
To Love And To Loathe

When Tara agreed to the marriage of convenience between her family and that of the Blackwaters she didn't know what to expect nor did she have an opinion about it being the only child of her father. It was common knowledge amongst children from Mafia families that they were not free to marry just the way they like, it would always be with proper consultation and strategy to ensure the marriage was a form of reinforcement for the family. Power comes before Love. However, as the saying goes not all that glitters is Gold. The Blackwaters coated their words with gold but underneath them were plans to have revenge. Revenge shattered the world of Tara who had completely fallen in love with Lakan against the advice to be always watchful. For the sake of the true love she had in her heart the universe decided to reward her with another opportunity to be watchful but how does she go about it when she is still struggling with the fact that the death of every member of her family still seems like a dream to her? Excerpt. Tara walks into his office with uncertainty in her heart. She wasn't sure of what to expect but was sure it would surely contain some secrets after all why would he say "Of all the rooms in this house my office is out of bound to you. You should never find yourself inside even by mistake " Those were the clear words he gave to her from the day of their marriage and she had always heeded those words. But not today. she was determined to find clues that Lakan and his family were making plots against her family. She has made it her life assignment since that dream or since she came back in time. she was still yet to conclude on that. She noticed a red file on the table, the only one with that color, and headed straight for it. "Do you have a death wish? She heard a cold voice ask from behind her. Fear gripped her as she turned slowly, she already knew who it was. There he stood staring at her with a fierce look on his face, his cold eyes penetrating her heart. How could he have entered without making a sound? And I thought he was sleeping. " Do you have a death wish? He repeated this time advancing toward her with steady steps his eyes not looking away for one second. She swallowed hard and wondered what possible lie would save her right now or if this was the end for her.

Delta_Line · perkotaan
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28 Chs

At the hospital

Tara couldn't believe what had happened. She was in shock through the whole process of taking Lakan to the hospital. Everything happened so fast, they just finished taking their vows and were officially married before the incident occurred.

From all indications the bullet was meant for her but she could not think of anyone who would want her dead.

"Your son will be fine, the bullet didn't hit any vital organ " a doctor announced as he came out of the theater where the bullet was removed.

"Thank you Dr. Brain " Mr. Blackwaters thanked the doctors holding him by the hands it was obvious that they were close friends. It has been the only word she has heard him say since they arrived at the hospital.

At the hospital were Mr. Blacwaters, his wife, and his elder sister Jezebel. Around Tara were her mother and Sharon. Her father had left saying he wanted to take care of something. Apart from Martha who shed tears, every other Blackwater were all dried eyes. Tara noticed they all tried to hide their emotion, it was now she understood where Lakan learned that behavior from.

"You can go inside to see him but right now going together will not be healthy maybe one at a time "The doctor suggested to which Mr. Blackwater went inside immediately. It was obvious that he cared deeply for his son.

" You should thank your stars that my brother is okay if not you would have gone to the other world with him" Jezebel spat out the moment her father was out of sight as she turned to face Tara with anger in her eyes.

"What are you trying to say? Tara replied looking at her with a confused look.

" Is it not obvious that he is in this present state because of you? If he had not foolishly sought to protect you he would not be lying down on that bed. Besides whoever came for you must have a quarrel with your family and he was dragged into it" Jezebel lashed out

Tara kept quiet for w while when she heard those words. To some extent, she knew this was true but who could have sent an assassin to harm her? She could remember clearly that nothing like this happened when she had her marriage for two years. So what could have changed in just a little time that she came back?

"Until the culprit is found you cannot accuse her of anything. Who knows this may have been an enemy from your family side who just wanted to disrupt the marriage " Sharon spoke out in defense of her friend when she noticed Tara was speechless.

" That can be true " Tara replied nodding her head in agreement

"We need to get to the root of this whole issue as soon as possible so we can draw the right conclusions but for now let's focus on the fact that my son is fine " Mrs. Blackwaters spoke out for the first time making everyone calm.

Jezebel scoffed and said nothing to them.

Mr. Blacwkaters came out and next was his wife. He had a relaxed look on his face. A signal to Tara that there would be nothing to worry about. He barely exchanged words with anyone as he headed straight for the office of the doctor.

Tara was relieved about one thing he didn't share the same sentiment with his daughter or he didn't show it for now. He is one of those people she had made up her mind to watch closely. He hardly talks but whenever he does his words always carry great importance like when he ordered for her to be killed. Remembering that part sent some cold chills through her body. The quiet ones are the worse of them.

As she was in her thoughts Mrs. Blackwaters came out too and Tara made into immediately. she could no longer wait.

"Where do you think you are going " Jezebel called out to her before she could enter through the door.

"I am going in to see my husband, is it not obvious? Tara replied irritated by the question from Jezebel.

" I should be the one going in next what is wrong with you?" Jezebel asked with annoyance as she felt Tara was determined to undermine her authority with the slightest opportunity.

Without saying a word to her Tara walked inside. She was determined to put everyone either their place. It was not like she mind being the last person to enter but she just needed this opportunity to make a statement.

When she entered inside, she noticed Lakan was lying down with a bandage around his shoulder. He was speaking softly with a nurse that was attending to him. On seeing Tara his face lit up with a smile which he quickly suppressed with a frown.

"I was not expecting to see you now," Lakan said observing her.

"I guess you were expecting it would be four senior sister next coming in, sorry to disappoint you," Tara said waving her hands.

"I am not disappointed just surprised that they would allow you to come in first" he replied as he made to sit down, Tara quickly moved to his side to assist him.

"Oh she didn't allow me actually, I came in against her protest " Tara informed him so he would know what she did.

He wanted to talk but paused briefly as he stared at her in disbelief.

"What is wrong? Tara asked wondering why he was staring.

" You have changed a lot, all the time we went out together even when I went around introducing you to members of my family you never raided your eyes one day to look at them. But now you have changed, you are even confronting my elder sister. Have you been pretending? Lakan asked looking at her this time with a suspicious look on his face.

It was one of those questions that Tara was prepared for but one whose answer she knows would not be convincing beside she knew another question will be coming.

Which is "who would her dead?"