
To love you better

As long as you love me. It was just,the life she lived was too mundane for her to experience the beauty of life. The rebirth not only brought another beginning but also the various colours of life with it. Jiang XueYue,the crown Princess of Pheonix Country,lived a life desired by many. She was the proud, elegant and cunning princess in the eyes of others. however, behind the tall, shining walls of the empire palace , what faced her was vicious cruelty, cutthroat plannings and hatred. Jiang XueYue failed to recieve the Basic love she longed for her whole life until she faced the end. At last,she lost everything. Her parents,her beloved family and the love she herself was the reason of death. Alas!! She, the crown Princess was reborn. To revenge the betrayal,to make her choices again and to live of love that she deserved.

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30 Chs

chapter 5: Greed.

The destructive aura coming from Jiang Xueyue astounded the people in the room. Especially grandpa Jiang and father Jiang, who experienced similar danger in battlefield .

To have this high vigilance at such a young age. What had their Little girl experienced to be in this state.

At military,this character would have surely been favourable for the individual yet this caused their hearts to rage.

The surface was glorious and to achieve this glory ,one must pay the price.

The price would cause excruciating pain mentally and physically.

Hundreds of agonizing scenes flashed through the minds of the Jiang family males and Mo Sicheng's that could result in a person becoming this wary.

At that moment, they visibly shook.

No matter how tough and fierce they were in the battlefields ,this girl was their most beloved family yet the girl was in this state.


Father Jiang ,who was standing closest to the bed, quickly helped his daughter up to sit up.

Madam Jiang rushed to her daughter side and embraced her gently while crystal droplets fell from her eyes.

"Mom, sister's arm is fractured."

Third young master Jiang, Jiang Xuesheng , reminded his mother worriedly. His mother was agitated and had hugged his sister's left arm ,which was fractured.

The reminder caused Madam Jiang to quickly back up and let go of the little girl who seemed frozen from the sudden touch.

Jiang Xueyue sat quietly ,unmoving.

The warmth of a mother's embrace seemed so surreal,so novel to her. The woman was the mother of this body's previous owner.

She looked around the room, taking in everyone's expressions. Their eyes held pure concern , heartache and adoration for her.

Jiang Xueyue suddenly felt irritated and jealous. She was again not the one they loved ,it was for the previous Jiang Xueyue ,their family member.

"My dear, mommy's sorry. She caused you pain again. Mom promises this won't happen again."

Everyone understood that the mother apologised for the pain ,she had indirectly caused to her daughter including this moment,and the pain from fourteen years ago.

The Zhou family only had two daughters, Zhou jinyang(Jiang Ying Yue's mother)

and Zhou jinlang(Jiang Ying Yue's aunt). The Zhou family used to be prosperous untill the, Head of the family, Master Zhou died, leading their family business to go bankrupt.

Old madam Zhou favoured her second daughter over the first one , resulting into always taking advantage of Jiang family to provide for her second daughter.

It was because of this drama,that had caused Jiang Xueyue her fourteen years of childhood away from her family.

After so many year, her Yue'er was severely hurt again.It was she, herself who had asked Jiang Xueyue to participate in the school's picnic so she could make friends yet it turned out to be like this.

"Mom doesn't need to apologise. Yue'er is not hurt, I'm alright."

Jiang Xueyue fell for her greed as she looked at the gentle mother , apologising over and again to her daughter. She was unable to see, a mother crying. Only she knew how she craved fir a moment of familial love yet now when she had it , though not her's. She wanted to be greedy for this once and live this moment of warmth she could never forget.

"Grandpa, Grandma, Father, Mother, First brother, Second Brother,Third brother."

Jiang Xueyue greeted with what seemed polite yet slightly distant as she memorized the identities of her family members in her mind. After greeting everyone one by one she met the gaze of the man standing a bit far whose attention was solely on her.

At this moment,she realised how great it felt to have people around oneself,who loved you dearly.

Mo Sicheng stood looking at the little girl as she changed from vigilance to surprise then from warm to soft.

The girl was clearly a 17 years old little girl, supposed to be pampered, spoiled and loved yet the girl's clear eyes looked so serious and mysterious at this moment.

"I'll go get you something to eat."

Mo Sicheng said realising this girl has probably not eaten for a whole day day. The school students were held captive on their way back returning home when their bus was hijacked to threaten the political figures with their children.

The Wei High school was established by one of the most prominent families of R country. The school worked acted as a network chain for the main families to socialize. Their education was considered top-notch and most children attending this school came from special backgrounds.

The higher-ups of the illegal organization came to know about their mission, resulting them into retaliate in this manner. It was a failure from their parts. Fortunately, they had planted spies which made them able to counter the situation at the right mind. Otherwise,chaos would surely have erupted if any of those students were to loss their lives.

Mo Sicheng gave a final look to the girl ,still staring at him,with profound emotions swirling in the ocean of her eyes.

He wanted to let the family talk things out. They clearly cared yet were awkward in expressing themselves and their love. However, given the girls earlier fond behaviour towards her family,he knew things would change for better.

Jiang XueYue's eyes followed the figure of the man till it was out of the door before diverting her attention back to her family member's.

"Little girl, you should rest more now so you can grow taller quickly or do you plan to be this short forever"

Jiang Xuesheng spoke again,to ease the slight awkwardness between the family member's.

"I'm not short"

Jiang Xueyue spoke assertively . She ,the princess was secretly most sensitive about her height being commented on in her past life. Granny Su who followed her since her birth said , her biological father was weirdly sensitive of his height too. she seemed to have taken after her biological father in this trait of her's.