
Transmigrating with the first X rank talent

When charlie is sent to a world over a thousand years in the future they take it in stride yet two years later when they recieve their talent their life falls apart. This is one for my first novels so please leave comments so I know how to improve this

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8 Chs

My idiocy

In my absolute genius of researching the glyph in an enclosed room and not even bothering to check whether the door was locked I had managed to short circuit the lock. The precise way I managed to do that was by slashing into the wires embedded in the wall with ice from the explosions, and then drenching the now exposed wires in water.

Due to the fact that the crew of the ship I was in couldn't safely tamper with the wires or they would risk removing the shielding and exposing the ship to the void, I was trapped in that room for 2 days. 2 Days! The only thing I could eat was the vines from the plant glyphs, and not only do they taste horrible, they have next to no nutritional value. However, when the ship had landed and I was finally exposed to the location it was in I only felt confusion, this place was completely unfamiliar whether it was the red cliffs that seemed to breach the atmosphere or the ravines that were so deep that light didn't make it to the bottom. That was what confused me, as no planet within humanities borders had locations similar to this. My confusion was short lasted though as a voice I recognised from the massive amount of propaganda the government put out each year spoke out 'Welcome, young Charlie, to Vendora Prime.'

Turning around, I saw the current face of the military, General Frederick Vanahiem. For some context General Vanahiem was one of the first humans to have a talent, meaning he was over 300 years old yet he merely looked to be I his mid 30's, and not only that but he had been on the front lines of the war for almost all of it. He had an S rank, rainbow tier offense type talent, he had revealed the details to the public decades ago and despite how simple it was, it made him nearly unbeatable. Whenever he levelled up he gained three stat points instead of one, and with his level being in the thousands he was a terror on the battlefield. And if he was infront of me, then the effeminate man to his side was my personal idol, Prince Cross. Not much was known about the prince but the few reports revealed about him made him stand out even more, he had never lost a battle, and while he used to be stationed in the Renton system, he was placed with General Vanaheim almost a decade ago.

As I was busy going back over everything I knew about the two men, one thing kept bouncing around my brain, why was I here, and for the matter where even is here?

So naturally my first question was 'Sir... w-why am I here?' I slightly stuttered due to the pressure from the energy he passively output.

'Why are you here? I'm surprised you haven't already figured it out. As the only member of humanity with an X rank talent we need you to be as strong as possible for the war. So naturally we had you brought to the best training facility in out control.' General Vanaheim casually stated, seeming slightly dissapointed in me.

Taking over from the General, Cross continued in a well spoken manner 'Naturally while you are here only the best is to be expected.' While this was being said I was slowly lead towards a metallic building that seemed to be built into one of the mountains. 'A brief list of rules will be sent to your communicator by the end of the day along with a list of your classmates. And as a final gift before we leave.' As he said the final part of the sentence Cross swiped his fingers at me, leaving me confused at what happened till I heard a familiar ding.

[Blessing received]

[Hierarchy of life]: Increase your Xp gain by 50%, ---------------------------------]

'Thank you sir!' I called out as I noticed that the two were leaving, only to be met with another hand wave, this time from the General and yet another ding.

[Blessing received]

[Military greeting: Increase the amount of stat points you gain per level by one, ---------------------]

As I looked closer at the messages, in awe of the effects I became confused by a part that was in both of the messages.

'What does --------------------- mean?'

[It means that your level is not high enough to see the benefit]

'Will I still gain that reward from the blessing?'


'Sweet, but wait. What does it mean by hierarchy of life?

Unlike what I expected I recieved no answer, and as I was left in silence on my own I walked into the white doors ahead of me, unaware of the implications of the two blessings I had recieved.