
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

War Against A Noble - [ Chapter - 28 ]

So then after a while of staying there and practicing her magic she was able to improve her control and strength of the magic so it was really good but she got tired very easily after a while of doing it.

Then she decided to take a break after a while and she wandered the cave for a little bit and then she decided to eat some of the plants again but she really didn't like the taste of it so she tried using a basic spell.

It was called "Flavor Change" it could change the flavor of any food but it would keep whatever nutrition it had so it was really good and Nari made it taste like a cupcake so it made her really happy to taste it again.

While she was eating Raych stumbled upon her so she then asked, "What are you doing, Hun?", Nari then said, "I'm just taking a break, I used up a lot of my mana controlling the ancient nature magic.".

So then Raych went up to her and asked, "Oo, I see your eating some of those plants, can I have some?" Nari started giving Raych some and said, "Sure." and then they were both eating it together.

But then Raych started talking and asked, "Why does it taste so good now?", Nari chuckled and said, "I changed it's flavor to taste like a food I know.", Raych then said while she continued eating, "Whatever it is, it sure is good."

Nari was really happy that she was eating together and after that she continued practicing her ancient nature magic and it was even better than before since she was able to absorb a lot more ancient nature mana.

After a while of practicing she made loads of improvements and now she could control loads of different elements in nature but she still couldn't move a boulder or create a huge hole to go into a cave like Raych.

So she continued practicing and while she was practicing she was controlling the water in the little lake and the vines on the walls and even tried creating pillars with the stones in the walls.

Then after a while she decided to take another break and during the break she decided to try and check what was causing the little room to be so dense in ancient nature mana and so she opened a little hole at the place she felt it from.

When she did this she saw loads of little green orbs in the hole she made in the wall she decided to take some of them and leave the rest and then she closed the hole again and then checked out the orbs.

Each orb had an enormous amount of ancient nature mana inside of them and so Nari decided breaking it like the other orb she found before and so she threw it on the ground shattering it.

Mana started to surround her but then her body started absorbing all the mana nearby and wasn't letting any get away so she then broke the other ones as well and she absorbed the mana of those ones as well.

Nari's mana increased by bounds and so she was actually able to get another mana ring around her heart and so she was extremely happy about that and so she started practicing all of it again.

And she continued working hard and kept practicing the magic until he got a message from her device and it was Kameko's voice saying, "Nari, come quickly, we spotted the baron searching the forest with guards.".

This made Nari extremely mad and so she went to Raych and said, "I'm sorry but my friend needs me.", Raych smiled and said, "It's okay hun, just make sure you make the plants taste the same as last time.".

She nodded her head and quickly activated the long distance teleportation and teleported herself near their house and looked sround to see if anyone saw her and quickly entered the tree and found the twins panicking.

Kameko quickly went to Nari and then asked, "So did you get stronger?" Nari chuckled and said, "Of course I did, now let's remove that weed from our forest." and then both of them went out with the twins and Asteria.

So then Nari got out and then shouted, "Baron! What are you doing in our land!", then the baron shouted back, "This is my territory! So it's my land! Not yours!", Nari shouted back, "The Duke already decided this! Stop it! Or else!".

The baron didn't even back down, Nari couldn't even decide whether he was just stupid or brave but it didn't matter either way because she decided that they would remove of them from their home.

Nari then used blink into one of the trees and saw that the baron actually brought weak guards with him and a bunch of mercenaries and she was finally able to decide that he was just stupid.

Then Nari blinked again and started restricting all of the people near the baron using the vines and then Kameko, the twins and Asteria walked out behind her and then the baron stuttered, "You didn't kill the star wolf! It's now going to kill you!".

Asteria then went closer to Nari and then Nari said to the baron, "No, Asteria wouldn't hurt me, I tamed it when I was tasked to kill it so are you sure you want to challenge us?" she then proceeded to release an intense amount of blood lust.

Even Kameko couldn't release that much blood lust but Nari made sure to only direct it at the baron so only people who were strong could feel the intense blood lust so the twins were perfectly fine.

The baron still didn't get the hint of what she said and then started shouting, "I am the baron! Kneel! You can't hurt me or you will have the entire empire after you!" Nari then went closer to him.

Then she said, "Like I said before I have the Duke backing us, so which side do you think they would take? You really think that they would care more of a baron than the Duke?" she said it as she released even more blood lust.