
Chapter 2: Genetics.

8 Months Later…

In one of the many bases of Orochimaru, Kabuto Yakushi looked at the glass tank in front of him. In it was the most prized genetic experiment of Orochimaru.

Naruto Uzumaki, the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi was in suspended animation. He had been subjected to many genetically altering experiments that would have been impossible to conduct on normal shinobi or human beings.

When he had arrived, his mind was full of some much life and yet his mind was broken because of the neglected of the village and being alone. So Orochimaru had use a jutsu to erase his memories.

The technique was used in such a severe level, that he lost all of his memories. He forgot all of the events that had occurred in his life. He did not his name, and those of his meager acquaintances that he had had once upon a time.

Orochimaru's aim in experimenting on him was to create the perfect shinobi. His body was being genetically engineered to peak levels. Knowledge of certain fighting arts was forcibly imprinted in his mind.

However, the ultimate pinnacle of his bioengineering skills was successfully proven when he managed to finally integrate the cellular samples taken from the corpse of the Nidaime Hokage into the boy.

As he had once failed to integrate the cellular structure of the Shodai who happened to be the elder brother of the Nidaime, in order to recreate the ability of Mokuton; Orochimaru had this time decided to take a more calculated and subtle approach. While not as powerful as his brother, the Nidaime was still a very powerful shinobi who ranked among the 5 most powerful ninja of all time. What Orochimaru intended to achieve was to give Naruto the same level of mastery the Nidaime had in his elemental abilities. The Nidaime had taken elemental chakra manipulation to the highest level biologically. His body had attuned itself and refined his two elemental natures of water and lightning particularly to the level where they were almost like a second skin to him. Added to the fact that he was also a master of Genjutsu was just an icing on the cake.

However, the operation was not without its side effects upon Naruto. While his regenerative abilities allowed him to survive the rigor of the operations, his body underwent drastic changes. His body structure changed and he now resembled a teenaged version of a hybrid of Naruto and the Nidaime. His hair was now a silver-white and resembled the ancient Hokage's hair. He also attained the distinctive red markings the Nidaime had on his face, and his whiskers were now gone. His eyes also became a lighter shade in of blue colored.

And to Orochimaru's immense delight, he displayed that he had indeed acquired the two elemental natures and they were rapidly beginning to evolve to the level of the deceased hokage. Orochimaru in his exuberance implanted the knowledge of some of the powerful water and lightning techniques he knew to the boy.

Today however, was a special day. They were about to initiate the final phase in the experiment, after which the boy would be removed from suspended animation and tested out.

As Kabuto looked up, he saw Orochimaru busy with a certain sealing array.

Orochimaru had decided that Naruto's mind was in a too fragmented state and it had to be renewed completely. Simply put, he was going to wipe the boy's mind completely, and leave his mind empty. He would be removed of all sorts of emotion, but, and this was the brilliant part, he would not be removed of rational thinking. In short, he would be nothing but a perfect fighting machine with unparalleled intelligence and a being devoid of most of the human emotions. This would, according to Orochimaru, in theory, mitigate any emotional damage the boy may otherwise undergo. The boy for all purposes would be what would be termed in scientific terms as a puppet with sentience.

Orochimaru had taken great pains to ensure that the Kyuubi didn't interfere in his work. However, he had not realized that the amount of experimentation he had done on Naruto would have actually destroyed the boy, if not for the Kyuubi's hastened regenerative abilities and that had had rather unexpected consequences, which he was about to find out soon.

As Orochimaru was nearing the end of his operations, suddenly the entrance to the room was blown wide open and the entire Akatsuki stepped in.

Madara Uchiha stepped forward, and spoke, "Did you really think you could hide him from us, Orochimaru? You were too busy in experimenting on your new pet, that you actually ignored us, as you will now learn to regret. Hand over the Jinchuuriki, and we will make your death is quick and painless."

Orochimaru scoffed and prepared to battle, however, he knew that his chances were slim. Therefore, he decided to awaken Naruto and field test him to even out the odds somewhat. However, in his haste, he forgot that his operation was still incomplete. He had finished the planting of memories and the removal of emotions; however he had not yet sealed the technique, which meant that although the boy had lost all emotions, he was not barred from learning them again. That would prove to be both a boon and a curse in the future for Naruto.

As the battle near them hastened, the Kyuubi which had been severely weakened made a rather rash decision.

"So, he is here, I must now hurry or else all will be lost. I don't know whether this will work. The seal forbids me, but it has now weakened thanks to the snake, and there is the faintest chance that this may work," it grumbled and began to unleash all its chakra.

As the fox began to unleash all its chakra, the combat in the room stopped. Madara tried to use his Sharingan to subdue the Kyuubi, however because of the condition that Naruto now was in, his Tsukuyomi was not even worth a damn, and therefore Kyuubi was not impeded.

The Kyuubi piled on tail upon tail of chakra, until it began to seep out through various forced cuts from the boy's body. The seal had until then prevented the Kyuubi from escaping from the boy's body, however, the weakening had dampened its effect, and the Kyuubi had theorized that although it couldn't escape from the area in which the seal was proscribed, it could in theory escape by forcing its way out of other areas of the boy's body. The success rate for this was well below 1 percent, but the Kyuubi was beyond caring.

It should have cared. The seal reacted, albeit lately and as soon as it sensed that a part of the Kyuubi's sentience leaking out, it clamped down.

So, in essence, the Kyuubi was now trapped between Naruto and the outside world, and as the seal had not expected this anomaly, it overloaded. Because of the augmented physical characteristics of the boy's body, thanks to Orochimaru's experimentation, the Kyuubi was forcibly ejected out of Naruto.

However, the chakra overload piled and imploded in itself creating a wormhole that began to suck everything in the area. Because, he was unconscious, Naruto was transformed into white energy and instantly sucked in and to the horror of everybody vanished.

However, as the very force that was tethering the chakra itself was cut off, the chakra had no recourse but to detonate. And so it did, the Kyuubi, Orochimaru and the entire Akatsuki, including even Madara and Pein were annihilated in what was termed forever in the shinobi world as 'the day of the white sun.'

The entire rice country was devastated by the explosion. Even though he was gone, the child of prophecy had brought balance to the world. However, his adventures were far from over. His new life was about to begin.

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