure, Hiroshi. Do it your way. If you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask."

Hiroshi expressed his gratitude to Priya, took the manuscript, and headed towards his room. It was already noon, and after a simple lunch, he would set out for Dreamland Publication, prepared to publish his crafted story. 😄

Hiroshi, after a simple lunch, placed the manuscript in a bag 🛍️ and left his home, heading to the publication house. Despite the option of a car with a driver, he chose to experience riding a bus for a change. 🚌

Walking for 5 minutes from home, he gets to the bus stop where other people are also waiting for the bus. After a brief 10-minute wait, the bus arrived at the stop. Hiroshi, along with the other commuters, boarded the bus, finding an available seat amid the hum of the engine and the soft murmur of conversations. The vehicle embarked on its route, navigating through the city's bustling streets, with each passenger immersed in their thoughts and the rhythmic motion of the journey.

After a half-hour bus journey, they arrived in Chūō City, Tokyo, the hub of publishing houses. The bus driver announced their destination, prompting passengers to disembark. Hiroshi, immersed in the scenery, snapped out of his reverie as he stepped off the bus.

"Ah, finally in the city. Now, I just need to find the publishing house," Hiroshi muttered to himself.

Seeking directions from a passerby, he navigated through the bustling streets. After a 5-minute walk, he stood before a grand building, exuding a 70s architectural style with a touch of luxury.

"But wth?! the pink color? Damn it! What is the owner of this publishing house thinking? Who colour their building with pink colour?! Did I make the right choice by submitting my manuscript here?" Hiroshi questioned aloud.

Regardless, he decided to proceed, walking toward the entrance, contemplating the eccentricity of the building's appearance.
