
A New Start

A new life...everything was supposed to be perfect...

The leaves were set ablaze by the autumn sun, and the wind slithered through the still-green blades of grass. A faint scent of apples came from the orchards, rising on the breeze. I smiled to myself. A new start. A new school. No one knows me here. Here, I don't have to pretend anymore. Here, I could be myself. I could be free.

The tips of the towers were just barely visible over the rolling hills. The flags ripples in the wind and the windows shimmered. It was starting to feel like home already.

Lost in my daydream, I continued down the path, and...

next thing I know, the ground was rushing toward me.

"Watch it!"

I stood up and turned around. "I'm sorry, that was my fault..." I trailed off. A boy my age reclined in the bench. It turns out I had tripped over his outstretched legs.

"You really should stay off the path though," I added.

He looked me up and down. "You're new here aren't you?"

"Yes." I folded my arms. "Why?"

" Well then you might want to pay more attention. Making a fool out of yourself isn't the best first impression. You're not going to earn yourself a place here, and especially not by tripping over a Walder."

He stood, turned, and disappeared in a flash of red light. I frowned. If all Walders were this rude, this was not going to be an easy year.