
Toad Stool

There was a person names Nari, she was just a regular person living her highschool life but she absolutely loves reading about fantasy. But sadly she died to over exhaustion in her school works but she was reincarnated to another world The new world was full of magic and swords just like what she read, she was excited to live her new life. But what's this? She was reincarnated as a frog? Well that won't stop her from living her new fantasy life to the fullest. So Nari starts her journey to learn all types of magic in this new found world she was reincarnated into, what will happen next? Continue reading to find out! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasi
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38 Chs

Mending The Treaty - [ Chapter - 32 ]

So then both Nari and Kameko started talking to each other and laughing after that they went back inside and asked Lia what they were going to do next and then she asked, "Are you two a thing?".

When she asked that Nari and Kameko looked at each other and started laughing and then Nari said, "Me? And Him? No, no.", Lia then smiled and looked at Kameko and Nari saw all of this and chuckled.

Then she whispered to Lia, "I'll help you." when Nari said that Lia started blushing but then after a while she became serious and then said, "We know which siren broke the treaty now and it was a variant.".

She continued and said, "The variant's name is Fin and the name of his variant is 'Blood Sirens' which are known for having an insatiable need for blood and war which is definitely something we should have stopped.".

After hearing that Nari then asked, "So are you going to try and repair the treaty between the sirens and mermaids?", Lia sighed and said, "Yes but it definitely won't be easy since we broke the treaty in the first place.".

So then after that they started forming a group that would ask for the treaty to be mended and so Kameko, Nari, the twins, Lia and a couple of variants were a part of the group that would try to repair the treaty.

They then started heading towards the mermaids' city and Nari saw a couple of control corals and so she ate them and she also saw the coral from the memories of one of the mermaids that had the melody mana.

Nari then asked, "What corals are those?", Lia then said, "Those a recording plants mostly mermaids use them to record them singing.", so then Nari went over there and ate a bunch of the coral and tried singing again.

This time she sang a song the song "Arirang" from her past life and when she sang it the wtaer started moving slowly and even the currents moved slower than they usually moved before but slowly it started to gain speed.

Then the currents started surrounding Nari as it spin around her the song she was singing held a lot of memory to her and then she tried controlling the currents and then pointed her right hand at a huge rock.

As she ended the song the current started spinning faster and fastwr then it moved to her right arm then the currents blasted towards the huge rock and then a huge hole was created in the middle of it.

When she sang it Lia, Kameko and the others were watching in awe and then Kameko went up to Nari them asked, "Wasn't that Arirang you just sang? It was really good!" he smiled and Nari said, "Thanks.".

After that the twins started running towards Nari and then said, "Sing! Sing! Sing!" Nari chuckled and them said, "Later." when she said that they looked extremely sad but then Rei asked, "Promise?".

She chuckled and said, "Yes, I promise." and then the twins started smiling again and started playing with each other while they wait and after that they continued to head towards the mermaids' city.

But then Lia went up to Nari while they were traveling and then she asked, "What song were you singing? The song had so many different emotions into it, first it was sad and slow but then it turned into happy and upbeat.".

Nari then chuckled and then said, "It was a song from my home." she said as she looked down with a sad look on her face, Lia saw this and was surprised but then tried to cheer her up and then saw they were near the city.

So then she says, "Look! We're here!" ans then when they looked the city wasn't that different from the siren's city but it just looked more lively and they could already hear mermaids singing from the outside of the city.

The moment they were near the city some mermaid guards appeared and then asked, "What do you sirens want with us mermaids?", then Lia went up to the mermaids and then said, "We would like to apologize and mend the treaty.".

When they saw Lia they treated her with respect like she was some sort of royal so Nari went up to Kameko and then asked him, "Is she someone with a high position?" when she asked that he looked confused as well.

He then said, "No, I'm not sure, let me ask her." so then he went up to Lia then he asked, "Why do they know you, Lia?" she then chuckled and then said, "Yeah, I'm the princess you know." she said with a smile.

Both Nari and Kameko were in awe at the fact that she was actually royalty but then Nari smiled and then went up to Lia and then whisper and asked her, "So you want to make Kameko the next king?".

She chuckled as Lia started becoming bright red so then Kameko asked, "Lia, are you okay? You look like you havw a fever." she calmed down and said, "I'm fine, no need to worry about me, let's go.".

So then they started heading into a really luxurious room and then Lia told the variants who followed them and she said, "You can stay here, this is a meeting between leaders, so there is no need for you yet.".

Then the guards were left to watch the twins as Lia, Kameko and Nari headed inside to talk to the mermaids about mending the treaty and the moment they entered there was a huge mermaid in the middle looking at them.

When Lia saw him he then bowed and said, "I bow to the avatar of Poseidon." and so Nari and Kameko bowed as well and then the avatar said, "So you want to repair the treaty?", Lia then answered, "Yes, it was our fault and we will take care of the one who broke it.".

After hearing that the avatar then said while releasing a huge amount of aura, "You have until today to complete it and if you are not able to do so, we will declare war on the sirens." and they bowed again then left the room.