
Online- Offline

The name "Edward" flashed on my screen. I was momentarily stunned.

It was the first time he ever texted me.

The goddamn effect it had on me.The palpitation of my heart was very unreal.

Slowly I tapped on his name and the chat opened.

"Hey....You resemble alot like Mrs.Maddy."

Just one sentence, yet it had a weird effect on me.

I was unsure how I should take this message as...

A friendly talk...but no Edward don't talk to girls...

He never has... no one has ever seen him talking alone with a girl.

But a very tiny, unused part of my brain - located at the base of medulla oblongata, where my subconscious dwells - came a thought- 'He obliviously likes you.'

I screamed at my overexcited subconscious for thinking such abnormality.

Gathering my courage, I replied, "Hey... Should I consider this as a compliment?"

Moments later, while I was busy staring at the screen, I could see him typing....

Excitement washed over me...

"Yes. You should."

I was little disappointed, by his one word, one sentence replies. Maybe my subconscious really was overthinking this...

Soon there was another text from him, "Actually, Devon first told me how you and Mrs. Maddy look so alike. Even I had to agree with it."

He clarified why he complimented me. Smart guy, he must feel that I was already overthinking about the text as an affection.

Devon is my college classmate, while he and Edward are school friends.

"Ahh yes, but how do I resemble to Mrs.Maddy? She is so gorgeous. I don't think I resemble her even in the tinest way." I texted back.

I saw him typing for a long time, then it stopped and then again he was typing....

My heart was beating in synchronization to his typing...


Beep.... another text from him.

"Well.... the way you both talk. The confidence level, joyful nature.." he texted after ten long minutes of torturing his keyboard as well as mine.

I had a stupid grin on my face. So he really did notice me in French class.

Oh dear heavens, I was already on cloud nine now..

"Thank you so much. It's the best compliment I have ever received " I hit the sent button with a heart emoji.

He didn't reply....

20 seconds...

30 seconds...

45 seconds..

60 seconds...

And beep, another message.

"I hope you don't see this as anything else. Just a compliment."

Aarggh way to go Tall man...

You have successfully ruined my mood...

I didn't reply him.

He was online.

I was online.

He went offline after fifteen minutes.

I went offline for the entire day....


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