
Transmigrated as a Secret Agent Into a Novel

"Tides of Chaos: A Worldwide Fantasy Web Novel" Unveiling the protagonist's journey and the struggles encountered along the way. Yet, were these events truly meant to strengthen the protagonist, or was there a hidden agenda behind them? All the events that have occurred so far, which seemed to be mere obstacles for the protagonist, were actually part of a plan orchestrated by a secret organization—BlightWeavers. The mastermind behind these events, the puppeteer, was a high-level BlightWeavers agent operating under the alias of Silas. When Alex transmigrated into this novel, he realized he was neither a main character nor an extra. Instead, he had assumed the role of Silas, as a rookie field agent during his early days within the organization. Alex unwittingly became the catalyst for the events that drive the story's progression, all under the orders of the BlightWeavers. *** Update schedule: 1 chapter/day [GMT+8 (Shanghai, China) 15:00 ~ GMT+5:30 (India) 12:30 ~ GMT -4 (New York) 03:00 ~ GMT +3 (Turkey) 10:00 ]

WriterOfEnd · Fantasi
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34 Chs

Blood Contract

Alex was trying to process too many things at the same time. He needed a distraction, so he headed for the bathroom and took cleaning items. 'First, let's get rid of that smell' he thought.

While Alex was cleaning, he started to think about the blood contract. 'From my knowledge in TOC, there isn't any way to break a blood contract except by reaching S rank.'

This was due to the information in the novel stating that when people reach S rank, their mana, heart, and body will rebuild itself. It's like a quality change in human evolution.

Alex was thinking that if he reached S rank, due to this quality change, the blood contract would automatically break.

Just as he reached this conclusion, Alex started to think from a different perspective. 'But if this was true, and if there were people like him who had to join BW without wanting to, why weren't there any betrayals to the organization?'

'Why hadn't the world learned about the existince of this organization yet?'

Alex was thinking, 'If my conclusion is true, there must be someone in the past who achieved S rank and broke the blood contract.'

Alex didn't find this impossible, but why weren't there any betrayals to the organization until now? Someone must have achieved this and then left the organization to tell the world. But the world still didn't know about the existence of the organization.

Alex couldn't comprehend this, so he came up with a few possible explanations. 'First, there weren't any people who could achieve S rank before dying.'

Alex didn't think this had a higher chance, so he was more inclined to believe his second explanation, which is, 'Even if some people reach S rank, the organization takes care of them if they have an inclination to betray.'

Alex paused the cleaning and said out loud, "Both explanations are more horrifying than each other."

Alex angrily beat the floor with a cleaning cloth. 'I can't think of a way out.'

Alex thought about leaving and running away to hide in a secret corner of the world, but he quickly dismissed this idea. 'What would my difference from a prisoner if I live like that?'

Alex knew that even if he lived like that, at the cost of his freedom, the organization could still kill him, according to Silas' words and descriptions of the organization. They were everywhere.

Alex remembered, "Fuck! Silas even said they have agents in the High Council." With this, Alex threw the idea of surrendering to officials too.

He couldn't be sure if the official he surrendered to was not a member of the organization.

After Alex said this aloud, he finally realized that Silas, his future self in the novel, could break the blood contract and reveal the BW identity and his missions to the main cast.

Alex thought, "That means Silas had broken the blood contract, indicating that he had reached S-rank."

Alex felt like he couldn't understand Silas's actions. "If he had already broken the blood contract, why was he still working for the BW?"

Alex couldn't find a reason for Silas's actions for now, so he just dropped the matter and thought, 'I hope, to understand his actions. I don't need to live by myself.'

Alex finished cleaning the bedroom, aired out the room, and decided to take a shower.

Alex saw his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He had black wavy hair and green eyes. "At least I am not ugly."

Alex decided to empty his mind and have a relaxing bath. He wasn't going to rack his brain for a while; he just wanted to relax.

After an hour, Alex finally threw himself onto the bed. "In four hours, tomorrow will begin, and I need to attend class."

The original Alex was staying in the academy dorm, and he was a first-year student in class 1-101 Alex now needed to act like the previous Alex if he didn't want people to realize he was someone else.

Alex was just about to fall asleep when he suddenly remembered that tomorrow he was going to attend class, and his class was the same as the TOC novel's main cast.

Alex knew from his knowledge that the original Alex wasn't friendly and only talked to Amelia occosianly. So he wasn't worried about not recognizing any of his friends.

The problem was Alex didn't know what the main cast looked like. He knew their general appearance from the book, but he didn't know how they looked in real life.

Alex searched on his smartwatch a little and found the academy page and student rankings. He examined all the characters he remembered from the novel and looked closely at each one of them. "I thought I was the handsome one."

'If they were some kind of higher humans,' Alex realized each one of the main cast, without a difference for girls and boys, looked otherworldly.

After looking over the main cast, Alex looked at his contact list and only saw his father, mother, big sister, and Amelia.

After seeing the original Alex's contact list, Alex remembered that the original Alex was a hardcore training maniac who didn't talk to others and only focused on training.

This quality eventually paid off in the academy entrance exam, and he secured a spot for himself in the academy, even with his lower talent.

The original Alex was a peak E-rank hunter and was struggling to advance to a higher rank due to his low talent. Alex was even worse; he was unawakened.

If anyone noticed or asked why they couldn't sense his rank or mana, Alex's only solution was to tell them he was using a skill that hid his mana and rank.

Alex didn't know how long he could pretend and deceive others, but he only had to do this until he awakened, and he knew how to awaken from the novel.

Alex couldn't stay awake and fell asleep with his thoughts.