
Transmigrated with an Unwanted Adventure

Mu Xinchu, The Rosa Chinensis of the Xinchu Family- famous for her "out of the world" personality that would muddle societal standards shake, and her dangerous beauty that has caused the deaths of many- died by drowning from her flesh and blood, her brother. On the brink of her death she suddenly woke up without the chest she took pride in??? WHAT!? That's fine, what could some measly loss of bust do? No such serious harm, no? However- why is it that trouble seems to always find its way towards her? Even in a new life, body, and GENDER- for goodness sake! It's always attracted to her! Is there anything she could do to cease it?

Kyle_honestlybttr · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Ch. 04 «Bad Slip»




Silence engulfed around the two siblings as they both stared at each other.




I do not know what came to my mind when I unconsciously said that despite me knowing that it's dangerous for me to let myself act off given my situation. However, right now... I know exactly what's going on in my mind. I know it all too clear like newly polished diamond.

Blank. My mind was blank as I looked at- supposedly- my brother who sported a dumbfounded expression. It'd been an amusing sight had I not been in the same situation he is in right now.

"B-brother- I--" I tried to muster up, but, eventually I gave up. It felt like something was preventing me from explaining myself- like a refusing to go through my throat. It felt like bubbles were floating up my throat, refusing to leave through my mouth.

This is bad. Really bad. The atmosphere around us feels so airy, but at the same time, suffocating.

Before I could suffocate myslelf with the air around us, Luna(bless her timing) shows up.

"What's taking you guys so long? "

I see Keii open his mouth and hesitate to speak but decided not to.

"Sorry, Lune. Did we bore you? " he tries to act normal. Both Luna and I can see it. All three of us are aware at his failed attempt at hiding the fact there's something that's bothering him.

And I know what it is.

God I just hope I don't get found out so quickly and easily.