
Chapter 3: I am The Protagonist of A Cheap Fanfiction

Nari : 'Did not you forget something? And please don't talk so loud, or Amelia will wake up.'

Severus: 'I'm sorry about that. Have I forgotten something? Could you please remind me what I've missed this time, Nari?'

Nari: 'I urge you to try recalling it yourself. It's worth mentioning that if you can't personally remember what you've forgotten, then you're a disgrace as a Transmigrator.'

Afterward, Severus keeps his hand on his cheek for a moment and contemplates that one shouldn't forget something as important as that. After a brief moment of reflection, he recalls the words about that crucial matter. Just as he remembers the words of that important matter, he places his hand on his forehead, and at that moment, only one thought is running through his mind.

Severus: 'How could I forget something so important? I have forgotten my 'SYSTEM'. I am truly a stain as a Transmigrator. Did my brain cease functioning properly after Transmigration? However, Madam Pomfrey and even Nari have examined and told me I am perfectly healthy.'

Nari: 'Severus, don't worry. You're perfectly healthy. Your excitement is just from wanting to explore this new world and reunite with your mother. But before you delve into these matters, first check your system, as a surprise is waiting for you. Just keep thinking about 'System Panel' in your mind, and in front of your eyes, the 'System Panel' will open.'

Afterward, as per Nari's words, Severus contemplates "System Panel" in his mind. As he keeps pondering over "System Panel" mentally, an ethereal projection of a transparent screen appears before his eyes. On the screen, the following words appear, emerging one by one.

[Million Critical System]

1. Status

2. Function

3. Training

4. Notification

5. Inventory

Observing this, a faint smile graces Severus's lips. When he extends his hand to click on 'status,' Nari intervenes.

Nari: 'You don't have to physically click, just focus on 'status' in your thoughts, and the 'status' screen will unfold.'

Following Nari's guidance, Severus ruminates on 'status' mentally, and in response, the 'status' screen seamlessly materializes before his eyes.


Name: Severus Tobias Snape

Age: 15 years

Occupation: 3rd-year Student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Bloodline: 100% Pure Blood, Blessed by the God of #####

Title: Blessed by the Creator, Possessor of Supreme Charm, Possessor of Supreme Talent

Witnessing this, a warm smile graces Severus's features. Taking a moment to steady himself, he faces Nari with an inquiry.

Severus: 'Nari, would you mind helping me grasp the concepts of Bloodline and Title?'

Nari: 'Certainly, Severus. A bloodline that's 100% pure signifies that your blood is entirely untainted, allowing your magic to thrive without contamination. I understand what your next question might be, but I can't reveal it just yet, as it would spoil the surprise. As a hint, I can only suggest that you explore the background of your maternal family, the 'Prince' family.'

Severus: 'Why should I invest time in investigating my family's background when you already possess that knowledge? You're my assistant; you're supposed to assist me in situations like this.'

Nari: 'I'm here as your assistant to ensure you enjoy your vacation and create wonderful memories. If I disclose every secret and unravel every surprise, how can you truly cherish your time here? Additionally, you might stumble upon another significant surprise during your investigation.'

Severus: 'You seem more suited for the role of a detective than an assistant, given your fondness for secrecy. But can you share information about the 'Title,' or is that another secret you can't reveal?'

Nari: 'I don't need to tell you anything about that. Just think about 'Title' in your mind, and the descriptions of those 'Titles' will appear on the screen.'

Afterward, Severus contemplates 'Title' in his mind, and as he does, the following words emerge on the screen, much like Nari's words.


1. Blessed by the Creator: You have been bestowed blessings by 'The Creator.' If you require assistance, the Creator's followers will aid you in any manner.

2. Possessor of Supreme Charm: This represents the epitome of charm. Individuals with this charm possess the ability to effortlessly influence others through their charisma.

3. Possessor of Supreme Talent: This signifies the highest form of talent. Those who possess this talent can adeptly master various skills and diverse knowledge areas.

Seeing this, a full-fledged smile graces Severus's face, and in that moment, only one thought occupies his mind.

Severus: 'Now I am absolutely convinced that I am the protagonist of a poorly written fanfiction by an inexperienced writer. If I'm not the lead in a subpar fanfiction, then how did I end up this absurdly overpowered? I'm certain my readers are bemoaning my excessive strength right from the beginning.'

Nari: 'Then why did you wish for a flawed system if you didn't want to easily become overpowered? Weren't you aware of this system's flaws?'

Severus: 'Yes, I'm aware of this system, as Edina informed me about it. However, I didn't realize it was this broken, as I never had the time to read that novel. Nevertheless, I'm content now; I have more self-assurance, can grow stronger, and enjoy my vacation without trepidation.'

Nari: 'Good, you do need more confidence, but don't let it transform into overconfidence. Remember, there's always someone stronger than you. So, remain cautious; remember the saying that every action has a reaction.'

Severus: 'Thank you, Nari. I'll keep your advice in mind.'

Afterward, Severus refrained from saying much and began to explore the remaining options in the system. Contemplating 'Function' in his mind, Severus then saw the following text appear on the screen.


Million Critical Strike...…..ON/OFF

Upon seeing this, Severus inquires with Nari.

Severus: 'Then I have to manually operate the 'Million Critical Strike' option, am I correct, Nari?'

Nari: "Yes, you're absolutely right. My lord designed the system this way so that if you accidentally use this function in public, the responsibility falls solely on you, not the system or my lord. You need to use this function with caution. When you're training or performing a ritual to further enhance your body's capabilities, that's when you'll employ this function, ensuring no one is around.

When you arrived in this world, I manually activated the 'Million Critical Strike' option, so that you'd achieve the best treatment results. That's why your body underwent such drastic changes, and no one will doubt it; they'll believe these changes were solely for the purpose of this treatment and the results of this treatment do vary from person to person."

Before Severus says or does anything, Nari speaks up.

Nari: 'Clicking on the 'Training' and 'Inventory' options won't bring up anything now. You'll be able to click on the 'Training' option only after you start training, and for 'Inventory,' there's nothing there at the moment, so clicking on this option won't show anything.'

Following Nari's advice, instead of clicking on those two options, Severus clicks on the 'Notification' option, and the following text appears on the screen.


10x Million Critical Strike on Whole Body Reconstruction.

Upon seeing this, Severus's entire face lights up with excitement because he hadn't expected to achieve a million critical strikes so many times. But just before Severus could say anything, Nari interjects.

Nari: 'No need to be surprised. The million critical strike function has occurred multiple times since it's being used for the first time. There won't be as many instances of a million critical strikes after this. And there's another point that I haven't mentioned; you might be wondering why the safety mode function doesn't appear on the screen. The reason is that it will work passively at all times. You won't be able to manually turn it on or off, which is why it doesn't show on the screen.'

Observing this system, Severus's self-confidence receives a significant boost as he believes that with the assistance of this system, he will be able to navigate the challenging magical world and survive quite easily. This system could help him become incredibly powerful in a relatively short amount of time. With a quiet chuckle, he gazes into the distance and contemplates his thoughts.

Severus: 'Then I must start working towards my plans from today. First, I'll need to go home to rescue my mother. Secondly, I'll have to find a suitable place to live, and I hope to have 1000 galleons for that. Thirdly, I'll need to identify a good source of income. Lastly, I must commence training as swiftly as possible since there aren't many days left before the summer break ends.'

As Severus ponders over these thoughts, precisely at that moment, he hears an unexpected knock on the door.


Author's Note:-

In response to JDLorelei's suggestion, I employed ChatGPT to compose this chapter. I'm genuinely interested in your opinion on this third chapter. What were your impressions? Your feedback would mean a lot to me.

English is my third language, and I am relatively new to writing. Recognizing that my story might contain errors, I would be incredibly grateful if you could lend your expertise to help me improve it. Your guidance and assistance would be immensely valuable to me.

If my story is bringing you enjoyment, I'd appreciate it if you could leave a POWERSTONE[💎💎💎]. Your encouragement fuels my motivation to keep writing. Look forward to the next chapter, coming next Tuesday.

If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share them here. Your input is invaluable to me.

I am sorry; I had mentioned that I would publish three chapters together last Monday. However, I couldn't publish them because I couldn't finish writing all three due to a lack of time. As I already mentioned, I write when I have both free time and the motivation and energy to do so. I apologize; I couldn't keep my word. I have decided that starting from now, I will publish two chapters together every Tuesday. If, for any reason, I am unable to publish, then I will definitely publish the next day. If I find more time and motivation, I might even publish all three chapters together.

If you find my story enjoyable, please consider adding it to your library.

Ethan_Russell_0999creators' thoughts
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