
Episode 1. Anathii's temptations

"Just keep calm and ignore the pressure," the flamboyant butler said to him as he led him to the lounge. His shiny suit shining more than the silver sunlight which Anele had left outside. His complimentary advice only made him giggle over his self-cherishment and purge all the nervousness from his souls. Enabling him to display a handsomely dishelved look which proved to be a combination of a fashionista playboy and that of a lawyer. He really wanted to impress. For even though Zandile was known as a devil-wearing-prada at work her house was divinely furnished. Imported furniture, possibly from heaven.


"No Genna, No! Unless you want to keep your job you better give me something creative to work with..." She walked past in a black bikini.


"Oops don't mind her, nothing can borrow her attention when she's on the phone, especially when attending issues regarding AMANDA MANDALAY"S." The buttler said as his fingers ran around his neck to adjust his collar just before he stopped and stretched his arm towards the posh, femininely furnished lounge whilst massaging his short tie with his left fingers. 

"Who said one lady can't do it all right?" Anathii said walking to sit on the cloud shaped, grey sofa's. Whilst also withholding the excitement he felt towards the primium designs which surrounded him. Zanele Mandalay was a lady of class after all.


"By the way I forgot to properly welcome you, nor did I adore the outfit. even if Ms Mandalay is too busy to notice you, I will." His giggles touched the back of Anele's head before they made their way into his ears. Seems like his flirtious kindness was still his weapon of choice, and he had mastered it. He made bisexuality cool and even made you want to adore it, before adapting it, and honing it like a talent too.


"Gosh Anathii, that suit is stunning, I didn't expect you to come up with this," praised Zandile as she came towards him, grabbing his attention from the seemingly 80-something inch plazma television. One which was on the wall, with two smartboards on either side of it  - for Zandile was a woman whose creatively was sparked by anything before her. That too was quite evident judging from the variety of Amanda Mandalay's designs which he could see on the modelling shows which were playing on her massive TV, alongside other designs from other top brands like Toni Moliba, House of Gumede and MAXHOSA.


"Thank you Ms Mandalay, You're my source of inspiration." His nostrils were quickly overtoook by sweet fragrancies which clouded her warm hug, as he zoomed in through the little spectacles which made him extra cute, to run his eyes on her back without moving his hand even closer to the to her black, tighty panty which matched with her shiny black, fluffy hair.

"No honey, just call me Zandile... as a matter of fact excuse me, I've got something I need to do quickly. My fathers are on their way." It was then when she walked out and left the sharp sound of her prada as Anathii kept his eyes glued to the puffy, white jumpsuit whose brown waist belt he had seen chocking her waist in order to reveal her lovely body whilst carving out her ass and curves. All as the jumpsuit seamlessly sat on the couch - proving that it had recently just been ironed.

A sighting which quickly made him reach into his designer suit's pocket and open up his sketchbook to do a quick sketch, a possible noteworthy design with a high degree of potential.

Naughtily judging by the way she liked to let her waist belt bring out her hips and forced them to encist the thickness of her fairly thick thighs. Quickly, he drew Zandile's jumpsuit, keeping Zandile's sweet body in mind but giving the jumpsuit itself a delicate twist. One which he was sure that Zandile would like; with some ovally cropped out, lungs, inner thighs, mid upper back, and tight, short sleeves.


"Hopefully she'll like this especially if made in blue, silky fabric with curvy patterns of yellows and gold." He smiled at his finished sketch and was ready to stand up and walk around her glass table which sat on her thick, puce carpet when he heard a call coming from the hallway. Anathii just stood and adjusted his designer suit before leaving his sketchbook on the table and tending to his calling, the one he could hear Zanele passing nearby.

Walking upon the maroon carpet of the hallway, his gaze lingered to study the artworks of her favorite designs which graced the white walls. The superior glint of the in the glass framed designer artworks based on Zandile and Amanda Mandalay's most iconic designs reminded him, whilst motivating him to push beyond, his doubtedly unpolished sense of art and style. But at least he had his analytical and statistical skills to keep him employed should Zandile Mandalay ever bother to deem him talentless.


"Anathii Darling, come this way...," her voice echoed in the nearby room. "Though close your eyes on your way in." Words like those mislead his suddenly wavering heartbeat. 

"If you're busy with something then I can go back to fetch my sketchpad," He sounded sly, and smiled.

"I don't suppose you know what you're doing do you, nor why I called you here... Just close your eyes and get in here." 

So he did, but soon found his gaze trapped on the beautiful landscape of her bare skin. No matter how much he tried to focus on the the king bed that sat on the left side of the room, nor the closet which was on the right side of the room just near the two washing machines, whilst some clothes seemed scattered on the floor. She was naked yet facing the window as the sun's silver rays shone into the room and outlined the shape of her body. The sight and view of of it all soon collapsed when her voice fired into his ears and glued back his dismantled senses.


"Unless you're gay I hope you're closing your eyes Anathii, I can't afford to have any of my employees embezzling the sight of my naked behind you know. She turned around, her left folded and crossed above her chest to hide her small breasts. 

"You called me here, haven't quite made up my mind yet," he giggled and gave an awkward eyeroll in an attempt to escape her sharp eyes.


"Fair enough, but now look. The reason why I called you in here is because yes I admired your suit and I would like to go through its design and features with you." She smiled and glanced back out the window. "But first I'll need your help in finding a green, silky dress amongst this pile of ordinary clothes, she winked whilst licking her lips to the his light chocolate skin tone.

He just agreed and naughtily obeyed his boss, he was willing to do whatever to prove his diligence to her. Plus this might have been a test, he thought; and one hell of a test it seemed as soon as he began going through the pile going all over the floor until such scrambling led him closer and close to her. Close enough to see and admire the stretchmarks which made a sexy statement all over her buttocks, which weren't too big or too round but were just plump and wide enough to make her a suitable twerking candidate.

 Better yet, even her stretchmarks had a pattern of their own, given by how slithered down her thighs, as well as beneath the butterfly tattoo's which sat on her left hip.

"Actually, just find me a purple blouse, and sorry for putting you through all this work, my maid is busy upstairs." Her voice and even her looks were much better in the comfort of her home. Where she didn't have to display a mean, bossy expression all the time in order to get her point across. 

Her devil-wearing-prada persona was a result of her mother's disappearance a few years back, leaving Zandile's two fathers in charge - which was the same rumored reason why her mother had run away -after apparently finding her husband in bed with another man.

 Zandile was in her preteens back then and quickly had to adjust to the idea of having two fathers, but as soon as Zandile herself was old enough to run the company, under her two fathers, her mother just disappeared, leaving Zandile with a lot too learn, especially the principles behind kind cruelty in order to help people learn from their mistakes and perfect their skills and artistic roles in order to keep the company afloat. 

"Oh My, there's a pair of boxer shorts in your pool, could the rumors be true?." Anathii knew that she knew exactly what he were talking about.

"I bet its my butler's, Tom is quite an enchanting character. she avoided  addressing the rumors in the air," would have been my husband's but I was divorced at 26 darling, bastard only wanted my money," She giggled exuberantly.

"Greedy bastard he was, too bad his greed blinded him from your other wealth..."Anathii's words made Zandile Mandalay turn around quickly, "Which is your beautifully vibrant nature.

"How cute, never imagined that you'd be this chivalrous and generous with words, how charming?" Her smile left his senses entangled as she stepped even closer - testing the limits of his confidential insecurities. "Funny enough this is exactly how that ex husband of mine started with me." 

"And never did I imagine that I would ever see your humane side..." 

"Eew! Anathii." the beautiful brunette mistakenly revealed the two refugees which had been hidden from his eyes. "Honestly I would have given you a 10 under 10 for this killer, creative outfit, but this coffee stain on your shirt is a big no no for me."


That's when her high heels made a sharp, sound statement as she bustled around the big room and its wide closets, in search of Anathii's stained shirt's replacement whilst letting letting her butt dance softly. Until she found a similar one and soon gave him to try it on. Though as he took of his suit's jacket and even his shirt, he could see how her neutral facial expression left a sparkling smile in her eyes, no matter how her serious look tried to creep under her skin, it just wouldn't let it. And his experience with the opposite sex definitely told him that something was up, but then again this was a woman and not a girl, and not just any woman too. She was the mysterious, devious and rigorously precious Zandile Mandalay.


Putting on his new shirt he heard her high heels' erratic rhythm as she hurried around to put the laundry in her washing machines. He quickly stopped buttoning the shirt to assist her, once again going out of his way to make a diligent statement. 

"Quite a gentleman hey, good thing that is." Her statement was blunt, but her grin wasn't

"Least I can do for my boss lady right?" Wantingly, he failed to keep his eyes from following her pink-polished nails as she raced her fingers in a small scratch which raced towards the bush between her legs, exposed by the see through under wear which sinfully revealed that the sexy afro which hid her womanly assets - is a series of turn-offs which actually turned him on.

"And hopefully it stays that way, I'm your boss you know... Because for someone who's Asexual you're looking at me with that hunger in your eyes, which is quite dubious coming from an

Asexual fella." 

"Who ever said I was Asexual, don't believe  my outstanding resume, plus I'm just admiring your butterfly tattoo and how well it sits on your hips, Anathii squeezed his throat to mold his voice as beautiful as he could," even rubbing his eyes without realizing. "I even recited a little poem from the view itself." Blowing her a kiss, he looked away before picking up a pile of clothes to throw them in the washing machine."

"Just admiring my hips, or my body as a whole," she laughed, "either way let's hear your poem" Her words lefts him parting his lips...

"Dear Zandile Mandalay Near the window you stood

Tatted butterflies dancing

Upon the

Ridges of your, Hips

Whose beauty

Encysted the thickness and shape

Of your naked thigh

My naked eye




Of a woman"


"Maybe I should also recite mine, based on those nice arms of yours hey, my dear Asexual Anathi." She teased him once more and closed in, his ears hanging to the depth of her words, before running her fingers up his arms. 

His stature was left stuck in her look as she took a good scan of him. Plus, with no more clothes to launder, they could definitely look at each other with affectionate wonder. Quite frankly, Anathii was not yet immune to the power that she had over him; which seemingly melted his walls of masculine pride, making his might get sucked away into he

r pupils. Leaving his musk trembling and his manlihood shooting up in a rapid surrenderance. 

"Baby boy, did you pen's might just flounder before me, I'll be back In a few secs, pull yourself together honey." She winked at him and turned around to walk away, ending the ticklish trail of her long nails against his pecs. 

"No, wait!" It was then when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, enough to make her nude torso clash into his. Ensuring that her her small pointy breasts made contact with his fairly fit chest, but even in her high heels she was about 1,77 and he stood at 1,86m so her breasts landed near his belly button. He then swallowed her upper waist in his hands before carrying her and placing her above the washing machine. A move which literally turned it on.

"I've always admired you Zanele," He entrapped her blushing chicks with his hands and gave her a baby kiss, "the way you walk gracefully and without qualm; styles and creativity licking from your vibrant womanhood, sexiness oozing from the very breath you exhale." Kissing her again, he injected syrups of intimacy in her mouth before hesitantly withdrawing his tongue from the smooch and leaving her in need of more and more of him." 

"We really shouldn't... I'm your boss." Eyes closed, bottom scarlet-lip hanging, her forehead against his, her inner thighs touching his legs whilst her hazy breath brushed against his upper lip; she inaudibly uttered as his arms dropped from her cheeks and encircled her waist, for nothing was more delicious than kissing and fondling her.


"Even If I am to be fired I'll forgive you with the uttermost understanding. Long as I've kissed thee, Zanele," he let his innocence take the fall. "I'll rather leave here a happy man." That's when he pulled back from the sexy body against his, grabbed the jacket on the other washing machine and turned around to walk away, leaving behind nothing but his scent of lust, whilst dawdling back towards his integrity.

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