
Training Maniac

In a certain part of the world. There stands a house. This house... no this Gym, has been excluding a heavy pressure for hours.

Let us not wait. Let us take a look inside.


''863! 864! 865! AGH SH*T 866! 867!...''

A seemingly normal boy has been training non-stop for 3.5 hours.

This boy at the age of 14 years old, has been training all his life. Every.... Single.... Day.


At the age of 5, this child has changed dramatically.

The boy like usually watched TV with his father.

Today they were watching animal shows, currently there was a thrilling scene playing out on TV. Two bison's were engaged in a fight.

Blood, this was the first time the boy saw blood spilling in a fight.

The father was prepared to shut off the TV. But looking at his son... his son was watching with inspired eyes at the TV.

The boy wasn't bothered by the blood, it didn't bother him at all. The boy was more focused on the fight itself. Two bison's going head to head, he admired the bison's. He wanted to be as strong as these bison's.

Like nature, one of the bison's died. In nature it was either to kill or be killed.

The father looked back at his son, prepared to console the 5 year old boy.

But when fully turned around, the father was surprised.

The boy had his fists clunched and his eyes were shining.


The following months, the boy discovered how to become strong.

The first word he came upon was 'Training'.

As if the world was ending, he immediately began to train.

You couldn't call it training, but the boy truly tried his best.


After a couple years, the boy was now 9.

Still training like a maniac.

In these couple of years, the boy discovered various ways to become stronger. Be it food, drinks, techniques, sleep and yoga. He did everything.

Although yoga doesn't make you strong, it makes you more flexible. This made the boy's training sessions more endurable.

He did every single sport out there.... well he tried every sport.

From every sport he tried he had to choose 3.

His family couldn't afford to have the boy on every sport. They lacked money and most importantly: Time.

The boy choose a fighting sport, an athletic sport and swimming.

Mastering these sports would make him strong.

Of course, these sports were just for practice.

The real hardcore sport was inside the boy's house.

The boy's house turned into a gym. It was full of machines, purely for the purpose of enhancing the boy's body and making him stronger.

Dumbbells were scattered around the ground. You couldn't even take 3 steps to find a dumbbell blocking your way.

The parents of the boy respected him for his hard work. But as the years went by... the boy seemed to lose control.


Now, back to present day.

''868! 869! 870! CRACK''


The boy fell to the ground.

His head met the hard ground instantly knocking him out.

But still, the boys arms rose again. He continued with his push-ups. But after another 3 push-ups, he fell to the ground, falling into a deep slumber.

The boy who just fell asleep, his name was Abir.

It was the same boy who 9 years ago had his world view changed.

Abir's body underwent a transformation.

For a 14 year old like Abir, his body was extremely muscled.

But not muscled like a body builder.

In these couple of years, he had pretty much mastered the 3 sports. But it wasn't enough. He wasn't the strongest nor was he the fastest. His mind set changed again, he would now do anything in his power to become the strongest man alive... no, he wanted to become the strongest being on this planet.

A couple hours later, Abir woke up.

He smashed the ground.

'Not Enough!'

Although it sounded like he was angry, which he actually was. His eyes were full of sparkles and he had a smile on his face.

It wasn't the creepy smile, it was the smile full of sparkles.

Abir decided to quickly take a bath and a nap.


Waking up, he did his training session.

It was Summer Break, so he had all the time in the world.

Abir did a warm-up session and then went on ahead with his routine.

Squats, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, Treadmill Running, Lunges, Pull-Ups, Russian Twists... He did it all.

As Abir was done. He smiled even brighter, he could feel his improvement. This time he was sure, he was going to do that sweet 1000 Push-Ups in one go.

This was Abir's current goal, doing 1000 Push-Ups without stopping. This was impossible for a normal 14 year old. But nothing was impossible for Abir, he believed in himself.

Abir could feel it. He could feel something... something tingling. Abir took this as an indication that he would surely reach his goal today.

''Begin!'' Abir shouted with his eyes full of sparkles and flames.

''1! 2! 3!.... 51!... 86!.... 165!.... 532!''

Times past fast, and soon 2 hours past.

''994! 995! 996!''

Abir's smile grew brighter and brighter, he was going to make it!

''997! 998! 999!''

Abir's eyes were on fire.

''1~... ?!''

The tingling sensation suddenly became even worse.

Abir had been feeling this tingling sensation every time he did a push-up. It started getting worse every time he did a push up. But he didn't pay much heed to it.

But now it was different, the feeling just increased ten-fold.

Abir almost fell to the ground, but he increased his strength.


This strange feeling wouldn't stop Abir from finally reaching his goal. He was so close.

Fire burnt inside Abir's eyes.

His eye-color changed from a brown color.... to a red/yellow color.

His hair color changed, it became slightly longer and changed to the same color as his eyes.

''OOOOOH'' Abir bellowed one more time before his vision started getting blurry and finally went dark.

He didn't even realize he was engulfed in a dark cocoon before disappearing.

[The **$&#) has passed the Test]

[Transmigration Initiated..... Completed]

[Set World: Lugrarth]