
To love you better

As long as you love me. It was just,the life she lived was too mundane for her to experience the beauty of life. The rebirth not only brought another beginning but also the various colours of life with it. Jiang XueYue,the crown Princess of Pheonix Country,lived a life desired by many. She was the proud, elegant and cunning princess in the eyes of others. however, behind the tall, shining walls of the empire palace , what faced her was vicious cruelty, cutthroat plannings and hatred. Jiang XueYue failed to recieve the Basic love she longed for her whole life until she faced the end. At last,she lost everything. Her parents,her beloved family and the love she herself was the reason of death. Alas!! She, the crown Princess was reborn. To revenge the betrayal,to make her choices again and to live of love that she deserved.

Vrij_9 · Fantasi
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30 Chs

Chapter 15 : Going home.

From the conversation,the family discovered that Yan Yixing was originally from Guangzhou province . The girl was a single parent child with only her mother raising her. Yan Yixing disclosed her biological father was was death when she was only a year and half years old and since then only had her mother.

Yan Yixing's mother followed her maternal surname and her name was Xie Yilan.

Yan Yixing's revealed her mother was a doctor in Guangzhou. The pair of mother and daughter were in the capital this time to visit their Yan Yixing's step grandmother.

Two days ago , Yan Yixing's step aunt,who was the first born child between the master of the family and his second wife,had called Xie Yilan informing her of Madam Xie's critical accident leading them into coming here.

However,who would have thought when they finally rushed over the capital, they ended up finding Madam Xie all well, obviously healthy and happy.

Yan Yixing described how her mother had rushed in ,all anxious in the hospital only to disappear for almost two hours. The child was unable to discern the reason of her mother's absense as she was asked to sit outside in the garden by her mother and was unable to accompany her mother.

"I asked.... hiccup!....the nurse sisters..here,sob,..but...but they can't find mother."

At the end of her speech,the girl unconsciously started sobbing and crying as she was reminded of her mother's absense.

Jiang Xueyue quickly went up to embrace the little girl in am attempt to calm her down. She let the girl cry it out as she continuosly patted the girls tiny back in order to help with the child's unsteady breaths and hiccups.

The girl had maintained a strong front all this while, not once crying or wailing despite being obviously immensely anxious about her mother. Finally, at the mention of it all , she could no longer hold her worries as she sob softly.

"Sweetheart, don't cry anymore. We will definitely find your mother. But for now, you'll have to eat your food . So, when your mother comes,she will see you all healthy and bright, alright. Come,eat. See it's all tasty food."

Madam Jiang gently coaxed as her eyes too watered looking at the tiny frame of the girl trembling continuously as she cried.

She could only try her best to keep this small angel safe and happy till the child's parent returned.

"Let's go clean up your face and hands then eat our food,okay."

Jiang XueYue quickly followed while lifting Yan Yixing with her left hand to take her to the washroom. Though it felt not as convenient as the right arm,it was still alright fir her to lift a child as small as Yan Yixing,who was no older than seven years old.

While Jiang XueYue took the child to the washroom, Jiang Xuesheng helped setup the table ,and serve the dishes which mainly consisted of meat dishes and rice for everyone and meat porridge for Jiang Ying yue.

As it was still early noon and lunch time, the Jiang family still had to have their lunch. However,the family was in no mood to eat when they heard of the child's matter , leading them to rush to the hospital without eating their food.

It took Jiang XueYue and Yan Yixing some time to come out of the bathroom as they seemed to have had a good conversation in there.

The group had their lunch as they occasionally filled the child's bowl with meat. Jiang XueYue didn't sulk over the plain food anymore which no one knew the reason of. It might be as she was too embarassed after yesterday's incident when she was caught red handed or she was just used to the food after few days.

As they ate, Jiang XueYue put forth the idea of her discharge. It was better for them to be home as it would be more convenient for them to look after the child and she had more or less recovered from her external injuries.

After much discussion,the family agreed seeing the child's closeness to Jiang Xueyue and the attending doctors consultation about her rehabilitation.


After the families lunch,Mo Sicheng went to deal with the discharge procedures while the ladies of the family helped pack up.

Old Madam Jiang suggested going for shopping for both Yan Yixing and Jiang XueYue. To which the males didn't show much enthusiasm, planning to hear straight home.

Despite each of them having matters to attend to, they decided to deal with the recent fiasco in the house before fulfilling the work related matter as they could afford to be delayed.

Thus, Old Master Jiang and Master Jiang went home to discuss about the investigation of Yan Yixing's mother's case while the eldest two Jiang brother's went to contact people in Guangzhou province team police station.

Mo Sicheng and Jiang Xuesheng accompanied the ladies for convenience sake.

Jiang Xuesheng drove Old Madam and Madam Jiang while Jiang XueYue along with Yan Yixing chose to travel with Mo Sicheng to the mall.

The journey from the hospital to the mall was not much but the afternoon traffic took some time as they had to wait for over twenty minutes on few signals.

However, it was quite comfortable as it was still winter and the afternoon heat made it better, leading the weather to be especially cozy and nice. Jiang XueYue accompanied Yan Yixing in the back seat while Mo Sicheng drove the the car.

Nothing special occurred inbetween the journey as all three of them remained quiet except for the occasional remarks here and there.

"You guys, it's not ideal to flirt in the presence of a child. You know?"

Yan Yixing remarked with a slight pout with her little arms on her hips akin to an old nagging women. Those dark brown innocent eyes of her's shown with rare mischief, teasing the adults curtly.

After spending time with the others in the hospital,the girl had grown closer to them as she understood their kindness towards her. Henceforth, showing her childish and casual side as she felt secure.

Mo Sicheng and Jiang XueYue exchanged glances a several times through the rear view mirror as if communicating with each other which was caught by the observant little girl, leading them to be mocked by this little granny.

"Are you jealous that you have no one to flirt with." Mo Sicheng shamelessly retorted back with a snort, not at all being embarassed while Jiang XueYue sat froze in her seat, shocked by the exchange between the nonchalant man and the blunt child.