

{WARNING: MATURE CONTENT} Looking into his eyes Mahina said: "It's the must humble of all stars. Never seeking attention. never attracting attention. She is just there glowing; in ways we may never understand. She doesn't hurt you when you stare at her for too long, she understands humanity better than anyone else. She is accommodating, compared to the sun." Alba hugged her from the back and asked; “What about me? Am I like the moon?" somehow, Mahina couldn't lie to Alba, she found herself telling him the truth of what she thought of him: "No! you are like the sun" In her dreams, Mahina always hoped for the little things of life like friendship, traveling round the world and living the dream of being an accomplished journalist, who would have thought that she would meet with a dragon king from another planet and even fall in love with him? Instagram account: tima_greg_96 The cover is not mine. I will take it down if the owner complains.

Illumina_Gregory · Fantasi
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411 Chs


Mahina was preoccupied going through the internet searching for the CEO of Elites Daily Health Media company. While she was also listening to the music player playing her favorite song. She got distracted when her phone Buzzed. She picked it up swiftly from beside her and answered without looking at the details;

"Hello! Miss Mahina here!" her voice was sonorous to the caller and she was slightly smiling when she answered the call.

"Hey Mahina it's Finn..." on hearing the voice of the caller her smile turned upside down. Mahina was brewing with anger inwardly at the sound of Finn's voice as it brought back dark memories. Memories of the two of them being together flooded her mind, somewhere along her line of thoughts she remembered her mother and how terrible she must have felt when her father cheated on her. She might not have understood the feeling when she was young but she definitely did after Finn crashed her world.

"What do you want?" she asked him out rightly without wasting time.

"Finn?... How dare you call my line? what do you want from me?" she was obviously annoyed from the sound of her voice. She made a fist as she tried to keep her emotions in check.

"I am sorry Mahina! I am sorry! I am so sorry" listening to how sad she was from her voice he apologized frantically.

"What are you sorry for exactly?" Her voice was wobbly, she was about to cry, but was doing her best to keep all her emotions in check. She wiped the tears that fell silently from her eyes as she listened.

"For everything... for letting you down..." His voice was croaky, he cleared his throat and coughed. He sounded somehow sickly, Mahina could tell.

"I don't care... that was all in the past...What do you want from me?" she asked him again.

"I need to tell you something important" he answered her.

"What is it" She asked, her voice was dead, devoid of any kind of emotion.

"I can't tell you over the phone" He explained further. "We need to meet" the phone fell silent for a while before he answered; "It's really important"

"What do you mean, meet? When I don't want to ever see your face again." She replied him honestly without hesitating.

"I am dying!" the phone went off and she received a message. She opened it angrily and saw that it was from Fin;

'Mahina! I just wish you would give me an opportunity to talk to you before it's too late. My memories of you are what keeps me going. The plush sword fish, you gifted me on my birthday, the antic ring we got for each other, the painting you made of me and the word puzzles. They are all that helps me sleep at night. Nobody is perfect and I am certainly not. Even if you don't love me any more... please let me see you one more time."

Mahina was full of emotion, she couldn't contain it any more. Out of anger she smashed her phoned against the wall.

"The nerve of the fucker to dial my line... who cares if he is death. Is it because he is about to die that he is full of remorse for all his foolishness. I don't give a damn about what happens to him... he can go to hell for all I care" she regretfully packed pieces of her scattered phone from the floor. She stared at her once good phone one last time before putting it away in a plastic disposable bag. She picked up an old android phone from her locker and fixed her sim-card inside. She murmured to herself as she strides back to her bed;

"The nerve of the fucker. After all the heart ache, the humiliation... fucker!"

Dora had just arrived home, when Mahina was having a phone call with Finn and she overheard their conversation and Mahina's reaction after wards. She was happy at her friends befitting reply to the fucker. She never knew that her friend had it in her to be that expressive, so she felt impressed by Mahina's new found courage. She was so happy with Mahina that she rushed out of the house to go buy drinks for them to celebrate. Although she was a bit concerned about the aggressive part of Mahina destroying her phone. It was unlike Mahina, but that was what made her happy that her friend for once left her comfort zone, to stand up for herself.

Mahina was still going through the internet to find a picture of the CEO of Elites Daily Health Media Company, which she was finding it impossible, since there was little to no information about him online. While she sat in a yogi posture on her bed looking blank, Dora entered the room with two bottles of sake wine. Mahina was suddenly excited at the sight of her friend's hands. She jumped down from the bed and took the glasses from her hands and sat on the floor excitedly. Looking up at Dora, she asked;

"What is the occasion? What are we celebrating?" her voice was fruity and she had a cute smile painted on her face

"Do I need a reason to celebrate with my friend?" Dora was feeling smug as she answered Mahina. She opened the wine and poured it into their glasses.

"No! no, it's just unlike you to buy drinks for us without a reason" Mahina explained sounding a bit confused by the gesture.

"Ha ha! Ha!" Dora giggled hysterically before she answered; "well you are right... I am excited because you stood up to that fucker Finn. I am so proud of you... so, I just had to go buy this so we can celebrate" Dora explained as they clink their glasses together in cheers.

"He wants me to meet up with him because apparently something happened to him and he is dying" she explained blankly to Dora. Dora noticed her blank words and realized that something must have come over her friend. Mahina was the kind of girl to see a person, who once pointed a gun at her head in trouble and still want to help them. So, Dora was really confused by her sudden cold behavior. Although she was happy earlier, she is now a bit worried for her friend.

"Are you going?" Dora prodded Mahina further, in a crafty way to get her real feeling out

"Nah, not in this life, not ever." She sounded determined

"That's good. Let him die with his crushed conscience for all you care" Dora gulped down her whisky in one gulp. Her eyes were fixated on Mahina searching for her feelings, but she couldn't make out any sort of emotion from her.

"Forget about it... let's talk about something worthwhile" Mahina changed the topic. Nothing about her ex-boyfriend excited her anymore. He is nothing but a thorn in her sight. She had enough of people stepping all over her, she wasn't going to allow that anymore. It's said that before a knife is sharped, it takes a lot of hammering, and Mahina has taken enough of hers to be sharp enough. She gulped down the content of her glass in one go.

"Yeah! Uhm about your interview how is it coming up" Dora moved with the flow after realizing Mahina's lack of interest in talking about Finn.

"Can't find the man anywhere on NET, it's frustrating. It's like he is some sort of alien, or something... I don't know!" she answered smiling. They both chuckled together.

"Alright don't worry, I think I might be able to help." Dora collected her laptop and started working on it, searching the NET for the CEO. Mahina folded her hands under her chin and studied Dora thoughtfully. The girl is blessed with Talent and intelligence. She is good at almost everything, must especially computers. Mahina wondered why Dora is not interested in getting a proper job. While they were at it, Mahina's phone suddenly rang. She picked the call and answered, while she spoke to the person her facial expression lite up. She looked cheerful. Dora became cautious. Mahina got up suddenly from the ground and said;

"Dora I have to go somewhere, please don't wait up for me, I might be late." She took off her clothes and changed into something casual. She wore a bum short and a dress shirt over her crop top with a simple sneaker shoes to match and rushed out of the building. Dora wagged her head and murmured;

"Just when I thought we were making progress... she dashes my hope to the pigs to trample on."

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