
Me? A Monkey?

Chapter 1: Me? A Monkey?

(P.O. V: ???)

Utter confusion engulfed me as I lay on the barren ground. Why am I here? The answer echoes in my mind—they've reincarnated me, but not as a human, rather as a monkey or some human with a monkey tail. A wretched fate, if ever there was one.

The initial panic attack left me dizzy, on the verge of vomiting, but gradually, I regained control. The question, "What am I supposed to do?" reverberated like a haunting bell, accompanied by a nauseating sensation.

Collecting myself, I took stock of my surroundings. Clad in what seemed like battle attire, an odd resemblance to Saiyans and Frieza force apparel was unsettling, prompting me to dismiss the comparison to avoid another panic attack.

My tail swayed naturally, a surprising comfort in this bewildering moment, offering a distraction from the grim reality that awaited me.

(Narrator: P.O.V)

*Imagine a deep, ominous voice.*

The boy, with tan skin and an innocent countenance, stared at his tail with childlike fascination. An odd sight, a three-meter-tall individual behaving like a curious five-year-old, yet not unheard of. In this world, deranged individuals were as common as breathing.

"Sigh… I hate having to ask myself what to do," the boy muttered.

*'I have never made a decision that was truly mine, aside from what to eat,'* he confessed in a fearful tone, breath quickening with each self-inquiry.

Vigilantly surveying the area, the boy spotted a village with a giant wooden wall and sturdy gates guarded by armed sentinels. He marched toward the settlement, the burning sun seemingly indifferent to his continuous stride.

Arriving at the gates, he observed wagons undergoing inspection by guards. With a deep breath, he approached the gate guards, their iron-clad presence unable to deter him.

"Excuse me, what is the name of this place?" the boy asked.

The guard, stern at first, softened upon seeing the boy's childlike curiosity. "This village isn't large or popular enough to be granted a name. If you need a place to stay, try the hospital or find someone kind enough to offer space, though that might be challenging given your stature."

"I see… my name is John… John Bloodborne." The boy, now named John Bloodborne, contemplated his next move, surprised by the lack of reaction to his tail.

"This might be your first time traveling, it seems. I'm Christopher, and every time you enter or exit, you'll face me or my colleagues," the guard introduced himself, gauging John's expression.

As John ventured into the village, he marveled at the peculiar inhabitants—people with cat and dog ears, elves—treated with acceptance rather than fear.

His journey led him to the Adventurer's Guild, a massive stone structure reminiscent of a castle. Entering, he encountered a bustling environment, a large board covered in papers, and a receptionist named Alice.

"Greetings, I would like to join the guild, and I hope you would guide me through the process," John politely requested.

Alice, pleasantly surprised by his manners, agreed to assist him, starting John's journey into this strange world of adventure and mystery.

And so, John, with a determined stride, entered the Adventurer's Guild, ready to embark on a new chapter of his life. Little did he know that this chapter would have fewer paragraphs and more monsters. Perhaps he should've negotiated for a better plot twist.


This is a side project that won't receive much of my dedicated time. If you find value in it, your support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your encouragement!.

one_punch_opcreators' thoughts