
Tower of god: lucky irregular

There isn't a synopsis yet, so just try it once. There will be one in the future tho . I don't own ToG and all credit goes to SIU. I don't own any characters in the series except the slight changes in the MC as it is based on Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa. I don't own the cover and if you're the artist, contact me if you want it taken down in the comments of the auxiliary chapter

Endless_snow · Komik
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4 Chs

Tests [1]

| 2nd Floor - Evankhell's floor |




'Hope and despair are always intertwined on the battlefield.'



'Hope comes, when you strike your opponent.'



'And despair comes when you lie down, bleeding on the red floor'



'But the tides can always change,

in a matter of moments'




'And that very same hope, can turn into utter despair.'



The regulars were interlocked in a fierce death match with each other.

Killing their enemies left and right. While also getting stabbed form behind and having their heads cut off.

And not far from the ensuing chaos, a boy was sitting on a rock, spectating the battle with great interest.

'As I thought, it's not the same world. Not at all. There are weird powers, alien creatures and all of them look very strong' He thought with a crazed smile.

But then a head came flying towards him, which he easily avoided by tilting his head to the right.

'Well, not all of them are 'that' strong. But it's fun to see the different kinds of 'hope' and 'despair'. Even such alien creatures feel the same as normal humans. It's fascinating.'

But out of nowhere, someone from behind attacked Nagito.

"NOW DIE!!" He screamed before stabbing his needle towards him.

But Nagito easily avoided the needle by leaning backwards. Then he grabbed the hand holding the weapon with his left hand and pulled him towards himself.

"Hmm? What's this? A needle?" He thought out loud while examining the unfamiliar weapon.

"AAGH!! LET ME GO!" The fat creature screamed.

It was brown in colour and had multiple eyes on his head. His body figure was quite chubby, making someone question how they would normally fight.

But Nagito complied to his request.

"As you wish." He let his hand go but snatched the needle from him and pierced his heart... Or at least where the heart should be.

"HAHAHA, you think that's enough to kill me! Try again youngster!" The fat ass mocked. And it worked as Nagito's veins began to bulge slightly.

"Hmm, with pleasure mister." He said while stabbing the abomination (in his eyes) multiple times.

But that just got a few laugh's out of the old fossil.

"Haha, youngsters these days, they are so impatient."

Nagito couldn't take it anymore and summoned his sword, and held it above his head, ready to cleave the creature's head off. Which startled the creature visibly as he started to sweat a little.

"Hey, now. Son, calm down. How about we get civil about this."

"You know, you remember me of an annoying uncle who talks shit about other people. You're also disgusting to look at. Get out of my sight." Nagito said in a cold voice while lowering his sword and ridding the world of the abomination (in his eyes).

"AH, yes. One seed of despair less. And one seed of hope has been planted in exchange." He said in a voice of bliss while his eyes started to swirl once again.

And at the moment, without Nagito's knowing, he was releasing a dangerous aura. Making the other regulars not even coming close to him.

'Holy crap, what a monster.'


'Time to leave.'

The others thought before quickly turning away, not even wanting to look in the maniac's direction.

But just as they were about to leave.


A body landed before them, presumably dead as it was bleeding from the head.

And form the smoke a figure appeared.

It looked like a feminine figure. She was wearing full-body tights and a mask covered in jewels. Her weapon was a staff and on both ends were some kind of weights attached to it.

When the dust finally settled, the regulars could see the whole figure. And everyone went quiet. It was so quiet that even Nagito had to stop his usual dialogue and focus up.

"What's this?" He asked while looking at the situation before him.

He saw the regulars looking at a figure and he followed their gaze, finally meeting the stare of the masked individual.

Then... a staring contest ensued between the two.




Everyone didn't dare to move a muscle, while the tension between the two was building up.

And even some of the previous lusting regulars were scared out of their wits. Until nagito finally broke the silence.

"SO, how many regulars are there left before the 200 mark has been reached?" He asked in a carefree tone while checking his pocket.

"{Visible mode}"


'The pocket can't just be a translator, it has to have more functions than that. First thing that I noticed is that they are graded. That means that the higher the grade, the more or the better the function are. And I assume the pockets kinda replace the phones on earth. So if I'm right....


And when Nagito saw what was displayed onto the pocket, he saw a number that was slowly descending.

"237 regulars remaining. And there are about 20 here. To achieve my hope just a bit faster... Let's speed up the process." He said while jumping down from his rock. And interestingly enough, the mysterious spandex figure did the same.

When he landed, he summoned his sword and cut off head of the first regular in his reach. Then he continued down the line. Evading any attack thrown at him while slashing the attacker in the process.

On the other side, spandex was hopping gracefully around the enemies while swing her staff at the heads of her enemies.

On the other hand, Nagito seemed to be flowing between the enemies, dodging, hacking, slashing, stabbing. It was crude, but effective.

The battle field was dyed in red and filled with the screams of the victims as the two killed off all the regulars. Not even sparing one.

And when Nagito was done with his surroundings, he saw one more figure standing at the other side with a needle in his hand pointing towards him.

Nagito had a crazed smile that was dyed crimson while beginning to accelerate towards him, but just in the middle of his lunge, a staff flew towards him. threatening to blow up his head if he didn't dodge.

'I can't make it!' He thought before...

He slipped on a rock...

And rolled a little further until he stopped.

Spandex seemed surprised but then pointed her weapon at the lying Nagito.

"So what happens next? You kill me?" He said while getting up. But spandex didn't stop him and just kept pointing her weapon at him.

'She isn't doing anything... What if I...'

He then tried to quickly turn around and lunge at the regular once again but spandex jumped over him blocked his advance once again.

"... Why are you doing this?" He asked but was met with silence.

They stayed like that for a while until finally...

"Mic test! Everyone stay where you are!! The first test is over now!!

All remaining regulars... Stop what you are doing and listen carefully!

Any regulars fighting from now on will be eliminated!"

This message got Nagito's attention as he was concentrating what the man was saying.

"To the 200 regulars who passed the first test... Congratulations to all of you!

It may seem a bit rushed, but a second test will be carried out right away!

The next test is really simple. Now here is the challenge for the second test!

The challenge is 'getting teammates'!!

There are 200 remaining regulars and among those who remain, find two regulars to be your teammates!

In short, the test is to make a team of three!

To be considered a team, you need to be touching some part of your teammate's bodies when the time limit is over!

For reference, we're giving you a five minute time limit!

If you don't make a team in those five minutes, you are eliminated!

Good luck."

Nagito then turned his attention to the woman who by now stopped pointing her weapon at him.

"I see now why you stopped me from killing another seedling. so wanna team up?"

The figure nodded to him before pointing towards the last remaining person in the blood bath.

"So you wanna join too?" He asked the last man and he nodded surprisingly confident.

"Alright, we still have about four minutes so how about we introduce ourselves. I'll start. My name is Nagito Komaeda. Nice to meet you." Nagito introduced himself before looking at his other teammates.

The man talked first.

"I'm Yung Changsoo, you are very skilled for looking like a brat. Pleased to make your acquaintance." He said arrogantly.

The man was a sly looking fair-skinned human with very dark hair that was tied into a flowing ponytail with one loose bang flowing down the left side of his face. He wore dark clothing that consisted of a sleeveless shirt as part of his attire.

Spandex just nodded at the two and didn't say a word.

"... Let's call you spandex for now. Pleasure to meet you."

Then Nagito checked his pocket and saw that five minutes had almost already passed.

"Alright, it's almost time. Better to start holding each other." Nagito remarked while pointing at his pocket.

And the other two did the same and checked the time, and nodded.

And as miss spandex was standing in the middle, both Nagito and Yung put their hands on her shoulder and waited for the test to finish.

"The second test is over!

Those who have made a team... Keep holding on to each other!

The three people holding each other at the moment are considered a team!

You'll be sent to the next test spot!"

But just as they were about to get teleported, Nagito heard a particular funny scream.




1635 words



Yung Changsoo


MAAN fighting scenes are so hard to write and I don't know if this one is good or not, probably not.

Has anyone got any tips for these kinds of scenes??

Hope you enjoyed and thx fr reading. Leave stones, comments and reviews if you like.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Endless_snowcreators' thoughts