3 Chapter 2

With my mom being taken away from me and me being absolutely in raged because I was powerless to stop it from happening. My grandmother tried to take me to a mental hospital, A FREAKING MENTAL HOSPITAL!!! Why would she do such a thing to me? Thankfully the stupid police officers that took my mom took me to see my supposed real family. I was not happy and I didn't even paid any attention to them when we met. There efforts to talk to me were in vain for I didn't want to hear, see or even smell the same air as them. When the police were not looking I stole a glance at a little child no more than 3 staring daggers in me. It was really uncomfortable having been stared at for thirty minutes straight. It was a little boy with sun colored hair and deep ocean eyes that if you looked at them it would feel as if you were being pulled in. He had chubby cheeks that gave one the urge to pinch them. He stared at me with such sparkling eyes that made me very uncomfortable. With all that he had he looked very adorable. The adults in the room who were talking didn't see the girl have a mischievous glint in her eyes. I decided to keep this little boy for he is very cute and gave of the feeling of a layol pup. Chloe would use this new toy- I mean pup to help her get her mother back. Even though she was little she was smarter than the kids in her class and she new that she needed allies that would help her and that she couldn't get her mom back by herself. Chloe decided to play along with this supposed family, they were supposed to be rich and if they are rich she will be able to get the things she need and some very strong allies if she played her role right. She would even mould her little pup into a ferocious wolf to others but a cute puppy for her to use and even have some quality time and fun with. After all I am still a child and I need to wear my energy out. So for a few years I played the good daughter and groomed the little pup to be super loyal to me. I even got the parents to spoil me rotten, they would do anything I say if I just gave them some cute puppy eyes. I leaned that from my brother. Also my brother's name is Dylan. The name quite suits him well if I do say so myself. He has this looks from his mother and his very striking golden hair from his father and his mother's deep ocean eyes. The mother is 5'6 and has a lean body. In her eyes she looks down on commoners. Before I forget the mother's name is Rebecca. The father is 6'2 and is very bulky and he towers over people like a mountain. He also has firery red hair. He gives off a very frightening aura unlike Rebecca who has a noble air around her. Again before I forget the father's name is Billy. That is how they look. O don't think that I look anything like them. I have wallnut hair with dark oak tree eyes and I am very short. I am not going to say that I am a midget. I am the right hight for my age. Just a little on the short side.

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