
To Be Crowned

When Darnley mentions that the Crown is going through Confusion and sends the letters to twenty soldiers, everyone is ready with their weapons. But due to unfortunate circumstances, the four of them have to work together. And they know there will be backstabbing at point. After all, there is only one Crown.

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8 Chs


The sound of swords clashing with each other could be heard loud and clear in the isolated garden. And there was the heavy thumps of feet, movement of stiff clothes, and sweat dropping to the ground. The birds, animals and even the river stilled to watch them.

The fight was over just as it started. There was a figure that lay fallen on the floor, as the other stood firmly, her sword just an inch away from his chest.

"I surrender", Leon wheezed out.

Nova kept her position a few more seconds, before pulling her sword away and putting it back in its sheath. She walked away from him and sat on the wooden bench, thirstily gulping down water.

"You know, you should go easy on me, Nov."

"Then it wouldn't really be training now, would it? It would totally destroy the purpose of our everyday sparring. And not to mention, your lung capacity is as bad as... never mind. I seriously don't know what to compare it with."

"Jheez, learn to spare a man and his ego sometimes."

"I think I am being rather helpful. You have too much ego."

"True that."

He walked over and joined her on the bench, grabbing her water bottle. His face scrunched up in disappointment as he realized the bottle was empty.



"I... eh got the letter."

Surprise flashed through Nova's caramel eyes. She had all the reasons to be surprised. Leon wasn't a very skilled fighter, if he could be called one at all. Even after she spent two years training him, his improvement was hardly visible.

All she could do was pray that he had no interest in the Crown. That would turn them into... enemies.

Leon brushed his ginger hair with his hands, making it unrulier than it already was. "I think I'll give it a shot." He gave a goofy smile that contrasted with the determination in his eyes.

Nova didn't quite know what to say. He had never been determined at something in particular, the fear of failure always wrapping him in it's cold arms.

And now... just as he found his will, she had to barrage on his dreams. They were used to clashing swords for training, now they would have to clash swords to kill.

"You know we would have to fight, don't you? And I am not forfeiting. I'm pretty sure you know my reasons."

Leon hung his head low in shame. "I know. I am sorry, but I have to do this."

Nova nodded, her expression hard. "Very well. It was nice when we could enjoy each other's company, and spend times in laughter. I am proud to have been your teacher these past years."

Leon raised his head and looked at her with remorse. "I am really sorr-"

Nova shook her head, indicating him to stop. There was no need for apologies. They never seemed to fix anything.

She used one of her hands to hold his shoulder. "Don't expect me to spare your life if we are ever forced to battle. I taught you to be a fighter. Goodbye and best of luck."


She lay on her bed, throwing daggers at her wall. Her gaze was pointed upwards, but the sound of them hitting the walls told her where each of them were. She was very tired; her body begged her to succumb into a deep slumber. But she couldn't do that. It would mean coming face to face with those awful memories.

A sigh escaped her mouth.

She hadn't slept for six consecutive days. Her dark-as-night-skin helped to make her eye bags seem less visible. Her big body was the evidence of all the sugar she took to keep her wide awake.

Maybe she could sleep now. Maybe today her tiredness would prevent her mind from venturing into the dark parts of her memory.

But no matter how simple one's wishes might be, the universe always had an obstinate will to destroy them.

The vision streamed into her head, spiralling like black smoke.

"Mama!" A small figure yelled, running towards her. "Mama, look what I have!"

Nova crouched down to be on eye level with the little girl. Maisie's face was pink with running around in the fields all day long. No matter how much Nova asked her to come back home, she insisted on playing a bit more.

Her tiny, chubby arm held a Petrified green frog on its palm.

"Oh my!" Nova covered her mouth with her hands. "Did you do this yourself?"

"Yes!" She nodded vigorously, her blond hair moving with her. "I moved my hand in front of the froggie, and it just froze. It was jumpin-"

Slowly Maisie's voice faded. Now her vision was replaced with another scene that started out fuzzy and eventually became clearer.

Her hands were on her lap, a shivering mess. There was blood everywhere. The blood on the floor dripped down from her hands. Blood spreading from around the limp body lying limp, unmoving on the ground; her once blond hair now tainted with red...

Nova jolted up from her bed, sweat dripping down her back, her eyes wide. No matter how many times she saw the same visions, she never got used to them. It dug up too many memories- the nice ones and the harsh ones.

Darnley snatched away her most loved thing. Now it was time she did the same to him.