
Tower of Babel: The Savior

Litch_Mei · perkotaan
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30 Chs

Core Operator · Soul Apostle - Maryse

Note: Only read once u have completed the newest chapter. More info will be add later on. It will scale with future chapter.

Image about her in the comment

Title: Soul Apostle

Name: Maryse Augustus

Gender: Female

Age: ?

Place of Birth: Melthis City

Date of Birth: ?

Rank: Material World

Grade: Metamorphosis

Race: Elf

Operator Position: Control / Auxiliary / Ambush

Milestone: High Elf


Description: A noble descendant of the Ancient Elf Family, born with extremely powerful spiritual talent. Normal people's thoughts have no place to hide in front of her. Her power that she cannot control also makes her aware of the dirty truth of the world.

Side information:

Body shape: 





Main attributes:

Body: 5

Presage: 68

Technique: 41

Secondary attributes:

Charm: 9

Loyalty: 2

Mood: 2


Egotism ( Her mood will increase when receiving additional rewards. Her Loyalty will lower when she sees other people receiving many rewards )

Extreme and Insane ( Mood fluctuates and is not fixed, during Auto state, she is more likely to trigger events )

Powers and Abilities:

Mind Reading (Mastery 100%)

Psychic Domination (Mastery 80%)

Item: Guardian Spirit ring - 1
