
Transformers: unique

John died right after graduation after death he realized he was in the moon as a robot.

Dr_Mochi · Komik
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4 Chs

Black Out

Owl cut back on when he noticed there was a person in front of him. He looked like he was in college or high school.

"Hey your another transformer. one of them. " Sam said as he looked at the excavator.

"What's your name?" jack said as he got out of a new looking car.

/-/—-/-/ opportunity to change name has arrived


His lights flickered as he transformed into the green and black futuristic looking Lamborghini. And backed up into a cave of scrap

Owl thought back to when his friend use to call him a nickname every time he fixed something for them.

"My name is coil " he said to them as he was complete unseeable

"We will introduce you to the others" Sam said as he went towards there car

Jack was now out the car as Sam then went into the driver side as soon as the door closed a helicopter could be herd as something sharp went into the ceiling of the car then the spike screamed open and latched onto the car as it was picked up and was carried away by a helicopter.

Jack looked at the car flying upwards with fear.

" black out" coil said as he pulled out of the scrap cave and followed black out by land.

Coil quickly transformed and jumped into the air and grabbed onto one of black outs blades as the helicopter came down .

When coil landed he noticed that his true form was tall. He was taller than Optimus prime but he was lanky.

Black out transformed before hitting the ground. And the car was released as Sam the sped off.

"I just need to hold out till hopefully one of them brings back back up or help." Coil said as he got into the best fighting pose but it looked bad. As black out was skilled and had scorponocx with him and had the advantage.

Coil then pictured his hand being a Gun as then coil looked down to see a gun that spiraled into a tip. "Coil blaster is what I'll call you."

As soon as he finished saying that grinder rushed at him with the blades of the helicopter wings in his hands spinning.

Coil shot directly at the middle of it as two of the bullets were deflected. As then black out went to slice at his face with the blades .

Coil quickly ducked and hit black out with a gut shot that sent him off his feet but black out landed and fired two missiles. Two holes pokes out the sides of the gun as he then the sound of a machine gun could be Herd coming from coils arm as he was able to blow up before hitting him. Creating a smoke screen.

In the blinded sight black out came rushing out as he then punched coil three times before picking him up and slamming him to the ground. Coils other arm then became a small blade that became blue and steaming.

Coil jumped up and lashed out at black out quickly ending up tearing off his chest peace and one of his hands . But then was quickly stopped by bullets hitting his back as starsceam arrived.

Starscream swooped in and forcefully landed on coils chest. Forcing him to the ground and making him slide a bit as coil gritted his teeth together.

Grinder and starscream both pointed there weapons at coil but was stopped as arcee bumblebee and iron hide had arrived. And the guns on ironhide quickly started to damage starscreams wings as he transformed and flew away.

As they got closer. Coil could feel his vision fading as he quickly used the rest of his energy to transform into a black and green Lamborghini.